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Клисура Рио Гранде цео дан

Доња клисура Рио Гранде је широк кањон са бујним приобалним стаништем дуж обала Рија. Фантастична целодневна авантура за породице, први пут сплаваре и групе. Прва половина дана је прелепа пловба кроз део Рио Грандеа Орила Верде са невероватним пејзажима, прекрасним паузама за ручак поред реке и довољно прилика да радите на веслању у припреми за узбудљиву белу воду тркалишта која долази поподне. Цјелодневни излет у клисуру Рио Гранде се састаје у нашем сједишту у 8:30 ујутро, а минимална старост током већег дијела године је 5 година
Цити: Нови Мексико
Sun 02 Feb
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Sun 02 Feb
Са почетком у $145.00
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све физичке способности нивои<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за водиче у јавним просторима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током целог искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
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Клисура Рио Гранде
Почевши од Почињемо у нашем седишту где ћете се састати са својим водичима за тај дан који ће вас опремити свом опремом неопходном за дан на реци. У седишту ћете наћи сигуран паркинг, чисте тоалете, свлачионице, засјењене столове за пикник у нашим двориштима и све ствари које сте можда заборавили, укључујући крему за сунчање, ципеле за воду, шешире и још много тога. Ово је савршено место за почетак ваше авантуре. Избор заната зависи од нивоа воде. Велика већина наших гостију воли да учествује и весла заједно са водичем у задњем делу чамца који даје команде за веслање, међутим, можете изабрати и да седнете и препустите водичу да ради на веслачком чамцу. А за овиснике о адреналину, питајте за кајак на надувавање без доплате. Плутање клисуре Рио Гранде Након кратке вожње до почетне тачке у нашим комбијима, ваше путовање реком почиње мирним јутарњим плутањем кроз један од најсликовитијих делова кањона са сјајним приликама да видите разне дивље животиње укључујући јелене мазге, речну видру, дабра и многе друге различите птице грабљивице. Овај одељак нам такође даје времена да вежбамо технике веслања, пливања и једноставно уживамо у Рио Грандеу. Негде у овој деоници, зауставићемо се на обали реке на лепом ручку који ће вам саставити ваши водичи. После ручка трчимо брзацима ИИИ класе „Тркалиште“. Доња клисура Рио Гранде је широки кањон са бујним приобалним стаништем дуж обала Рија. Како улазимо у деоницу „Тркалиште“, геологија се радикално мења док прелазимо на линију раседа Рио Гранде, једну од највећих интерконтиненталних раседних линија у Северној Америци. Али не заборавимо белу воду! Тркалиште је дугачко 6 миља брзака класе 2-3 пуне акције. Савршено за све, од почетника до средњег/стручњака. У овом одељку има за свакога нешто да ужива. Са брзацима као што су Лавиринт, Албертов водопад, Нарровс и Тхундердоме побрините се да сте спремни и спремни да се покиснете! Слушајте своје водиче док преговарају о овим брзацима и не заборавите да их замолите да сурфују када су нивои воде нижи. Водичи за цео дан клисуре Рио Гранде Наши водичи су најбољи у послу, фокусирајући се на безбедност и услугу за госте као главни приоритет. Сви су изузетно упућени у геологију, екологију и историју овог подручја и једноставно воле да буду на реци. Наши водичи имају искуство на рекама широм земље и широм света, знам да ћете уживати у свакој од њих колико и ми. Они ће сигурно помоћи да вам дан на реци буде што бољи. Цјелодневни рафтинг Рио Гранде излети су доступни СВАКИ ДАН почевши од марта до септембра. Наша минимална старост на већини водостаја је 5 година, међутим, на већим протицајима, та минимална старост расте на 13 година. Резервишите онлајн или нас позовите било када, 1-800-983-7756, да резервишете свој простор.
