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Реза Едге оф Иллусион Схов у Брансону

Реза је препознат као један од најтраженијих забављача данашњице у индустрији илузија путовања, пружајући иновативне, занимљиве и спектакуларне наступе широм света.<бр><бр>Резина недавна турнеја и гостовања на телевизији запрепастила су преко 30 милиона гледалаца из целог света на мрежама као што су МТВ, А&Е, Тхе ЦВ, ПБС, Реелз, ЦКС, Фуји и Телемундо.
Цити: Брансон
Mon 18 Nov
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Са почетком у $46.16
Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $46.16
Шта је укључено
Гарантована магична представа
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Одојчад мора да седи у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе.<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Све области и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодне за све нивое физичке спремности
Шта да очекујете
Реза Едге оф Иллусион
Резин јединствени бренд забаве довео га је до популарних ријалити емисија у 31 земљи, укључујући недавна гостовања на америчким ТВ емисијама у емисији А&Е'с Дуцк Династи и Тхе ЦВ-а Пенн & Теллер: Фоол Ус. Више од магичне представе, Реза уноси елементе уметничке продукције у сцену, мајсторски комични тајминг и бројне интерактивне и инспиративне тренутке, омогућавајући публици да доживи магију из прве руке. Можда је највећа Резина тајна његова невјероватна способност да своју умјетност извођења комуницира на тако личном нивоу. Реза је интригантна, привлачна и задивљујућа. Он није само мађионичар. Он је забављач.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (925)
Jul 2021
I have seen my fair share of magic or illusion shows over time and thought that Reza was pretty entertaining. In my group, we had ages from 77 down to 15 and everyone was satisfied. The show was steady and full of music, lights, performances, and some jokes. I have no regrets about buying these tickets and would recommend the show. I will say that there were some items that could have been handled better. First, I had a wheelchair-bound person with me and specifically asked for handicapped seating. I booked through a company and they did a good job with my other show tickets. When I arrived, the girl at the counter was friendly and I asked again, are these seats where she will stay in her wheelchair and I was told yes. We get into the theater and the man says they are not handicapped seats. His advice is to go back out and see if any are available. This is upsetting and grandma says since it's an end seat, she will muster the power to scoot into the seat. She does barely and we settle in for the show to start. As a general rule, if the show starts at 2, guests should be there at least by 1:45, right? Here comes the "jerk & family" that were sitting next to us. He tells grandma to get up so he can get in and she tells him she can't stand. Rather than going around, he decides to march over us and steps on our feet while spilling grandma's drink. Surely he would replace it, right? No, he looks at it and continues to his seat. At intermission, I stood up to force him to exit the other way. He tapped me on the shoulder and said move, that did not cut it with me. I looked down at his head and told him that we were not going to have any more drinks spilled or feet stomped on. He made his way out and I never dealt with him again. In reading the reviews of the show, I really have to say that some people are unreasonable. I checked out the 1's and it was full of "Karens" who are just unhappy with life. My advice is to go to the show and make your own choices. There are no half-naked women or lame illusions but to each his own. I had no problems with the show being family-friendly.
Marlene N
Jul 2021
Was on the road trip Branson For 5 days We did a couple shows during the week and we picked this one On my husband's 60th birthday. We had 2 grandchildren with us 14 and 10 This show was the highlight of the week audience gets involved in the show. My 10 year old granddaughter got to ask a question to him And later got back with her after the 2nd half of the show came out looking for her and put her up on stage to participate with him in one of his acts truly truly exciting for us. We were all so delighted and my granddaughter was on top of the world He is so much fun and amazing!!! I did purchase VIP tickets for the front rows. Everyone don't hesitate to see this show he is fantastic worth every penny. Thank you Reza for inviting Julie on stage
Jul 2021
Was looking for something new to see in Branson with the family and came across Reza on Trip Advisory so glad we did! He’s was one of the best Illusionist we seen anywhere. Keeps you very entertained next time we are Branson we will see him again!

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