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Цити: Савана
Sat 19 Oct
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Са почетком у $158.98
Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $158.98
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Историјски округ Савана
Тргови Савана - уживајте у шетњи кроз 22 историјска трга где ћете видети лепе куће, прелепе цркве, шармантне гостионице и музеје у хладу живих храстова и интимног зеленог простора Викторијански округ - доживите касну викторијанску архитектуру и архитектуру краљице Ане у овом лепом историјском округу
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Гробље Бонавентуре
Гробље Бонавентура - налази се на месту некадашње плантаже, гробље је представљено у роману и филму Поноћ у башти добра и зла
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Коментара (237)
Mar 2020
Not at all what we expected. We were mostly & primarily looking forward to seeing some Plantations, as is stated in the description! HEADS UP to all who are also looking forward to seeing Plantations...there aren't any! Also, we were under the impression that we could get out of the vehicle for at least 15 minutes to go into the churches, but that didn't happen either! We drove around all the squares, but after about 10, it gets a bit old. Our guide talked way too much about himself and where he grew up etc. He gave us no more info than the trolley drivers, but remember that this tour is $100 per person! Definitely not worth it. You're better off taking the trolley. The Trolley drivers are fun and give WAY more fun facts that did our "personal driver". We asked specific questions that he couldn't answer (even though he grew up in Savannah) - he only knew what was "scripted". A tip: Sign up for some of the House tours (NOT INCLUDED IN THIS TOUR). You will have a tour guide and that guide will give you lots of great History regarding the house and its owners. Our tour guide pointed out the names of some of the Historical Homes, but did not provide much information regarding them. Sorry to be negative, but I'm just being honest. If this tour was $30 a person, I could live with that, but since it was $100 per person, I'm suggesting that you save your money!
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2020
I'm sorry you had a negative experience on your tour. However, your review has several inaccuracies. First of all, you mention twice that this tour costs $100. That is not true; the cost of this tour is around $75 (TripAdvisor can fluctuate the final retail price). Second, you mention not being able to go into the churches but we ALWAYS let our clients go into the Cathedral of St. John the Divine if it is open. The other two churches are usually not open for visitors so we don't go inside. Finally, there are no working or preserved plantations in Savannah. We take you to the sites of two former plantations, Wormsloe Historic Site and Bonaventure Cemetery. The historic site includes the ruins of the plantation home and Bonaventure is now a working cemetery. I don't feel your review is negative, but I do want to make sure the facts about the tour are clear. Again, I'm sorry if the tour did not meet your expectations. We do appreciate your business and thank you for providing your feedback about the tour.
Feb 2020
My personal enjoyment of Dans extensive knowledge of Savannah was affected by the weather, which was cold and rainy. We were not out of the vehicle more than twice, one of which was a pee break at a grocery store. Despite the weather, we would have liked to be out more.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2020
I'm sorry the weather was a disappointment. Obviously, we can't control the weather but we are glad you enjoyed the information on the tour anyway. Thank you for your feedback on the tour. Hopefully you can return to Savannah with better weather in the future!
Feb 2020
A GREAT TOUR. There were 3 of us and we all enjoyed the tour. We did 2 other tours in Savannah and this one was the best! We were picked up and returned to our hotel. Dan, our tour guide, was great. He had personal knowledge of Savannah and took us places it would have been difficult to get to on another tour. This one went beyond the 22 Squares and showed us other interesting areas of Savannah. I'd do this tour again!
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2020
Thank you for the five star review. We are glad you had a great tour experience!

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