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Имајте свој лични водич за пењање за тај дан. Сви водичи компаније Денвер Цлимбинг Цомпани имају дугогодишње искуство у пењању у овој области и имају професионалну обуку. Можете провести дан пењући се или учећи одређену вештину.<бр><бр>Наше друге опције су јавни часови. Током приватног вођења, то ћете бити само ви и ваш инструктор.
Цити: Денвер
Tue 11 Mar
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Tue 11 Mar
Са почетком у $306.67
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници би требало да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (8)
Oct 2022
I scheduled a 6 hour private guiding session with Denver Climbing Company. Unfortunately, I had an injury forcing a reschedule followed by some poor weather which pushed the trip again. Each time my guide Mark was quick on communication and incredibly easy to work with. We spent the 6 hours drilling through technique and fundamentals for outdoor sport and multipitch climbing. It was genuinely amazing and outstripped all my expectations. I had the chance to bolster my tool set from an excellent and experienced teacher. I couldn't have asked for me. I cannot recommend Denver Climbing Company enough to those of us who have climbed for a while but want to be sure we have our outdoor fundamentals down well.
Feb 2022
One of the BEST highlights of my Denver trip! Dan is an amazing & thoughtful guide- plans changed last minute as the mountains were snowy. Dan was efficient in providing options so I could still climb, went the extra mile to ensure I could still experience rappelling & taught me extra climbing skillsets! With Dan’s decade of experiences, I felt super safe and well taken care throughout the whole trip! Got to climb routes that matches my proficiency! I will definitely choose Dan to be my climbing guide again for more climbing adventures 😉
Jul 2021
I booked a rappel with Dan and he did not disappoint. This was a special event for me as it was my 60th birthday and I needed to beat my previous rappel of 150feet in the military. Dan planned a day of a starter rappel of 85 followed by a 208feet rappel. I was so happy. He allowed me to climb the mountain at my pace and did not rush but understood my goals and allowed me to meet those. My partner had never rappelled before and he was wanting to go again. We reserved a private party and while Dan & my partner were willing to go another round, I was spent so we called it a day. I would highly recommend Denver Climbing Company for not only your special occasion but for any challenge you may set for yourself.

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