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Приорити Вине Пасс: Попусти у 400+ винарија у Напи, Сономи, ЦА, ОР и ВА

Купите пропусницу, а затим попуните наш образац захтева за консијержа. Затим можемо да вам пошаљемо листу препорука на основу ваших преференција (уклањање стреса из планирања). Такође чинимо да ваш буџет иде много даље тако што ћемо вам обезбедити снижене или бесплатне дегустације и/или побољшана искуства
Цити: Napa & Sonoma
Sat 21 Sep
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $60.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $60.00
Шта је укључено
Попусти на хотеле.. радимо са неколико хотела и добијате 15-25% попуста
Примите бесплатну услугу консијержа (помажу да одаберете винарије за вас на основу ваших преференција)
Препоруке возача..ми знамо неке од најбољих возача и можемо вам помоћи да резервишете код њих
Бесплатно групно планирање..помажемо да одаберете винарије за вас које примају велике групе
Добијате попусте у 400 винарија у Калифорнији, ОР и Вашингтону који су добри годину дана од датума куповине
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се за трудне путнице<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (28)
Christine F
Oct 2021
I urge you to purchase the Priority Wine Pass – order it online. For $50 dollars you will be able to get 2x1 tastings in many wineries (just buy 1 – remember, it is 2x1, right?) as well as discounts. The PWP is good for one year AND it also works in a few wineries in Washington state. The PWP people (JAMIE!) will help you plan the trip with your input about daily budget and types of wine. We would have floundered aimlessly without their assistance. Next, nowadays in the time of Covid-19 it is necessary to make reservations. DO THAT BEFORE YOU LEAVE ON YOUR TRIP! Same day or the day before don't work. Bear in mind that you flash the PWP on site - you cannot book reservations with it. this is clearly stated in the instructions. Also, realize that although you think tastings (about 2 oz. per glass) are puny; remember that you taste a flight equaling about 1 glass. Then you most likely will buy a glass each. If you do 2 tastings + 2 glasses daily that equals approx. 1 bottle of wine per person and believe me, you WILL feel it! Quick tip - Plan your route and schedule no more than 2 or 3 wineries daily. Most open around 10 a.m. and close around 4 or 5. ENJOY!
Scott J
Oct 2021
Do not purchase! Could not use the pass when trying to book reservations for wine tasting. Tried to get help from the company and got absolutely no responce. Would like to say Customer service is horrible but in order to say that would have to have Customer service
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2021
Hi Scott, Im really sorry to hear this as our team values customer service most of all. There is a chance your email has gone into our spam account as it is very unlike our team to not respond. Did you reach out to [email protected] and hello@prioritywinepass? I can have those both checked to assist further but again I feel like it was not received. I would be delighted to help with a trip in the future to make up for the poor first experience. Also, for reference when making reservations, I know some reservation platforms charge up front and the wineries refund you once you arrive for the tasting. We look forward to showing you the customer service you were hoping for during your next trip.
Sep 2021
We purchased the Priority Pass for our first time visiting the wineries of Napa and Sonoma. There are many wine passes out there but this one is the best deal because it covers wineries in both areas (as well as many other wine regions.) Wine tasting fees, especially in Napa, can be exorbitant (the average fee is around $40 but some wineries charge upward of $100!) We visited 15 wineries in our week stay and saved almost $300 with the Priority Pass. Look around and you can also find discounts on purchasing the pass (we got a great deal with Groupon.) If you are looking to visit the big name wineries, then this pass won't help you. However, it does include MANY wineries and chances are, any winery you hit in this area is going to have good wine. Do your research and you will find some off-the-beaten-track hidden gems (our favorites were Hans Fahden and Auburn James in Napa and St. Francis in Sonoma.) The pass also offers discount on other services (restaurants, wine train, bike rentals, etc.) I would recommend this pass to anyone - especially first-time visitors - spending more than a couple of days in Napa and Sonoma.

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