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Водимо вас на места на којима обиласци аутобусом нису за незаборавно искуство возећи се око вулкана Халеакала кроз прашуму Источног Мауија са приватним водичем. Као резултат тога, постоје бројна места која нису наведена у нашем прегледу с разлогом, што вашу приватну турнеју чини флексибилном са додатним сугестијама на путу, док сте образовани о хавајској историји, флори, фауни и вулканологији. Изаберите између обиласка Хане и прашуме позади или целог пута до Хана петље. <бр><бр>Откријте бројне водопаде за сликање и пливање! Задивљујући поглед на обалу; истражите црне пешчане плаже, црвене пешчане плаже, локалне плаже, шуме бамбуса, цеви од лаве, рупу, задњу страну Халеакале (само Хана Лооп) за потпуно другачије искуство са панорамским погледом, дивљим животињама и још много тога! <бр><бр>Уживајте у одличној локалној храни, искуствима од фарме до стола, укусним хавајским штандовима за грицкалице са разним локалним укусима.<бр><бр>Улазнице у државни парк Ваианапанапа нису укључене. Резервишите унапред преко њихове веб странице (опционо).
Цити: Мауи
Sat 19 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $475.00
Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $475.00
Шта је укључено
Флаширана вода
Кишобрани, папирни пешкири, кесе за смеће и друге потрепштине
Свеж локални хлеб од банане
Додатни пешкири, комплет прве помоћи, Драмамин, марамице за руке, средство за дезинфекцију руку
Пар штапова за трекинг, предња светла, подводна светла
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Највише 7 особа по резервацији. <ли>У време резервације, путници на крстарењу морају да наведу следеће информације у тренутку резервације: назив брода, време пристајања, време искрцавања и време поновног укрцавања.<ли>Повраћај новца неће бити извршен ако се обилазак/активност пропусти због кашњења или недоласка брода за крстарење.<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Понесите чврсте ципеле са вучом за неравне површине, по могућности алл-ин -једне ципеле за квашење и прелазак водопада.<ли>Понесите купаће костиме за опционо пливање<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са потешкоћама у кретању<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особље<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи који су обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље <ли>Маске су опционе у нашим возилима или током планинарења и истраживања природе због нивоа кисеоника који је потребан за здраву издржљивост и продужену енергију током дана. По потреби су обезбеђене маске за једнократну употребу.
Шта да очекујете
Ке'анае Поинт
Сликовит поглед на град на полуострву. Укусне хавајске грицкалице (хлеб од банане, смутији, ананас, итд.)
Бамбусова шума
Погледајте прелепе бамбусове шуме на нашој сликовитој вожњи или пешачењу! (опционо)
Хана Лава цеви
Лава цеви колосалне величине! Стартнина по особи (опционо)
Хамоа Беацх
Живописни погледи на омиљену локалну плажу. пливање (опционо)
Ваилуа Фаллс
Обилазак пуне Хана петље Само за гледање или пливање (опционо). Највећи водопад на путу за Хану.
Гроб Чарлса Линдберга
Само обилазак пуне хана петље (опционо)
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (39)
May 2019
I chose to break this trip up into 2 nights / 3 days... staying in Hana for two nights at Hana Kai... nest trip ever! Day 1 swam at beautiful waterfall along Hana, stopped to see other beautiful waterfalls and views which took my breath away... loves the rainbow eucalyptus trees along the road and really enjoyed going into Nahiku and hiking up the river/ swimming in natural river pools.... eating at the Hana food trucks was delicious and waking up early to see the sunrise is a memory I will always hold dear to myself... day 2 went to red sand beach which was Amazing!!! Hamoa beach which is sparkiling clear water soooo nice to swim in and black/white mixed sand... Kiko beach was a beautiful sight and Venus pool was really cool, jumped off a couple of cliffs which was fun if you like to push the edge a little.. I had the best guide ever!! Keone... he was so respectful of my time and space and continued to check in with me about what I wanted to do next how long I wanted to stay st each sight and if I needed alone time to just reflect... this was a customiZed private tour and was worth every single penny.. I wouldn’t have had it any other way... day 3 got to go to seven sacred pools which were beautiful!! Do some hiking, swimming at stunning breathtaking waterfalls, and see breathtaking views! All in all this is the way to do it... spread Hana out into a two day trip if you have the time you won’t regret it!
Одговор домаћина
May 2019
Aloha Brittany, thank you so much for the incredible review! I'm so glad I was able to put this together for you and knew Keone was the perfect guide for this adventure, knowing you would be well taken care of. You've inspired me to create more of these magical 2 day Hana trip experiences. As I feel, people will get so much more out of it. Mahalo and see you next time on Maui!
Mar 2019
Where to begin....I found Demian's company, Makana Maui Adventures on Trip Advisor. In planning our trip to Maui to get married we wanted to fill our honeymoon with adventure. Finding Makana Maui Adventures through Trip Advisor was a gem to say the least. After much research on the internet we knew we wanted to hire a guide to give us the full experience on and off the the beaten path and knew we would not be able to do this on our own. After looking at various price options on the internet we felt it would be worth spending the extra dollars to maximize our experience. No regrets!!! We were staying at the Grand Wailea and met Demian at a Park and Ride where our adventure began. Demian was professional, organized and fun! He knew how to maximize the day by our interests and what he thought we would enjoy seeing which included local food stands such as Hana Farms Local Market Place and a great local lunch at Braddah Hutts topped off by Glen's Coconut Ice Cream. We would have never experienced the Road to Hana this way by ourselves. Bamboo Forest, Red Sand Beach, Back roads to the Volcano, Sea Turtles and places that Demian may take you, including hidden gems that well are just worth keeping a secret. Too much to see. Next time we will spend several days in Hana now that we had an awesome guide and friend to show us around. It was just an awesome day. Forget how long the day is as the experience is well worth the time and the money. Thank you Demian for being so accommodating in every facet. You are a gem!
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2019
Wow! Your final words leave me speechless... From one gem to another, loved being a part of such a special time in your life. You got exactly what you asked for, an epic honeymoon adventure! Mahalo Nui Loa!
Jan 2019
Highly recommend this tour!! My boyfriend & I did the full day private tour to Hana for our anniversary. We can’t say enough great things about Demian! He is VERY knowledgeable about the island, things to do, nature, etc. He was very accommodating considering he lived in the opposite direction from where our hotel was and came to get us since we didn’t have a rental car. He brought extra towels which we ended up needing after all the swimming, headlamps, waters, anything we needed for the day. He created an amazing day for us by telling us all of our options and really just asking what our favorites would be as there aren’t enough hours in one day to truly complete the road to Hana. Regardless, we made tons of stops and saw the most incredible beaches, waterfalls, lava rocks and I’ll leave the rest out as to not spoil anything for future tours. :) We couldn’t have asked for a better day this was absolutely the highlight of our time in Hawaii (both Maui and the big island). After talking to others who decided to try the road to Hana themselves we were so happy with our decision to choose a private tour, we saw everything we wanted to see and much more and learned a ton along the way. He’s a true adventurer and did everything with us which was awesome, and took some really great photos of the two of us that we’ll cherish forever. Demian was a pro driving the windy roads so we just got to enjoy the view and not worry about a thing. Be sure to get some banana bread & ice cream at one of the many stops, you won’t regret it. We’re definitely coming back someday and would love to do the overnight tour with Demian.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2019
Your review is as outstanding as you are Emily and really appreciate it! Both of you make my job as good as it gets and think it would be amazing to experience a Two Day Road to Hana Trip with you next time. There is plenty left to do! I'll try not to count the days!!!

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