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РВАТукТук Обилазак Ричмонда

РВАТукТук нуди приватне туре тук туксом на отвореном. Ово су забавна и јединствена електрична возила. Ми смо сертификовани Виргиниа Греен Травел и предузеће у власништву жена.
Цити: Рицхмонд
Fri 27 Dec
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Са почетком у $175.00
Fri 27 Dec
Са почетком у $175.00
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Дизајнирано 1847. године као баштенско гробље у "руралном" стилу, холивудско гробље је прелепо и место за одмор многих познатих личности америчких председника.
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Обиђите престоницу државе Вирџинија - дом најстаријег изабраног законодавног тела у Северној Америци.
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Схоцкое Слип
Возите се кроз трговачке и културне четврти Ричмонда како време дозвољава у Схоцкое Слип, Сцотт'с Аддитион и Царитовн.
Возите се кроз трговачке и културне четврти Ричмонда како време дозвољава Царитовн.
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Коментара (313)
Sep 2022
While I really wanted to love this experience I am giving it a barely passing grade. First, getting into the vehicle was extremely difficult due to the extremely high step up into the seats. I literally had to crawl into the space. The area between the seats was barely 18” if that wide… far too narrow for the six adults on the ride. Our knees touched, our feet were tangled together with those on the sides left to dangle their feet into the well where the first totally inadequate step was. There certainly should have been some cautions on load limits as cramped doesn’t even come close to describing the painful circumstances of the ride. With the canopy on the vehicle, it was difficult to see anything of the murals we were supposed to be viewing. Even switching side’s didn’t improve the view. Now for the bright light of tour…the guide. He was engaging, good natured, knowledgeable, and attentive…managing to sift thru the chatter of the participants and answer questions with humor and charm. He was also an extremely good driver, skillfully avoiding being broadsided by an idiot who ran a red light. The people on the ride also made heroic efforts to make the best of the painful situation. So bottom line, provide a better step up into the vehicle, don’t seat more than 4 adults max. Plan the route with sight lines in mind so the participants can see what they are paying for.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2022
We apologize for your discomfort. These vehicles seat up to six average sized people. The waiver you sign when booking provides a total passenger weight limit to help people judge vehicle capacity.
Sep 2022
1) ALL of the guides on a tour should be equally knowledgeable. We had scheduled two Tuk tuks for our group of 8 but only one of the driver/guides provided most of the information. The people in the other vehicle were basically relegated to just riding along. 2)Dismayed over what little part of the area was toured. This was booked as a Tour of Richmond but we spent the great majority of the time riding around the cemetery. 3) Tuk tuks were struggling to make it up hills throughout the cemetery. One vehicle had shut down several times and the other one required the riders to get out and walk up a hill even though each car’s 4 - passenger weight was well within the limit. 4) Due to a problem with the parking meter at the meeting spot we began our tour 10 minutes late, but still arrived back 5 minutes early. We paid for a full 90 minute informative tour of the city and got far less. A very costly, disappointing experience and an embarrassment while hosting out-of-town guests!
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2022
We are looking into this tour and what could have gone wrong. This is definitely not up to RVATukTuk’s standards. Please reach up to us for more details.
Sep 2022
Great way to see the city - see a lot of history and what Richmond offers today. Was a comfortable temperature and vehicle.

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