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Рогуе Ривер Тхрилл Сеекер

Трагач за узбуђењем Рогуе Ривер је путовање за групу која не може да одлучи о искуству које жели па бира да уради све. Ујутру веслајте у кајаку на надувавање кроз нетакнуте базене на дну кањона Хеллгате. Упустите се у авантуру и веслајте кроз брзаке ИИ класе реке Роуг у свом кајаку на надувавање! Наши водичи ће вас научити вештинама и показати вам линије, али веслање ћете бити све ви, а ви то сигурно можете! <бр><бр>Средином дана група ће уживати у ручку на нашем дворишту између игара мердевине голфа. Након што сте се наситили, укрцавамо се у комби за кратку вожњу до места за одељак Нагет Фолс реке Роуг. Овај део реке има много већу белу воду, тако да се укрцавамо у сплав где ви веслате као део тима кроз пенеће бујице. Поподневни део постаје тежак, а кулминира чувеним водопадима Тиломих, комбинацијом два пада која се спуштају преко 10 стопа укупно.
Цити: Асхланд
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $149.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $149.00
Шта је укључено
Ручак се служи у нашем пабу између преподневног дела вожње кајаком и поподневног дела рафтинга.
Климатизовано возило
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници би требало да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Маске за лице потребне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице потребне за водиче у јавним просторима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особље<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Редовно превозите возила дезинфицирано<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Имамо читаву колекцију протокола које пратимо и које ажурирамо на основу упутстава локалних здравствених власти.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (12)
Garry B
Sep 2019
We went on the Thrill Seeker over Labor Day weekend. In the morning we had Kalen and the kayaks. What a great trip. The river was ours. Kalen was wonderful and very informative, we learned a bunch of stuff and afterwards we had confidence that we could kayak on our own if we wanted to (as long as we didn’t try to be too brave). In the afternoon we had Captain Garrett. Our boat had a couple about our age from Georgia and their son and his girlfriend. What a great boat!!! Garrett did most of the work and we were grateful. Our arms we weak from the morning trip. Garrett was so stoked because he got air on Nugget. When we were surfing, he got a chance to come up front with us to get into the video!!!! We had so much fun. At the office, everyone was very professional, polite and helpful. I never felt we were a bother. Dealing with the public is hard work but the staff made it look easy. At the Torpedo Bar, Quin was a hoot. At lunch she made us feel so welcome. After our day on the river was over, we sat and talked for a couple hours over beer and felt like family. Kalen joined us and we made new friends. We’ve invited them up to our place any time they want to come. I’m so happy we did this trip. If anyone is on the fence about Orange Torpedo or the Thrill Seeker, we are two overweight, middle 50’s people who demand excellence and would come back again. As for the Thrill Seeker, we are two overweight middle 50’s people who did it! If we can do it, anyone can. Thanks for a great birthday!!!!!
Rachael S
Jul 2019
Every part of the experience was amazing! The scenery is beautiful, the rapids are exciting and challenging, and the staff is wonderful. Both halves of the trip are sprinkled with short opportunities to catch your breath and enjoy the bounty of natural beauty between adrenaline-inducing rapids. While each whitewater section presents a unique challenge, it's at a very doable pace. I never felt like I couldn't keep up, but I was certainly never bored! The guides are knowledgeable, skilled, and engaging, making the experience even more enjoyable and memorable. I'd recommend Garrett, Dietz, Spencer, and Quinton because they give clear directions about safety and technique, yet still make sure you're having plenty of fun. The entire experience exceeded every possible expectation I could've had. If you do only one outdoorsy in the Rogue Valley, make it an Orange Torpedo trip!!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
Thanks so much for the kind words! Great to hear you loved your day on the Rogue River and that both parts of this trip matched what you were looking for. I’m glad you enjoyed those guides and thanks for recommending them. I hope we get to see you again on your next trip in the area.
Jul 2019
What an amazing day in such a beautiful place. Spencer and Omar were wonderful and made us feel at ease. My 14 year old was beyond nervous for the class IV rapids, but by the end of day was vying for more! This day, especially the afternoon was one adrenaline filled day! I highly recommend this to anyone looking for some serious fun!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
Thanks so much for the kind review. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the trip and we always love hearing about kids who have fallen in love with going boating. I hope we get to see you again soon.

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