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Крстарење реком Сан Антонио, обилазак Хоп-Он Хоп-Офф и Торањ Америке

Овај пакет укључује све најбоље знаменитости и атракције које историјски град Сан Антонио може да понуди - откријте аутентични Јужни Тексас! <бр><бр>Искусите забавно и информативно крстарење бродом на светски познатој шетњи реком Сан Антонио, као и путовање уз Торањ Америке. <бр><бр>Можете да бирате и између 24-часовне, 48-часовне или 72-часовне карте за хоп-он хоп-офф аутобуску карту за разгледање града.<бр><бр>Истражите центар града уз љубазно особље, уживо водичи и снимљени коментари, скачући и силазили колико год желите на било којој од 19 аутобуских станица на рути.
Цити: Сан Антонио
Sun 22 Sep
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Sun 22 Sep
Са почетком у $67.99
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Избор 24,48 или 72-часовне пропуснице за хоп-он хоп-офф аутобуску турнеју
Торањ Америке
БЕСПЛАТНО узорковање острига у бару и салону Оистер Валк 'Он Тхе Бенд' уз куповину два пића
Крстарење бродом Ривер Валк
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Коментара (391)
shane c
May 2018
We have toured many cities where Bus tours are available and San Antonio was another hit. Our Bus driver was Derrick and he was very informative and entertaining. He gave a brief history, lots of interesting facts and stories and recommendations.San Antonio is not a very large City but there was lots to see and the Hop-on Hop-off tour gave us lots of options to explore some of them further. We also took the River Walk Cruise as part of the package and it was excellent. The only problem we had was we wish we could spend for time visiting more of the attractions. One other thing is the locals of San Antonio are some of the most friendly people we've met in our travels.
Одговор домаћина
May 2018
Thank you so much Shane! We really appreciate your review and will pass your comments along to Derrick. Thank you!
May 2018
A friend of mine had actually booked this mini vacation to San Antonio, to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life in our city, we are from Texas also but we played tourist in a new city. We arrived early for the hop on, hop off bus tour, had great help getting our tickets (already pre-purchased) and away we went, looking for the perfect bus...the perfect bus for us...top deck, front row, feet up, sun shining, phones off and pure relaxation. Our plan....take the full tour, then decide..where do we want to get off first. Our bus ride starts and we have this friendly voice coming thru the speakers, talking to us as if we are face to face in a conversation, this voice that is very knowledgeable of the landmarks, the stops, the history......this friendly voice telling stories about a location how he may have spent time there or took his daughter there and what they did to enjoy themselves or just the history about the location, or the history of a Texas landmark that fed into the location of the stop. The knowledge that this friendly voice had of every stop was very impressive. Once we had completed the first tour of the Hop On Hop Off and got back to the original starting point, we requested the time of the same exact bus with the same exact friendly voice once it got ready to leave again...Believe me folks when I say that our driver was the best, because he truly was, he wanted to make sure we enjoyed our stops and told us that was all that mattered, that WE the tourist enjoyed ourselves. if you decide to take this tour...look for the guy with the friendly voice and smile who absolutely loves his job, ride his bus and learn the history or hear the stories......he is absolutely amazing. Look for JOSH on this tour....
Одговор домаћина
May 2018
Wow! Thank you for such a wonderful review Harley! We appreciate it so much. We are really happy you both had such a fun time and will pass your comments along to Josh. Thank you again!
May 2018
Our experience on May 5, 2018 using the Hop On Hop Off bus tour was satisfying in that we got to visit a lot of San Antonio and we could decide when and where to spend more time. The only downside to 2 of 3 of the tours we took was that the driver of each bus was either unaware, or didn't really care, of the extremely loud and shrill audio during his explanation of what we were looking at. Not only were the sound levels well above what was needed for people with normal hearing as well as for those with hearing aids, but the driver, in far too many instances, actually intensified his own voice levels that added to the shrillness and intensity. When brought to his attention, the driver said he was never told it was too loud. He lowered it about 10% or so but ended up speaking louder. When we boarded that same bus later in the day, the volume was back where it was before I asked him to lower it. When I raised my voice to him he reacted and asked why I was yelling. I simply said, "i wanted to show you what YOU sound like when your voice leaves the 30 or so speakers spread around the bus. He didn't think that was funny. Bottom line, if you're going to use Hop On Hop Off, wear ear plugs. I wonder if the driver actually sells hearing aids on the side.
Одговор домаћина
May 2018
Thank you for your review Warren! We appreciate it very much and will take a look at the volume issue you brought up. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

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