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Дневни обилазак Салема: пешачки обилазак хистерије вештичарења

Ова мала групна тура се топло препоручује за оне који желе да науче праву историју најсензационализованијег тренутка у колонијалној америчкој историји - Суђења вештицама у Салему из 1692. Док их воде локални, искусни и образовани водичи, гости ће видети чувене и култна историјска места Салема изблиза и лично. Наши водичи су веома искусни и никада нису писани тако да је свака тура јединствена и вредна труда. <бр><бр>
Цити: Салем
Tue 24 Dec
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Са почетком у $30.00
Tue 24 Dec
Са почетком у $30.00
Шта је укључено
Лиценцирани водич за град Салем
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Дозвољене су животиње услужне<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Рута обиласка није доступна колицима <ли>Не препоручује се путницима са малом децом
Шта да очекујете
Меморијал суђења вештицама у Салему
Гости ће бити вођени до и кроз спомен обележје да виде камење изграђено за сваку од погубљених вештица.
Старо гробље Буриинг Поинт
Гости ће бити вођени кроз ово гробље да виде надгробне споменике важних личности током и након суђења вештицама.
Салем Олд Товн Халл
Гости ће чути о старој риви и старом граду Салема
Пешачки центар у улици Есекс
Наши лиценцирани водичи ће вас провести кроз најсликовитију и најживописнију улицу и трговину на отвореном у Салему.
Епископска црква Светог Петра
наш водич ће вас одвести у двориште цркве да прича о основама везаним за вјештичарску хистерију и рат за независност.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (53)
Jul 2021
Had a great tour with Dominic as our guide. Very informative and friendly. Answered everyone’s questions eloquently. Learned a lot which is exactly why we wanted to get on the tour.
Jul 2021
Our tour guide was outstanding. We had a small group of 11 people and she really took the time to answer question and give us details. Would definitely recommend.
Jul 2021
We were very much looking forward to this tour because of the great reviews and were hoping for Rebecca as a guide, again, because of her great reviews. We booked on location because TripAdvisor was having tech issues and the friendly woman at the counter said we'd have Rebecca or Dominick. We showed up at the scheduled time and we had Dominick. Dominick was a nice guy and very polite. But he said he forgot his licensed city guide lanyard and joked that it just meant he had nothing to do on a weekend but take a bunch of history tests. Well, that was a sign... Dominick did not seem passionate about the topic of the Salem Witch Trials in a factual historical context. He was pretty laid back, monotone and nonchalant. And the answer to every question asked by tour attendees was, "I don't know for sure" or a vague guess, followed up by, "don't quote me on that." When he shared a few stories about events and persons involved that were different versions than I had researched before the tour from valid historical resources, I kindly asked where he had gotten the information about the person from. He said he'd wait to answer until a future point in the tour where the context would help. So I waited patiently until that spot but when he began sharing more on the person/story, he again sounded like he was only expressing opinions on rumor and never did answer my question or ask me if that clarified things. I think he completely forgot me. Lastly, his vague answers were completely off at times. He didn't know approximate ages or more basic knowledge/background, etc. of many of the victims/witnesses/prosecutors, etc. and never once shared where the information he rambled off came from. Again, very polite and friendly enough but I felt like he was just a guy with a job, pulling his necessary shift with tourists and I got more off my phone from historical journals, and factual, well-respected research sites I started looking at while walking to different locations than I did from this tour itself. If you book, maybe request only Rebecca? Or maybe Dominick was having a rough day... I hate leaving this review without addressing with him directly or the tour company, but we simply did not have more time in our limited single day to visit after this disappointment.

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