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Приватно пењање по стенама у Гарден оф тхе Годс, Колорадо Спрингс

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Цити: Колорадо Спрингс
Sat 01 Feb
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Са почетком у $195.00
Sat 01 Feb
Са почетком у $195.00
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Коментара (258)
Jul 2019
I climbed with front range on four separate occasions between April and July 2019. The April trip involved my I climbed teenage sons and me, we had a great two days at Garden of the Gods with Jeff. I have climbed quite a bit over the years but my sons were brand new to the sport, and Jeff was definitely excellent with them… He knew exactly when to push them a little, and exactly when to ease up… He made them laugh, we all felt like we were out having a good day among friends, rather than a business oriented client – guide relationship. Very personalized. I came back solo in July to climb some routes that would not have been appropriate for my kids, but which were on my agenda. I requested Jeff, and again, for two separate climbing half-days, I felt like I was out with a friend, rather than out with a business. I learned plenty, as well. And together, Jeff helped me to achieve my climbing goals in the Garden. So my assessment at this point is if you are a beginner, family or solo, you are in excellent hands with front range climbing company, and of course Jeff! likewise, if you have climbing experience, even if you typically climb on your own with your own partners, climbing with front range and with Jeff will allow you to do more routes, waste less time, and absolutely maximize your climbing experience at Garden of the gods, or any of the other locations they service. in my personal case, I climbed with front range at two separate locations, Garden of the gods, and Cheyenne canyon… Both highly recommend it!! if I may add one additional thing about the company, it’s the booking process… It’s fantastic… They use a service called Fare Harbor which allows you to book directly online if you choose, but I will say you can certainly get a hold of them in the office very easily if you prefer to book over the phone… I called on three separate occasions with some questions and received prompt phone service. you can also completely customize the time you want your climbing experience to begin… Many guide services begin climbs at set times, one morning start time and one afternoon start time for example. Front range climbing company allows you to select exactly which time you would like to begin and end. This proved exceptionally convenient when I climbed with my kids and when I climbed solo, because on both occasions I packed other activities into our time in Colorado, and being able to work around my itinerary by selecting precisely the times I wanted to climb and end, I was able to fit in a lot of fun and recreation in addition to the outstanding climbing experience provided by Jeff at Front Range climbing company.
Jennifer T
Jul 2019
I have climbed with FRCC 3 times now. The first time was a solo climb at Garden of the Gods. Patrick took the time to customize the experience to my experience and comfort level, and it was perfect. I was so happy with the experience that I climbed again with him at Independence Monument. Patrick again was an absolute professional and made the experience memorable and amazing. My third time, I brought 3 friends who had never climbed before with me. He picked the perfect routes for us, explained technique and gear, gave pointers to them while they climbed, and was so patient and encouraging that everyone finished the day with a huge smile even though there were times when they were afraid. They also offer photography services that are worth every penny to capture all of the great memories. It's a must do activity!
Jul 2019
Thank you to Nathan for a wonderful experience. The climb was perfect for our family. We highly recommend this adventure!!

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