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Приватни алл инцлусиве трансфер од аеродрома у Њујорку

Зашто се оптерећивати чекањем непоузданих таксија или шатл трансфера до прометних њујоршких аеродрома? Обезбедите безбрижност приватним трансфером од свог смештаја на Менхетну до аеродрома Џон Ф. Кенеди у Њујорку, Лагувардија или аеродрома Њуарк и стигните до аеродрома опуштено и у право време за свој лет!<бр><бр>Услуге трансфера су доступне 24 сата дневно дан, 7 дана у недељи. Изаберите луксузни седан трансфер за три особе, трансфер ВИП спортско теренско возило (СУВ) који удобно превози до пет путника или комби који може да прими до 9 путника. Возила имају елегантан и простран ентеријер и сачекаће вас и испратити вас професионални шофер.<бр><бр>Цена је све укључена са укљученим локалним порезима, напојницама и путарином.
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Mon 24 Feb
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $169.50
Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $169.50
Шта је укључено
Приватни трансфер у једном правцу
Наплата путарине
Накнада за загушење (где је примењиво)
Локални порези
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивои физичке спремности<ли>Трајање трансфера је оквирно, тачно трајање зависи од доба дана и услова у саобраћају<ли>Сваком путнику је дозвољен највише 1 кофер и 1 ношење. на торби. Превелики или превелики пртљаг (нпр. даске за сурфовање, палице за голф или бицикли) може имати одређена ограничења, распитајте се код оператера пре путовања да бисте потврдили да ли је ваш вишак пртљага прихватљив<ли>Доплате ће се примењивати за више преузимања на Менхетну<ли>Цена је по возилу <ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Коментара (264)
Nov 2022
Had a private transfer good journey worthwhile booking before travel did contact viator prior to travel and response was speedy
Nov 2022
we booked a private car from our Central Park hotel to JFK. our car was booked for 8 am. 8.10am - there was still no sign of the car. our doorman at the hotel helped us call GoAirlink. Dispatch told us the driver was already at the hotel?!! our doorman ran down the road to check. no car in sight. 8.20am- we called GoAirlink again. This time the driver was put through directly with us and he was shouting that he was on the way and complaining about accidents on the road. no apologies. At 8.30am we would have cancelled the booking but we had already pre-paid. Despatch was not helpful and the driver continued to insist he’s around the corner. around 8.35-8.40 am the car finally showed up. The driver was not apologetic for making us wait . Instead, he was complaining about traffic and making excuses about leaving his house early and it’s not his fault. He was so rude that even our doorman told him off and said that the least the driver could have done was first apologise to us for the stress of waiting 35 mins when we have an international flight to catch. to which the driver said - no problem. we only need 40 mins to clear customs?!!! we paid USD143 for the ride, which was inclusive of all tolls, taxes, gratuity. there was supposed to be a “meet and greet” service - what we got was a rude driver and an uncomfortable overpriced ride. we were told that a yellow cab would have cost $65 and our hotel car $95 Will never use this company again. There are much better options in NYC.
Oct 2022
I booked a private transfer from the airport to hotel and exactly the same again for the return journey. All booked and paid for before arriving in NYC. The journey from the airport to Manhattan was good; he was late due to traffic BUT the car was what I ordered and he was very apologetic and very pleasant during the trip so I was happy to let that go. However on the RETURN trip; we were picked up in a shared van even though I had booked a private SUV with a direct transfer to the hotel. The van again was 30 minutes late and I spent the majority of our ride to the airport on the phone to customer services getting absolutely no where. They could see that we should be in a private SUV as per my order but couldn’t understand why we were in a shared van. I arrived at the airport and finally I thought I had reached someone that was going to help, I cannot believe I was so gullible. He said “it is our mistake, we are genuinely so sorry that this has happened and we would like to organise a refund for the return journey. Enjoy your flight home and we will call you to arrange once you’re home.” Well what a mug I was and how conniving of the operator. I still have NOT received a phone call or a refund - I am disgusted by the treatment we have been shown from the company and that absolute deliberate “mistake” so that they can make as much money as possible. AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE - do not give them any more money!!!!
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
Hello. Thank you for bringing your issues to our notice. Our apologies for the service you received that prompted you to approach us with a complaint, and we apologize for any difficulty or annoyance this has given you as a result of the experience. We make every effort to give you with the best possible service, and if you feel that we have fallen short of your expectations, it is important for us to know. Kindly email us at [email protected] for further assistance. Thank you and stay safe.

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