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Ова тура од 3,5 сата која одузима дах буквално вас ставља на ивицу једне од најживописнијих атракција Колорада. Погледајте доле у ​​Краљевску клисуру која одузима дах док вас ова тура води преко највишег висећег моста у Америци скоро 1000 стопа изнад реке Арканзас. Ексклузивни приступ кроз јужни улаз до моста и парка Краљевске клисуре и до врха Фремонт Пеак омогућава вам да видите и доживите праву лепоту Колорада. Прођите кроз гробље које је наведено у Националном регистру историјских места, погледајте отиске диносауруса и често видите дивље животиње у Колораду.<бр><бр>Овај сликовити обилазак је само једна од невероватних локација које посећујемо из наше канцеларије у Кањон Ситију. Ако ова тура не задовољава ваше потребе, највероватније имамо једну која одговара. Нудимо туре и пакете од 3 сата до целог дана. Обавезно погледајте наше друге огласе за више опција.
Цити: Цанон Цити
Mon 18 Nov
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Са почетком у $129.00
Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $129.00
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<ул><ли>Послужне животиње су дозвољене<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, обуците се прикладно<ли>ПОЛИТИКА ОТКАЗИВАЊА:<ли>Обавезно потврдите своје планове путовања у Цанон Цити пре него што резервишете наш џип туре. Због веома ограниченог броја седишта у прилагођеним возилима, плаћање у целости је потребно у тренутку резервације, а резервације направљене преко ТрипАдвисор-а не могу се променити или отказати након потврде. Наша политика отказивања је 100% накнада за отказивање, што значи да нема повраћаја новца када се тура резервише. Ако имате питања о овоме, посетите страницу са честим питањима на веб-сајту Цолорадо Јееп Тоурс или позовите Цолорадо Јееп Тоурс пре него што резервишете обилазак.<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују. <ли>Водичи обавезни за редовно прање руку
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Мост и парк Краљевске клисуре
Погледајте доле у ​​Краљевску клисуру која одузима дах док вас ова тура води преко највишег висећег моста у Америци скоро 1000 стопа изнад реке Арканзас. Ексклузивни приступ кроз јужни улаз до моста и парка Краљевске клисуре и до врха Фремонт Пеак омогућава вам да видите и доживите праву лепоту Колорада.
Скилине Дриве
Скилине Дриве је живописни пут у Кањон Ситију у Колораду. Изграђена је радом логораша 1905. године.[1] Пут почиње од америчког аутопута 50, са постепеним нагибом уз страну гребена. Када пут крене, вијуга, пење се и пада као тобоган до свог краја, где се сликовито пружа поглед на град (исток) и аутопут (запад). Једнотрачни, једносмерни пут уздиже се око 800 стопа изнад околног терена. Нема заштитне ограде упркос оштрим падовима, а вожња је дуга око 3 миље.
Темпле Цанион Парк
Пут кањона храма вијуга преко антиклинале Краљевске клисуре кроз древна ловишта племена Уте. Кањонски пут пролази поред храма, али морате знати где да тражите. Фосили се могу видети дуж пута са другим геолошким чудима.
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (141)
Jun 2018
Our extended family of 12 recently took the half day Royal Gorge Jeep Tour. We were split into 2 jeeps. Bob was the guide for one of the Jeeps, which had several kids in it ranging age 9-15. Mel was the guide for our Jeep. I was pleasantly surprised by this tour. We covered so many areas...some in town, and some in places that were not open to the public. Lots of off-roading adventures! Bob and Mel were both very knowledgeable about the area and had lots of interesting stories to tell. Everyone in our group, from age 9 to 75 really enjoyed this tour. Bring water bottles, hat, and sunscreen, as you are in the sun at times.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2018
Woohoo! I am always thrilled to see reviews like yours. We strive not only to show everyone a good time while touring the amazing scenery and views, but also educate and entertain along the way. I'm sure you would agree that it's difficult to find things to do on vacation that everyone in the family, from kids to grandparents, can enjoy together. Thank you so much for choosing Colorado Jeep Tours, and for your nice comments. We hope to see you again soon.