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Коментара (175)
Jun 2017
As experienced whitewater kayakers, my friends and I wanted to introduce my goddaughter and her boyfriend (both in their 20s) to the sport we love and I knew the best way to do that was to start them off with professional instruction. We also wanted to paddle the renowned Lower Taos Box section of the Rio Grande while we were in New Mexico. New Mexico River Adventures (NMRA) offered the perfect way to achieve both. After a full day of kayak lessons with NMRA instructor Garrett, the "kids" were well prepared to kayak the Orilla Verde (Taos Junction Bridge to Quartzite) and Bosque (County Line to Embudo Bridge) sections of the Rio Grande with us, which we enjoyed doing over the next several days, thanks to the excellent river beta provided by Matt at NMRA. Then, we culminated our New Mexico vacation with a full-day rafting trip down the Taos Box. If you only have a half day to spend on the Rio Grande or if your group includes children under 13, the Racecourse section is a very fun run (we kayaked it several times without the beginners) and will give you a good taste of Rio Grande whitewater but if you want a true whitewater adventure experience, I very highly recommend spending the extra time and money to do the full-day Taos Box trip. The Lower Taos Box is a classic Class III-IV whitewater run of about 15 miles on a beautiful stretch of the Rio Grande river through a deep, isolated gorge with incredible scenery and opportunities to see wildlife in one of the country’s newest National Monuments. It starts off relatively calm, which gave us the chance to look around and enjoy the views and spot bighorn sheep as well as time to learn to paddle together as a raft team. Our trip leader and guide Wendy was terrific — she was extremely knowledgeable, providing us with expert commentary about the river and gorge, and she did an excellent job of coaching a raft full of kayakers (i.e., people accustomed to paddling solo) into a well-functioning raft team before we hit the bigger rapids downstream. We also fueled up with NMRA’s delicious fajita lunch (way better than typical raft trip fare!) to prepare us for the final five miles of the run, dubbed “the hour of power,” where the river drops more steeply and is characterized by a succession of intense and exhilarating rapids. Even though it was a full day, for us it was over too quickly; we didn’t want it to end so we were a little sad after we ran “Sunset,” our final big rapid of the day and the end of our New Mexico vacation. But what a way to end it! And it left us wanting more so we hope we’ll be back again to try one of NMRA’s multi-day or specialty trips. Thanks, Matt, Wendy, Garrett, and the rest of the NMRA team for your awesome river hospitality!
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2017
Thank you for your excellent review! We appreciate that you enjoyed not one, but two of the first class river instruction and adventures that we offer. This is a beautifully detailed description of the amazing river area we have access to on our full day Taos Box whitewater adventure. Matt, Wendy, Garrett, and the rest of the NMRA team are happy to have shown you why we are NM's top rated river outfitter.
Jeffrey E
Jun 2017
Monday, May 29, was the Best Adventure Ever for us when we shot the rapids of the Taos Box with Wendy, our most intrepid river guide, under the care and auspices of New Mexico River Adventures, located in Embudo, NM. NMRA got us geared up early in the morning (8 a.m. after an hour drive from Santa Fe) on Memorial Day with all the right stuff, wet suits and splash jackets, helmets and PFD's (what I used to call Life Jackets when vacationing in the summer along the coast of Maine). Wendy then schooled us on all of the necessary and requisite safety procedures and what to do and what not to do. Above all else, she mainly emphasized that whatever happened, it was always, absolutely always, better to stay in the raft, not out of the raft! (Of course, if anyone decided otherwise, Wendy provided us with the express details about how we could get retrieved and put back in the raft or how we could proceed with our very own solo float through the Class IV waters.) We then headed out, the four of us who would fill the raft, along with Wendy and Luke, our Alt-Guide In Charge of All Things Food for Lunch, for one of the most amazing days ever. After traveling in the NMRA van for about an hour (I think) from NMRA's office and equipment compound to slightly north of Taos, really just outside of it, we put in on the Rio Grande at John Dunn Bridge and started our wild and crazy ride down the river. And believe me, this wasn't no lazy river cruise, nosiree! While cruising along at the beginning and just flowing with fast water, Wendy got us totally prepped on our paddling techniques and moved us into synchronicity just like that. She's got that special energy that just gets you