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Риггинс Идахо 1-дневни рафтинг излет на реци Салмон

Ајдахо је познат као "држава Вајтвотер" и ниједно путовање није употпуњено рафтингом. Река Салмон у близини Ригинса у Ајдаху је савршен једнодневни излет да доживите најцењенију реку Ајдаха, моћног лососа. Заједно са великим таласима и топлом водом, ово путовање ће повремено подићи адреналин, а истовремено ће омогућити обиље могућности за пливање и опуштање.
Цити: МцЦалл
Sun 23 Feb
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Са почетком у $129.00
Sun 23 Feb
Са почетком у $129.00
Шта је укључено
БЛМ накнаде за коришћење земљишта укључене
Укључен је превоз до реке и назад до наше продавнице
Укључен ручак поред реке
Укључена сва речна опрема.
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници би требало да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Минимални узраст: 8
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Коментара (28)
Kathy G
Aug 2022
8 friends and family went on the day river trip down the Lower Salmon River. We are so lucky to have the Salmon River in our state and are able to ride the waves with Orange Torpedo! We had such a blast. 2 of our group had never rafted and were blown away. Great guides and price for the trip! the river
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
Kathy, thanks for joining us on the Salmon River. We feel honored every time we get to take people on their first river trip. I hope it was the first of many!
Jul 2022
Fantastic first time rafting trip with the family! We took our teenage daughters and they had a blast! Nice that the first half is more mellow and gets you prepared for the bigger rapids on the second half of the tour. Lunch was perfect, grilled burgers with a vegetarian option too. We had an excellent guide (Jessi) that was super patient and extremely helpful in taking us down the river. She took photos/video for us and made us feel safe and comfortable the entire time! Highly recommend Orange Torpedo!
Eric A
Jul 2022
The trip itself was great. Our guides Olivia and Jess knew what they were doing and kept us safe. The only part that was kind of a bummer was the down time from rapids and the intensity of the rapids. I totally understand that nature will take its own course and there is no magic switch to just increase or decrease the rapids, but it would have been nice to maybe hear more about the river or history during our trip while there was a lot of flat slow moments. I am clearly no expert on rafting, but I felt like we could have aimed for some of the bigger rapids at times and we kind of steered around them. Again, I really did have a great time and I would do it every day if I could, but I would definitely say that this trip is geared more towards a beginner thrill seeker rather than a total adrenaline junkie. I would love to come back on at a time when the same section of the river is firing on all cylinders just to get a better understanding of what the trip could have been. Everything other than that was great. Good food, nice people, and super attentive to helping.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Eric, Thanks for sharing about your experience and for joining us. I’m sorry the trip was perhaps not as exciting as you had intended. The Salmon River, being un-damned, has major changes as the flows come down throughout the summer with a mid-range (where we are now) where it is probably a little less punchy than both higher and lower. That said, many find this middle time to be their favorite. Anyway, I’m glad you enjoyed the trip and I hope we get to see you on another.

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