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Експедиција сланом водом Разгледање знаменитости и дивље животиње - чамац за 6 путника

Снимите лепоту Кетцхикана изблиза и лично док крстарите обалом која изазива страхопоштовање која се обавија око шармантног града. <бр>Наша маневарска, мекана вожња, стабилна 30’ АЦБ ће вас клизити кроз оближње скривене увале, осамљене плаже, нетакнуте увале, потоке за мријешћење лососа и сложена острва националне прашуме Тонгасс. <бр>Опустите се у топлој, удобној кабини или уживајте у магли прашуме са палубе док вас ваш капетан одушевљава природним лепотама, историјом и културом нашег острва. <бр>Дивите се задивљујућим погледима и локалним морским и обалним животињама које насељавају наше воде.<бр>
Цити: Ketchikan
Sat 08 Mar
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Са почетком у $269.00
Sat 08 Mar
Са почетком у $269.00
Шта је укључено
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Минимални број применити. Постоји могућност отказивања након потврде ако минимални захтев за 4 путника није испуњен. У случају да се то догоди, биће вам обезбеђен пуни повраћај новца. Партије ће бити комбиноване како би се испунили услови за капацитет.
Шта да очекујете
Острво Ревиљагигедо, Орцхард Лаке
Наш упућени капетан ће вас водити у овом обиласку морских и обалних дивљих животиња. Стајања се могу направити у било ком тренутку, што омогућава епско разгледање, посматрање дивљих животиња и могућности фотографисања.
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Коментара (3)
Aug 2022
I want to start out by saying that Sheldon was very professional and an extremely nice person. He definitely knew his way around a boat. The issue was what we expected out of the excursion vs. what we received. Like most tourists coming to Ketchikan, we were hoping to see some different types of wildlife and to learn more about them and the surrounding area. The day we were there was rainy and foggy, not unlike the majority of days during the summer but we were still excited for the expedition. Prior to meeting up w/ Sheldon, he had contacted my friend that we were traveling with to let her know he was there when we were ready. When she asked him if he thought we were going to see anything, his response was, “Probably not.” Definitely not what we were hoping to hear but went along and hoped for the best. From the get-go, it was a bumpy ride in which every time we hit a wave, there was a large impact where we had to brace ourselves. Considering that I have a bad back, I am glad that the seats were reinforced, and it didn’t bother my back. In an odd way, it seemed like Sheldon was more into the challenge of riding the waves than the excursion itself. Sheldon did start out by saying that since he was driving the boat that we should keep an eye out for wildlife. Having never been to Alaska and knowing how to look for whales or other types of fish, I didn’t know if there was a certain strategy or tactic that would help. Sheldon did make conversation with us but none of it was about how to find the wildlife or about the surrounding area, more about his journey and how he had gotten to Ketchikan a couple of months earlier and some other small talk. Any time we asked him about something he either said he didn’t know, let me google that or he picked up a phone to call someone else. After 30 minutes of him driving the boat and not talking or stopping to look or see anything, me and my friend actually dozed off for a bit because just going fast in a boat and looking for whales can somewhat put you into a trance or in this case, to sleep. Except for a couple of fish that jumped out of the water to dive deeper for food, that was the extent of the wildlife that we saw on our excursion. When the excursion was almost over, Sheldon asked if we wanted to see some totem poles. At this point, we were happy to see anything (in the water or out.) We told him what time we needed to be back to the boat, so he called someone to ask where to go to see the totem poles. At first, he got lost and wasn’t sure where they were. Then, he called the person again and was able to take us to see them. Unfortunately, he did not know anything about them to share any history or stories. He also pointed out something else that was supposedly noteworthy but couldn’t tell us why. When I contacted the owner of the company (John) to discuss our concerns, he responded by saying that Sheldon was an experienced captain (which we weren't even complaining about), that there was no guarantee of seeing wildlife (again, not our complaint), and even asked if I would be asking for a partial refund if we had seen a whale. Bottom line, make sure you have an experienced/knowledgeable person conducting your excursion and know that customer service is clearly not Johns main focus.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2022
Sheldon not only told you that the weather was very marginal, but informed you that you could cancel as the wildlife viewing would be variable. So as a company we delivered the best tour as the conditions allowed. Sheldon also extended your tour to try to satisfy you at no additional cost. A refund is not warranted as a full tour was delivered.
Jul 2022
Lovey ride. Unfortunately the wildlife were not cooperating. We did see several eagles. Crew was knowledgeable
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
We are glad to hear that you had a lovely ride! Wildlife can never be guaranteed and we are sorry to hear that you didn’t see much of it but happy that some eagles came out to play! Thank you for leaving us a review.
Jul 2019
Great tour with Captain Doug! Escaping the crowds and spending a couple of hours on the beautiful water was an incredible experience. Doug was very knowledgeable & just plain fun! I took loads of photos of seals basking on rocks in 2 places and beautiful bald eagles soaring around us. Ketchikan is a picturesque town from the water with colorful buildings and cool fishing boats everywhere. The boat was very stable with plenty of seating both inside and out. I'm taking another boat tour with this company to see the BEARS on the longer tour that Captain Doug offers. Thank you for an incredible 2 hour tour!
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