and got us all fired up. But once again, as she had said several times earlier in the morning, when you go in the Taos Box with a raft, the only way you're comin' out of the Box is on a raft; it's that kind of a river and rapids adventure. (The Taos Box is actually the result of and is located in a geological phenomenon known as the Rio Grande Rift, which was formed by the shifting of the earth's tectonic plates. Unlike other canyons and rivers within elsewhere in the U.S., the Rio Grande did not carve the canyon; the river just flowed to the lowest point which took it through the Taos Box. It is altogether a very remarkable thing to see up close.) So, thereafter, we floated really, practiced paddling techniques, and shot some minor rapids, really just fast water, breaking for an early lunch of chicken fajitas with all the fixings (a masterful meal well prepared and coordinated by Luke -- by now known as Luke Waterwalker), Jalapeno Pringles (desperately, but unsuccessfully, sought by a guest chipmunk), PB&J, a super good honeydew melon. But the excitement continued even on the shore with the discovery of a mystery guest in our midst -- we never saw him or her, but that very distinctive rattle sound clued us in that we might want to steer clear of some certain rocks. So, with belly full, we loaded back up and took off to accomplish the serious business of taming the Rio Grande. (Both before and more so after lunch, we saw many Big Horn Sheep.) As we flowed along, the river picked the pace and, hearing the roar of the upcoming rapids, the four of us quickly revived from that post-lunch lethargy into adrenalized paddling fiends. This is where four intrepid souls and one very skilled and experienced guide faced the coming onslaught of numerous Class IV rapids and falls, well known as Dead Car Rapid, Powerline Falls (a huge drop where the only thing to do upon Wendy's command is to GET DOWN with the hope that you don't go down), Pinball, THEN Rock Garden (a 1/2 mile of amazing water, waves and peril with its Dead Texans -- Wendy still owes us an explanation about how the DT's got its name), and Sunset, the one and only one to end on just before exiting the raft and river scene. Lasting from about 9:30 or 10 a.m., when we put in, until 3:00 or 3:30 p.m., it was an amazing trip full day rafting trip; the best adventure ever! While I don't know anything about any of the other rafting companies in the area, I can only say that for the price, NMRA absolutely delivers on the product and the service for a full day of Taos Box river rafting. We're anticipating that we'll be back in Santa Fe next year and with luck and opportunity, we'll do it again with NMRA.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2017
Thank you Jeffrey! We appreciate your enthusiasm and well written prose. What a fantastic adventure with Wendy and Luke on our Taos Box Full Day trip! We are delighted to have shown you why we are NM's top rated rafting outfitter. With luck and opportunity we look forward to you joining us next year for another amazing rafting adventure. Thank you for the great pictures!
May 2017
Our group took a full day Rio Grande Gorge raft trip over Memorial Day 2017 with Kim as our outstanding guide. There was a 70 year age span in our rafting team, from my 80+ year old father to my 11 year old niece. I must have nervously called NMRA five times to be reassured that this adventure was REALLY suitable for our group. I could not be more delighted that we made this choice! We did NOT feel unsafe for one moment. NMRA and its guides go to great lengths to put caution first... and to make sure everybody is having fun at their own pace. My husband got to jump in the river at the end and ride a little white water outside the boat. We're all glad that we wore the splash gear (even as the afternoon heated up to 70+ degrees) which kept us comfortable in the chilly morning as well as during the afternoon sun. It's amazing how hard the guides work, too -- not only do they pilot the raft down a crazy patch of river, they whip up a hot lunch of chicken & veggie fajitas, point out wildlife and geologic points of interest, and make sure everyone's wearing enough layers to be comfortable! Thank you Kim -- for showing us an amazing time (and keeping my family safe)! We HIGHLY recommend the NMRA rafting adventure and will return again before the summer is out.
Одговор домаћина
May 2017
Thank you for your fantastic review! We are elated that you and your multi generational family enjoyed themselves on a top notch rafting adventure with us. Our first priority here at NMRA is the safety and comfort of our guests, but there is always room for fun. Not only are our guides incredibly knowledgeable, and personable they are also great cooks, and Kim is a terrific example of these A+ qualities. Kim and all of us at NMRA welcome you and your family back for more rafting adventures this summer.

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