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Забавна и историјска тура у једином правом отвореном руднику у Брекенриџу. Сазнајте више о рударским градовима у стара времена. Укључује испирање злата. Лети имамо два буроса (минијатурна магарца) који воле да лутају около и уживају да их се мази и хране! Трагајте за СВОЈИМ богатством златом ископавајући реку богату рудом. Деца (и одрасли!) могу да уживају у тобогану и шетају око историјског места.<бр><бр>Искуство Златне грознице укључује:<бр>• Обилазак рудника злата (идите 1000 стопа испод земље)<бр>• Ископавање злата<бр>• Слиде тхе Оре Цхуте<бр>• Буррос<бр>• Историјска шетња<бр>
Цити: Брекенриџ
Tue 25 Feb
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Са почетком у $38.50
Tue 25 Feb
Са почетком у $38.50
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Голд Паннинг
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<ул><ли>Дозвољене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се за труднице<ли> ли><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности
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стеновита планина
Усред величанствених Стеновитих планина, Рудник Цоунтри Бои био је један од највећих и најпознатијих рудника злата у Брекенриџу у Колораду. Данас вас позивамо да посетите рудник Цоунтри Бои и уживате у бројним активностима које рудник може да понуди. Придружите нам се у обиласку рудника у прави рудник злата на овом историјском обновљеном рударском месту. Док сте у руднику, такође можете мазати злато, мазити бурозе, клизити низ отвор за руду од 55 стопа, истражити аутентично налазиште рудника, погледати експонате и опрему која је коришћена у руднику и посетити продавницу. Рудник Цоунтри Бои нуди обиласке рудника више од 20 година. Рудник Цоунтри Бои налази се 2 миље од центра Брекенриџа у округу Самит, Колорадо.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (562)
Sep 2011
We visited the Country Boy Mine in August of 2011 not really knowing what to expect. We were so glad we did! The tour lasts about 45 minutes. The guide brings you into the mine (a tunnel) that is cut into the side of the mountain. You walk about 1/4 of mile or so into the mine. Along the way, the guide described the working conditions for the miners back in the day. He also demonstrated how they worked with their spikes, hammers and jacks. It was really interesting. At one point he turned out the lights to demonstrate what it was like for miners who had to work by candlelight. Afterwards we were able to pan for gold. My daughter had a great time doing this. There are also very tame miniature donkeys roaming by the main building that the kids can pet. They even have an old ore chute that has been converted into a kids slide. A couple tips: 1) The mine is pretty chilly - about 40 degrees the day we went (outside it was 80 degrees), but they do provide rain jackets and helmets. You might want to wear an extra sweatshirt though if you get cold easily 2) They have an area to pan for gold which was fun, but the water was very cold and we didn't find much. However, we had as much fun just picking out fools gold from the surrounding mounds and different areas on sight. We found a bunch of small nuggets that we brought home with us. Our 8-year-old thought this was very cool! In total we were there about 45 minutes for the tour and spent another 45 minutes walking around and looking for nuggets. It was well worth the time and money and would highly recommend.
Gail C
Aug 2011
We had a group of 4 children and 5 adults who all found this 45 minute tour extremely interesting and educational. The children were fascinated by the walk through the Country Boy Mine with a guide who looked like a real miner but knew the history well. He engaged the kids with fascinating and true stories about the miners and how they mined for gold. The adults all enjoyed learning about our amazing mining past and how rugged our early settlers and miners were at that time. Plus we all had fun panning for gold in the river that flowed just outside the mine! This tour really gave us a true understanding of our history...we would definitely do it again!!
Aug 2011
There were some very enthusiastic reviews for this activity, and so we went. I don't know what I was expecting, but maybe I'm just not the gold mine enthusiast the other reviewers seem to be. The location is great, you can imagine it as it must have been in its heyday. Our guide was enthusiastic and fun. Maybe it was our group, which included two crying boys whose mother insisted they do the tour, and a bunch of retirees with a LOT of questions. It is chilly in the mine! Be prepared. We used the raincoats offered too, as the mine is very leaky near the end. You are in the mine for about a half hour and it is a constant 45 degrees year round in the mine. This tour is entertaining and easy if you are in the Breckenridge/Keystone/Dillon area looking for an easy diversion.

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