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Приватни Харлем соул фоод и џез вечерњи обилазак

Уживајте у обиласку Харлема — центра џеза и бибоп музике — а затим вечерајте соул храну и погледајте џез шоу на познатом месту као што је Цоттон Цлуб. Након истраживања историјског краја са професионалним водичем, уживајте у укусној кухињи као што су хрскава пржена пилетина, зачињена ребарца и кукурузни хлеб у ресторану Силвиа. Проживећете узбудљиве ноћи 1920-их уз џем сешн у једном од најтоплијих клубова у Харлему. Не постоји бољи начин да истражите читав низ разноврсне историје, музике и хране Харлема!
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Tue 11 Feb
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $627.00
Tue 11 Feb
Са почетком у $627.00
Шта је укључено
Професионални водич са знањем
Соул Фоод вечера у породичном стилу
Два бесплатна пића у клубу
Карта за метро и повратак комбијем
Накнада за џез клуб
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Минимална старост за пиће је 21 година<ли>Маске за лице су неопходне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице су неопходне за водиче у јавним просторима<ли>Потребан је доказ о вакцинацији.
Шта да очекујете
Дођите и поново проживите високе, забавне ноћи 1920-их! Придружите нам се у одличној ноћи у Иммортал Харлему. Обиђите суседство са једним од наших професионалних градских водича и сазнајте више о улози Харлема у историји џеза, поред улога његових најистакнутијих џез музичара који су Њујорку дали музичку предност.
Цоттон Цлуб
Погледајте сајт оригиналног Цоттон Цлуб-а, где су Дуке Елингтон и Лена Хорне провели сате одушевљавајући публику из целог света. Прођите поред места Савојске балске дворане где су се Бени Гудман и Чик Веб борили током своје „Битке бендова“ и где су плесови из Чарлстона, „Линди хопа“ и „Велике јабуке“ чврсто укочени у америчку културу.
Аполо театар
Прођите поред светски познатог Аполо театра, где су Сара Вон и Ела Фицџералд победиле на популарној „Ноћи аматера” и Минтонове плејхаусе, где је рођен бибоп и где су Чарли Паркер, Мајлс Дејвис и Телониус Монк започели традицију музичких џем сесија.
Откријте један од најтоплијих клубова у Харлему, где се џем сешн и музичка сарадња одвијају до раних јутарњих сати. Понедељком играјте свинг плес до краја ноћи уз ритам сјајног дванаесточланог бенда. Бесплатан час плеса укључен! Узимамо картицу за ваша прва два пића у џез клубу. Четвртком доживите суштину Харлема и уживајте у пријатној атмосфери док се слободно дружите са локалним становништвом, док уживате у звуцима џез или ритам & блуз бенда. Такође преузимамо картицу за ваша прва два пића у џез клубу. Вечера* је у Силвијином легендарном ресторану - "Краљица соул хране" (породична кухиња).
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (110)
Dec 2019
This was $175 a PERSON ( $350 a couple) , and we were told that we would be taken by a bus from the meeting place on 8TH Avenue near 43RD street to Sylvia's at 126TH Street for dinner and be given a tour on the way by a knowledgeable tour director...from Sylvia's we were told that the bus would go to the Cotton Club...an historic site...this was in the beginning of December and traffic was heavy...we were supposed to be there by 7PM sharp....at 6:20 we were concerned that we might be delayed in holiday traffic and called them...we said it looked like we could be there at 7:15...they said they would not wait past 7...that is understandable...so we parked the car and ran the rest of the way arriving at just before 6:50...a little more than 10 minutes early...only to be told that they had left without us ( a party of 6) 5 minutes earlier.....they told us they went by subway...because there were only anther 5 people on the trip they were taking the subway instead of getting a bus...and that the leader had taken our subway passes with her.....we persisted and did get them to give us passes, but they had no idea where the subway station was...they gave us the cell# for the group leader, whom we called several times, but she was not answering her phone...she finally did call back about 45 minutes later with no explanation for leaving without us...dinner was ok...not bad, but not good either...from there we were to be driven to the Cotton Club...however we were told that the Cotton Club was not the destination for this trip...that we were going across the street to a different Jazz Club...this in itself was a big disappointment, as the only reason we went on this was to go to the Cotton Club...so the walk across the street turned out to be about 6 blocks away in 27* weather...I do have to say that the "tour guide" did point out 2 protestant churches that had been Jewish temples years ago..that was the extent of the tour...so now we arrive at a place that the Health Department should have condemned...the place was best described as disgustingly filthy ..the bathrooms were not usable, dead bugs on the flat surfaces and layers of dried out spilled drinks and sticky stuff all over... the musicians were stoned out and constantly going outside to smoke pot the smell of which was drifting inside the joint and their music sucked..there was a singer who seemed to forget the words to the songs that she was singing. the best entertainment was some drunken customer who did some karaoke for 1 song.....we were supposed to get drinks..but they did not have anything.that I asked for ( iced tea, tomato juice, club soda) ..and I would not have had anything to eat or drink from any dish or utensil in that place any way .....a bus did show up to drive us back downtown, but the driver did not seem to know where he was going ....on the way downtown the guide did point out a place where she thought that some event that she could not remember had taken place...as you can imagine ...I would never recommend this trip or the company ..I do not like to leave a negative review, but we did call the company to discuss at least a partial refund..as the trip was not as described verbally or its written information...they would not hear of it...This was so bad that I will be reporting them to the Dept. of Consumers Affairs.Clear case of overcharging and bait and switch
Oct 2019
We were the group of four francophone people to participate in this activity. We were driven to Harlem by the subway, but we did not visit anything in this part of the city except for a station in front of the Apollo Theater. The speaker did not explain anything about Harlem's story, her sociology, or the jazz music that characterizes this mythical place. We have heard only a few anecdotes without interest and off topic for the most part. The meal was correct, but would not have exceeded 35 to 40 dollars per person if it had not been included. We arrived in the cabaret at 9:40 pm. We were particularly badly settled, tight in a room where it was very hot. The guide did not introduce us to the musicians. The band seemed very good but we only heard it for 30 minutes. 158 euros for so little, is abusive. We would not have needed a provider to book us a table at a restaurant in Harlem, or to attend a jazz concert. This is what we will now advise to our knowledge departing for New York.
Oct 2019
Extremely knowledgeable regarding Harlem; very pleasant personality; enjoyed the music and atmosphere; food excellent!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Dear 782 Mel, Thank you for your excellent review of our Harlem Soul Food and Jazz tour. We are thrilled that you enjoyed the evening! Your vote means a lot to us. Best regards, Erika Elisabeth Vice President Harlem Spirituals / New York Visions

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