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Приватни обилазак винарије и имања Санта Барбаре у Тесла СУВ-у

Нема комерцијалних препуних винарија. Нема стајаћих барских соба за дегустацију. Сустаинабле Вине Тоурс пружа гостима ексклузиван приступ ултра малој производњи Санта Барбаре, приватним имањима, виноградима и винаријама који нису отворени за ширу јавност. ЗА ОНЕ КОЈИ ТРАЖЕ ЈЕДИНСТВЕНО ВИНСКО ИСКУСТВО Изван препуних комерцијалних ВИНАРИЈА. Уживајте у врхунским винима у седећим дегустацијама један на један и обиђите винограде и собе са бачвама са власницима и самим винарима. <бр> • САМО ЗА ЗАКАЗИВАЊЕ, ПРИВАТНЕ ЛОКАЦИЈЕ, ПРИВАТНЕ ДЕГУСТАЦИЈЕ <бр> • КУСИ СА ВИНАРИМА И ВЛАСНИЦИМА <бр> • БЕЗ КОМЕРЦИЈАЛНИХ ВИНАРИЈА, НЕМА СОБА ЗА ДЕГУСТАЦИЈЕ <бр> • НЕМА ДИПЛОМСКИХ/ДИШЕМСКИХ ДИПЛОМСКИХ УЧЕШЋА • Кс СУВ (за 2-4 госта)
Цити: санта Барбара
Sun 20 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $422.50
Sun 20 Oct
Са почетком у $422.50
Шта је укључено
Укључене су све накнаде за дегустацију
Флаширана вода
Већина тура нудила је тањир са сиром
Органски ручак по вашем избору (изаберите сендвиче или салате)
Врхунска дегустација вина у ултра малим производним винаријама
Покупите и одвезите се са своје локације у луксузном Тесла Модел Кс СУВ-у
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Минимална старост је 21 година<ли>Облачите се вишеслојно и носите удобне ципеле
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (47)
Jun 2021
Our tour was actually 5/24. I had done plenty of research and after looking at multiple wine tours I decided Sustainable Wine Tours was the right choice for my wife, in-laws, and myself. The experience was great all around! We had the owner Scott and he picked us up at our house in the Tesla. He was engaging and informative the entire time as well as very professional and friendly. Honestly an excellent host all around. We were taken to 3 different vineyards, all of which were small production and had great scenery. Each place was unique and the tours personable. We actually met with the owners at all 3! We were provided snacks at all the vineyards as well as lunch(which tasted great and was healthy) at the 2nd stop. Scott also made sure all of our water bottles stayed filled throughout the day which was most appreciated. He also recommended some other places to visit inside of the city which we visited throughout the trip and really enjoyed! The wines at the vineyards were fantastic(we are now members of all 3). The whole experience was amazing and really helped solidify the start of the vacation and first time to Santa Barbara/CA. If/when I am back in the area I will be signing up for another tour no questions asked. Great company & people! I would recommend this tour to anyone/everyone. Well worth it!
May 2021
Booked a tour for myself and my wife (her first wine tour) and could have not been more pleased! Steven was such a great tour guide and over-all great company. We visited 3 wineries and each one of our hosts was absolutely excellent. Being novice wine drinkers, we were delighted to be educated about he process and gain great insight to what goes in making the wines we tasted. I will most definitely be bringing along my friends for the next round. The professionalism and service provided by everyone in this experience was first class. Many thanks to Steven for making is feel comfortable and making this an enjoyable trip!
Nov 2020
Let me start off by saying, if you’re thinking about it, think no further and just book it! You will not be disappointed! The experience was well with the price we paid for our private tour. Scott arrived right on time with his amazing Tesla SUV and he was very welcoming and made us feel super comfortable. Scott was great at providing information of landmarks during our drive to the first vineyard. This booking includes private tour to 3 different vineyards. We are the ONLY guests on site and we personally met with the owner/wine maker of each vineyard. We gained knowledge of the wine making process, how they grapes are grown and how the terrain could affect the flavor or of quality of the grapes. We were able to interact with the winemakers/owners themselves on a one-on-one basis and we learned so much about the wine making process. We had the opportunity to chat with the winemakers on a business and personal basis. What made it more special was having our wines poured personally by the wine makers themselves and hearing them share their personal story about each wine! What an awesome and humbling experience this has been. I highly, highly recommend Sustainable Wine Tours without hesitation, especially with Scott on the private tour. Thank you Scott, for your professional service and the personal little touches that you provided to make this an exceptional experience. You have gone above and beyond our expectations and we appreciate you!

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