Steffanie M
Jun 2018
Our tour guide, Mel, was fantastic! If you're looking for a lot of off-road, mountain-desert with a historical background type experience, this is your thing. However, if you're taking the tour to experience the Royal Gorge, then PLEASE save your money. And if you have SMALL CHILDREN, DO NOT TAKE THIS RIDE. When I called, they told me they have many kids ride the jeeps and that our 4-year-old will love it. It was brutal...and our boy LOVES the outdoors. I think maybe a 10-year-old or older might appreciate it...possibly slightly younger...but NOT the little ones. Also, if you do want to take this tour, take the MORNING tour and NOT the afternoon. It was 105 degrees in the open air. Again, our tour guide was great, and the company seemed very professional and legit, but the title of "Royal Gorge Jeep Tour" is very misleading. We spent about 15 minutes of the 3 1/2 hours at the Royal Gorge and barely got to see it. Drive to the Gorge yourself. Walk over the bridge...play at the park, but DON'T do the jeep tour. As a mother of a young child, it was one of the most brutal, stressful experiences ever. Respectfully,
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2018
Steffanie, I'm very sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy your jeep tour. As we highly value guest satisfaction and our online reputation for providing exceptional off-roading tours, I will address each of your comments in detail below. First, thank you for giving kudos to our guide, Mel. He has been with us for a long time, and he takes great pride in doing an excellent job. We appreciate that you gave him high marks. Secondly, I would 100% agree with you that our off-roading experiences are not for everyone. In fact, we actually say this on our website, and in more than one place. The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page in particular addresses this in the "Which Tour Should I Choose" section. It says: "When selecting a tour, consider everyone in your group, their ages, attention span, what they want to see, and the length of the tour. We stop occasionally along the routes (especially on longer tours) to let you stretch your legs, admire the views, and take pictures. All of our tours are incredibly scenic and can be done by almost anyone. However, our tours are not necessarily for everyone. Because we are an off-road jeep tour company, and you’re riding in open-air vehicles for 3+ hours, you should expect it to be windy, bumpy, dusty/damp, sunny/cloudy, or hot/cold – depending on the time of day and the season. And, in order to reach the incredible views and vistas we tour, there will also be narrow roads, sheer drop-offs and heights to be navigated. While some folks are uneasy with such things, most guests find them to be an exhilarating part of the jeeping experience. If you have specific questions about the above, please don’t hesitate to ask before making a reservation." Unfortunately, as your group booked your jeep tour through a third party, and you did not contact Colorado Jeep Tours ahead of time, we didn't have an opportunity to answer your questions. If you had called, emailed or visited our website before booking, you could have obtained detailed information about our off-road experience before making a reservation. However, it doesn't appear that happened. Obviously, we don't want you to have a bad time, nor do we like unhappy reviews. Sadly, there is nothing we can do about either after the tour is over. With regard to the "Royal Gorge Jeep Tour" being "misleading", we take exception to this comment and feel that's an unfair statement. The Royal Gorge is a canyon that is six miles long and encompasses 100's of acres. Our off-road tours cover many miles of the area, showing you incredible scenery. Wikipedia explains what the Royal Gorge is here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Gorge Yes, driving over the Royal Gorge Bridge is just one part of our 3 1/2 hour jeep tour of the Royal Gorge region, BUT we give you a voucher where you can go back to the park on your own for only $9 after our tour, instead of paying $27 per person at the gate. It sounds like you should have simply gone to the bridge instead of taking a tour. My guess is that you simply didn't know what you were booking, nor did you find out if we were a good fit for your family before booking the jeep tour. Thank you for providing details for the reasons behind your 2-star review, so we had the opportunity to address them. We sincerely hope that you enjoyed the rest of your time in the Royal Gorge region.
May 2018
Colorado Jeep tours' Royal Gorge loop is a winner. Taken 5 repeat trips: each varied/ exciting! Tour guide Alan took us through beautiful, serene temple canyon sighting geologic wonders, wildlife, knock-out far view of temple itself; on to back entry of MAGNIFICENT, breathtaking RG Bridge. Climbing (literally) up steep/majestic Fremont Peak -- taking in a 360; including botany tips. Unique Skyline Drive offers Dinosaur trackway, opening up views of pretty Canon City, her surrounding mountains.
Одговор домаћина
May 2018
Thank you very much for your nice review. We hope you see you again on another tour!

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