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Приватни вински обилазак Сономе и долине Напа из Сономе или долине Напа

Уживајте у приватном, прилагођеном обиласку винарија по вашем избору у прелепим долинама Напа и/или Сонома. Греен Дреам Тоурс ствара јединствена искуства на основу ваших индивидуалних преференција. Обиласци су обезбеђени у једној од неколико луксузних опција превоза како би се осигурало првокласно искуство. Обиласци су доступни за мале и велике забаве.
Цити: Napa & Sonoma
Mon 23 Dec
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $849.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $849.00
Шта је укључено
Приватни превоз
Вода током целог трајања туре
Потпуно прилагодљиви итинерери
Порези, путарине, прирези
Жвакаће гуме, менте, лосион за сунчање и средство за дезинфекцију руку
Искусни водич за обилазак земље вина
Потпуно испричана турнеја са коментарима
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Дозвољене су животиње услужне<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Погодно за све нивои физичке спремности<ли>Молимо вас да наведете своје контакт информације (тј. имејл и број телефона) и информације о хотелу у тренутку резервације.<ли>Време преузимања је флексибилно на основу захтева госта <ли>Препоручује се вишеслојно облачење јер време може драстично да варира<ли>Гости који путују са децом млађом од 8 година мораће да обезбеде сопствено ауто седиште и да преузму одговорност за његово постављање у возило. Молимо контактирајте локалног оператера након резервације да бисте потврдили компатибилност аутоседишта.<ли>МОРА да има најмање 21 годину за конзумирање алкохола.<ли>Додатна напојница од 15% која се наплаћује пре преузимања<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи су обавезни да редовно перу руке
Шта да очекујете
Посетите регион Карнерос, идеално погодан за узгој пино црног, шардонеа, ризлинга и мерлоа. Или изаберите три познате куће пенушавих вина користећи традиционалну француску технику под називом метходе цхампеноисе. Ове винарије и вина заиста представљају јединствени тероар ​​овог краја.
Напа Валлеи
Доживите неке од прекрасних бутик винарија Напе. Пробаћете разна вина, као што су Цабернет Саувигнон, Цхардоннаи, Зинфандел, Мерлот и Сирах. Ове сликовите винарије којима управљају власници пружиће личну пажњу и пријатељско гостопримство уз ваша приватна искуства дегустације.
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Коментара (4)
Nov 2022
This tour was simply amazing! We had the awesome pleasure of having Barry as our driver and Josh S. as our Tour Manager. Both of these gentleman made sure that we had a tour to remember. Throughout the entire process, Josh was excellent with communication. Then, for the tour Barry made sure we were very well taken care of. We’re so grateful for Green Dream!
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
We appreciate the positive review for our Private Wine Country Tour. There is nothing like having your own vehicle, a customized itinerary and a real expert wine country guide, right? Josh likes to curate special days for our guests----no two tours are ever the same! Of course, everyone loves Barry. He loves what he does. See you next time you are in the Bay Area!
Jeff N
Oct 2022
We took the Sonoma and Napa valleys tour. We went to small wineries with very good wine. The bus driver/tour guide was very informative on the way out and backed off as we interacted with each of the wineries. He was very engaging without being overly solicitous. There were 14 of us on the bus and on the tours which never seemed too many. I would highly recommend this tour to get to wineries that are not open to the general public.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2022
Hi Jeff. Thanks for giving a favorable review. We are glad that you enjoyed the factors that we look for in a good tour: a mindful guide, small tour group, and quality wineries with no crowds! Best to you...
Oct 2022
I scheduled a full day private tour and it was completely underwhelming. I read some reviews before booking that made me assume this was the best option for a bachelorette trip but boy was I wrong. For starters, I booked this months before our trip and each time I called to ask for an itinerary I had to listen to whoever was on the other line talk in circles and not giving me a clear answer of when I would be receiving an itinerary. Finally, the afternoon before our tour I receive our itinerary and am put in touch with the person who handles private tours (the first communication I’ve had up until this point, which was surprising that I hadn’t spoken with them before) and our driver. I’ll give props that the bus was a comfy size for our group of 10 and our driver was prompt at arriving for pickup. But things took a turn when we drove to our first winery. Upon arrival, I went up to the winery’s hostess and told her we had a tasting reservation to which she responded saying she didn’t have a reservation for us. The company had booked our reservation at a separate location. The winery was kind enough to make room for us while I tried to get in contact with our driver and private tour representative, neither which I was able to get ahold of. I called the number of the Green Dream office and someone there told me they would call our driver and have him come back to see what happened. When he arrived, I explained to him the reservation mixup to which he said, “I just go where they tell me.” and nervously laughed. It was completely unprofessional and was utterly embarrassing for him. Unimpressed, I told him that they would accommodate us and we would be out at the time he initially told us. Not once did he nor anyone from Green Dream apologize about booking the wrong place. I got a “bummer” text from one of them and some excuse about the winery’s booking system. They never took ownership or credit for this mistake that set the tone for the rest of our day. I ended up calling the remaining wineries to confirm the reservations and they had both been set. The other two wineries were wonderful and we got around safely, but to say the least, do not book with Green Dreams unless you want a boring non-engaging driver and a 50/50 chance of them miss-booking reservations. My recommendation is either do it yourself and Uber or book with Platypus—I had a wonderful experience with them a few years back and am kicking myself for not booking with them in the first place. The unprofessionalism I experienced during each interaction that I had with their employees should have been a clear sign for me to avoid—so many red flags. Would defer anyone from booking here.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2022
Hello Macy. We sent you a private message regarding the mix-up at the first winery, which has two locations. Your guide should have ushered your group directly into the first winery and he has been advised and will do so with all private tour groups. We are confident that we did provide you with a full day of safe-driving, comfy tour vehicle, scenic routes, full winery tastings, and a great spot for your group to enjoy lunch. As for the private tour itinerary, we book many private tours and always fill the day with great care, customizing each tour to the needs/desires of our valued clients. Sorry that our communication regarding these details didn't meet your needs, but often we are still booking appointments just a few days before these tours commence. That is simply how it works sometimes and we apologize that it seemed unorganized to you. We fulfill every tour promise that we make and are proud of our record of always making private tours unique each time. Please accept our apology for not making you feel confident that we could take care of your group for the day and that you were underwhelmed by our service. We take your words to heart and promise to all future customers that we always strive to improve! Spor

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