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Дан приватног породичног фотографисања у Јосемитима

Уживајте у приватној, вођеној посети Националном парку Јосемити са нагласком на фотографисање паметним телефонима, разгледање и планинарење! Породице, мале групе или појединачни учесници одводе се на класичне локације, заједно са локацијама „ван утабаних стаза“. Свака екскурзија укључује личну колекцију фотографија ваше посете, са сликама ваше забаве на паметном телефону направљеним на свакој од посећених локација заједно са искреним снимцима ваше авантуре. Створите доживотне успомене на овој целодневној екскурзији. <бр>
Цити: Национални парк Иосемите
Mon 23 Dec
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $1200.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $1200.00
Шта је укључено
Резервација и једнодневна пропусница су укључени у резервисање ове турнеје.
Локални водич
Састанак хотела у областима Оакхурст, Фисх Цамп и Марипоса или унутар парка.
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Превоз сопственим приватним возилом пратећи стил каравана водича у њиховом.
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Приступачно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Послужне животиње дозвољено<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са повредама кичме<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Минимално један возило по групи<ли>Највише 2 возила по резервацији<ли><ли>Поштују се сви НПС и ЦДЦ здравствени и безбедносни протоколи.
Шта да очекујете
Пхото Сафари Иосемите
Наш водич ће се састати са вама у месту вашег смештаја или на договореној локацији. Возићете своје возило пратећи стил каравана водича који вози сопствено возило. Користимо воки-токије за комуникацију током путовања. Посетићете класична места у долини Иосемите и Глациер Поинт. Направиће се фотографије ваше забаве и подељене са вама на крају турнеје.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (78)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Norman S
Sep 2011
My daughter and I went on a photo safari in Yosemite. We had a wonderful time. Mr. Pat was ver knowledgable and took us to many interesting places. He also gave us wonderful new techniques to help us improve our photography skills. He took extra care with my 11 year old and we both had a blast. Our photos came out fabulously! Norman silverman
Sep 2011
I have been to Yosemite several times and enjoyed every trip but this tour takes the cake - thanks to Photo Safari Yosemite and Pat Althizer. I made the arrangements at the last moment and Pat was kind enough to adjust his schedule to accommodate me. I stayed in Tenaya Lodge which is about 2 miles south of the park entrance and every day at 8:00 am sharp Pat was waiting for me in the lodge lobby. Each ride to the park in Pat's SUV was filled with stories about Yosemite history and prior photo experiences with various clients. Incidentally, the SUV was spotless inside out, which means that Pat had to take care of it at the end of each long day. Another nice feature of this vehicle is that it miraculously produced at the right time bottles of water, various snacks, windbreakers, hats, protective suits allowing one to approach massive waterfalls without getting wet to the bone, and protective cover for the photo equipment. As it well known, The Yosemite National Park is a very popular place so the number of visitors is countless. Pat made sure that we would arrive to the most advantagious places for photography at the right time to catch the best light and to avoid most of the crowds. In addition, Pat's knowledge of the park allowed me to take photographs from spots not known to the majority of the public. Pat's vast experience in photography as well as his willingness to share it with clients helped me to take photographs utilizing the most optimal parameters and as a result, I am in possession of the most beautiful images of the park. It is doubtless that without Photo Safari and Pat Althizer my visit would be less productive and more stressful. By the way, the price of this adventure is most reasonable, especially considering the amount of time Pat dedicates to the clients - well beyond the hours indicated in the brochure. I cannot praise enough both this organization and its crown jewel Pat. I recommend them without reservations to everybody who wants to make their trips to Yosemite optimal and most enjoyable.
Sep 2011
This was my first trip to Yosemite. I was going through Yosemite's webpage to find out if they had photo tours. They did, but it wasn't open until the tour season, which was the end of May, Memorial Day weekend. I found Photo Safari on Facebook through Yosemite Nation. Pat Althizar left a comment and I click the link right away. This was exactly what I was looking for and I signed up right away. Pat gave me a few pointers on how to use my camera (always had it on "auto" until I discovered "manual") and VOILA! I have beautiful memories of my visit to God's backyard. Pat was also knowledgable about the history of Yosemite, plus being a professional photographer- he took me to all the scenic sights, basically a personal tour. Well worth the money, and like the title says, I didn't want it to end. Wishing Pat and Photo Safari all the success in the world. I'll be back! :o)

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