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Приватни обилазак Њујорка у позлаћеном добу: Историја високог друштва

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Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Mon 18 Nov
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Mon 18 Nov
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Коментара (39)
Sep 2022
Kevin Draper was informative and personable. More, he briskly conveyed important insights about the social and economic underpinnings of the city. For example, he described the rise of the Plaza and similar high-end residences as an alternative to the socially isolating experience for women in great mansions; he also explained why the great mansions were converted to apartments after the Depression, and how the construction of the UN after 1945 led to a demand for consulates--and saved scores of mansions in the postwar years. He had plenty of insights, too, about how individual magnates were schooled on art by their architect-tutors; about how Tammany worked with (and sometimes against) the social elite; and offered many provocative observations about people and places. My group included professional historians, and Draper was adept at adapting his presentation to our interests. But he was equally comfortable talking about Gilded Gossip and much more. Highly recommended, for nearly any audience.
Sep 2022
born in NY and living here on and off over the years, my wife and I were looking for something different from the same old tourist tours being offered. We have done the standards, grand central, Empire State Blvd, Statue of Liberty and such, we wanted the history rarely seen. New York Historical Tours was the perfect choice. From the moment I contacted them they understood exactly what I wanted and was willing to put together something , private, special and different. We actually combine two tours in one day. History of NY from the Dutch through the Gilded age. Kevin our guide for the next 4 hours of our walking tour was very knowledgeable and fun to talk with. We stopped at many of the locations I have passed over the years bringing these locations to life with rich history. Perfect weather, perfect guide, it was a wonderful day. Next time in NY we will add another tour to our itinerary.
Jul 2022
Kevin Draper, owner of New York Historical Tours, gave our group a private walking tour of the Gilded Age in New York. This involved starting at the Plaza Hotel and walking up 5th avenue, and hearing all the stories about the rich and famous people that were an important part of New York society, and our country. I can't give a high enough reccomendation for Kevin and any of the tours that he offers. He is a walking encyclopedia of New York history, and really how this is interwoven into our American history. He is a great communicator, answers all your questions, and very personable. We loved him so much that after our morning tour, he was able to give us another shortened version of his historical tour about the Kennedys in the afternoon, including Jackie, and all about their lives in New York. He is a sought after historian on all things New York. He stated that he personally trains all of his guides, and I'm sure they're all excellent, but if you're lucky enough to get Kevin, you'll have a great day! We hope to go back and take his tour on the "Gangs of New York!"

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