As a beginner fishing person, I did not know what to expect. All I knew is that my love for marine life and seafood led me to want to book this trip. When we first arrived, we were greeted by the captain who was personable and made us feel welcome. As we started our journey, we drove across beautiful sites of the island which included waikiki beach and diamond head. The Captain was accommodating of it being a private tour and allowed us to roam the boat freely (also, there’s a bathroom on board so don’t worry!)
When we finally anchored, the captain gave simple instructions and fishing we went! At first, I did not feel confident in catching anything at all but the more the captain instructed us, the more confident we became. As our confidence grew, the more fish we caught. While, I am not an expert in knowing (or remembering the specific names of the fish we caught) we did end up catching some fish that were definitely considered a delicacy, which gave us an even bigger boost of confidence.
However, the highlight of our trip was the last stop where we pursued larger fish. And, while, we did not expect to catch anything, once we docked in our last spot, something caught the line instantaneously. Low and behold, we had caught a large fish that took us about 30 minutes to rail in because of its size. To our surprise, we had caught an amberjack! This wouldn’t have been possible without such an amazing captain and his knowledge in guiding and helping us. Although, I forget his name, I do know that he has a bachelors and masters in environmental science which made this experience that much more rich and rewarding. I would definitely recommend this as an experience to anyone who is looking for adventure, new skills and a local guide who is a great caption and conversationalist.