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Реза Едге оф Иллусион Схов у Брансону

Реза је препознат као један од најтраженијих забављача данашњице у индустрији илузија путовања, пружајући иновативне, занимљиве и спектакуларне наступе широм света.<бр><бр>Резина недавна турнеја и гостовања на телевизији запрепастила су преко 30 милиона гледалаца из целог света на мрежама као што су МТВ, А&Е, Тхе ЦВ, ПБС, Реелз, ЦКС, Фуји и Телемундо.
Цити: Брансон
Sat 21 Sep
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Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $46.16
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Реза Едге оф Иллусион
Резин јединствени бренд забаве довео га је до популарних ријалити емисија у 31 земљи, укључујући недавна гостовања на америчким ТВ емисијама у емисији А&Е'с Дуцк Династи и Тхе ЦВ-а Пенн & Теллер: Фоол Ус. Више од магичне представе, Реза уноси елементе уметничке продукције у сцену, мајсторски комични тајминг и бројне интерактивне и инспиративне тренутке, омогућавајући публици да доживи магију из прве руке. Можда је највећа Резина тајна његова невјероватна способност да своју умјетност извођења комуницира на тако личном нивоу. Реза је интригантна, привлачна и задивљујућа. Он није само мађионичар. Он је забављач.
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Коментара (925)
Oct 2022
This was our first Reza show. He is extremely talented and his illusions were mine-boggling! The show started late and people were murmuring about that. The reason stated was they were still seating people. Hmm, I didn’t notice anyone else coming in, honestly. There were still plenty of open seats on my right side. A lot of us had been there at least 45 minutes already. It was 8 at night anyway, just start the show on time. The girls’ performances were a bit racy…s***p c**b moves, scantily dressed…for a family show and place like Branson. If you like that kind of thing, you’ll love this. If you don’t like it, it will make you uncomfortable. It was just my husband and I at this show….I would’ve been embarrassed taking my kids or my elderly parents. I get it, you want to distract guests, that’s a key part of the illusion, but when people are uncomfortable, and I was, you can’t fully appreciate the art of the illusion. I didn’t want to cause a scene and walk out, so I didn’t, but I was glad when it was over. Reza has a very dry sense of humor. I can appreciate that. He can also be great with kids. I appreciated how he let the little boy come up and participate with the rings. That was awesome how he gave him a lifetime pass, too. I thought it was a nice touch adding his own personal experience with magic as a child. Reza can be extremely condescending, too. When asking for audience participation, he told an audience member he was “too excited,” and he passed him over. I was sitting next to the guy and he sat down and he lost all his enthusiasm for the show for the rest of the night. The crowd wasn’t pumped up enough in the beginning, apparently, because the guy that opened the show wanted everyone on their feet screaming for Reza. Then Reza had the audacity to tell an audience member he was too excited. Give me a break! He also embarrassed an elderly gentleman when he stood up with the sponge brick. The poor guy couldn’t hear very well, so he wasn’t sure what was going on. I was sitting behind the poor guy and he sure understood that Reza was cutting him down in front of an entire audience after the dust settled. It was extremely awkward. Reza, these people are your paying customers and the the crowd sitting around these two guys you embarrassed were not happy with you. I heard several saying audience members say they were ready to go after that. One lady even said, “He’s a j***!” to which several people around here spoke up in agreement. The same lady and her husband left at intermission. Better brush up on some PR skills, Reza. Don’t get too arrogant lest you run off your fan base.
Oct 2022
Reza is very entertaining. If you are a fan of illusion and magic, and even if you aren't, he is very entertaining. He has a dry sense of humor, so if you are a fan of it, you will really laugh. He did have 1 illusion go wrong, but brushed it off. I highly suggest visiting Reza in Branson.
Oct 2022
We were amazed by Reza’s mastery of illusion. It was a real treat to see his show in Branson. I appreciate Reza sharing his story of how he got the magic bug. Also, the video story of the young boy going to see Reza and now working with Reza. It’s great to se them both living out their childhood dream.

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