Смештен на најсевернијем делу Кејпа, Провинстаун је познат по својим уметничким галеријама, продавницама, ресторанима, знаменитостима, сликовитим плажама и још много тога. А на овом брзом катамарану, све ово је удаљено само 90 минута вожње!
Цити: Бостон
Sat 16 Nov
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Бостон до Кејп Код на брзом катамарану
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колицали><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицимали><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживањели><ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превозали><ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремностили><ли>Чамац је доступан за инвалидска колица, али тоалети нису приступачни за инвалидска колицали><ли>За повратно путовање, мораћете да купите два одвојена карте у једном правцу – једна са поласком из Бостона и једна из Кејп Кода.ли>ул>
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (102)
May 2019
The ride was great, excellent views, smooth and comfortable ride. The concierge was very helpful with plans for our day in Provincetown.
Jim S
May 2019
upon boarding the Ferry, you ave avast selections of places to sit...relax..and enjoy your enjoyable sea-cruz to Boston. Shortly after departing the pier you enjoy observing the Cape Code shore -line and town of Ptown.. fade away......After passing the sandbars and Breakers reef you settle down in your seat either inside the cabin or outside on the open air back deck. you can stroll up to the rail and catch a touch of a sea-spray..and warm sunshine. You can realax and let your mind roam.... Occassionally passing another vessel you can wave to other passer-byers....after awhile you can see quaint cottages perched up on the banks of the water .As you being to enter into the outer waters of Boston. you see abondoned tankers and working tugboats... ,Next you can see other shoreline houses and you hear the sounds of jet planes taking off to your left ..you look up and see the huge underside of planes ascending into the sky right above your head form Boston's airport........ Your Ferry begins to slow down and you begin a gentle coast into Boston's Welcome Pier......You depart form the Ferry and you're off to discover the busy city of Boston and to enjoy the variety of resturants and the many sites and attractions the City has to offer...... JUST make sure to allow plenty of time to catchyour departing cruz BACK to Ptown.....Unlike me and my guests we missed the boat!!!!!! NOW..how to get back home? Had to rent a car and drive back--4 hr drive at nite . SOO DON'T MISS THE BOAT
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2019
Thank you for sharing your review with us, Jim S!
John K
Feb 2019
A great way to get to P-Town without having to deal with the traffic. I enjoyed watching the sea and land go by. The available concessions were a pleasant convenience.