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Сан Диего Цлуб Цравл - Ноћни живот Парти Тоур

Придружите се клубу Сан Дијего Цравл, упознајте гомилу нових људи и забавите се у 3 најпопуларнија бара и ноћна клуба у четврти Гасламп у Сан Дијегу. Без покрића и без редова јер вас наши домаћини доводе право у свако место. Дођите да се упознате и забавите се са другим мештанима и туристима. Ваш најбољи излазак у Сан Дијегу!
Цити: Сан Диего
Wed 06 Nov
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Wed 06 Nov
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Коментара (85)
Jun 2016
Want to know San Diego's hotspots in a few hours? Club Crawl is the way to go. Are you visiting and want a safe, reliable good time. Then Club Crawl is the answer. Want a different crowd to see the taste of San Diego's hottest men and women. Well wait n longer, your 30 bucks will go a long way. We went on a Saturday, regular weekend night. About me. Professional clubber in various communities, with variety of music, and rarely frequent the same locations.I can quite easily get into clubs and pay no cover. I have partied at the clubs on the list. With that being said, I thought it might be interesting to do a club crawl, minus the hustle and bustle of lines. Minus the smizing at the men at the front door. The Club Crawl concept is ingenious. First, these are the popularized clubs that cost the same price as one individually. *This was our selection-(Analog, Fluxx, Andaz and Parq). Second, the timing from club to club is just enough before you may become aesthetically bored. You know how sometimes you are out but stay because you have already paid cover and invested in the alcohol? Well Club Crawl takes that element away. Essentially, it is more than adequate time to get a drink, dance about 10 songs, and flirt your way through temptation with a prospect and leave. The clubs play mostly hip hop and dance music. Every host is professional. Uria understood professionalism. He had clear boundaries even when ladies were trying to distract him. He ensured that he walked around the clubs to remind people of their time and he engaged in conversations. No pompousness experienced. Analog craftily played club music to hype the crowd and set the scene. Analog is a club with or without club crawl so it may be a spot to come back to in the future. Fluxx is just a cool vibe venue. Nice scenery, medium intimate dance floor. Andaz is the rooftop in downtown San Diego. Sound system sucks, yes it does but the view is amazing. And Parq...a complete show of cirque du soleil and transformers. It is wild. Just some essentials if you are considering: Parking downtown is hit or miss but make sure you arrive at Club Crawl by 1020 p.m. You are not tied to club crawl once you enter the facilities. Just make sure you meet where you are supposed to once you are in the club. Club Crawl brings a very attractive and exploratory crowd. Most folks are too prudish or lack genius to try Club Crawl because of complaints about a $30 dollar ticket. Boo for them. Seriously, buy your ticket early. Drinks at all the bars are still expensive. If you decide to leave club crawl you can. The hosts are monitoring the crowd but gee-whillikers they are not responsible for you. Drink responsibly. If you and your friends are lushes do not ruin for the crowd having a great time. Most times you cannot get into these clubs after 11 p.m. so nip that quickly and buy your Club Crawl. The best time for a girls night out. Bachelorette party, Bachelor party. Because your friends are visiting. Because you want to do something new. Because you want to explore some choices that downtown offers. If you are not a frequent downtown partier, absolutely, Club Crawl is the only answer. I hope by summer that more clubs are added to the list-Hard Rock, Cake etc.
May 2016
Me and my husband loved all clubs we went to and met some fun people! Our night was lots of fun ! Only negative was drinks were expensive witch we would expect from downtown San Diego.
Apr 2016
This club crawl was very unorganized. The people who "ran" it were just as drunk as everyone else! They even got half the group lost towards the end of it. After Andaz, we ended up going in circles because they couldn't find the next club, Basement! They advertise that you won't wait in line, well not true, we had to wait in the normal line and we even texted the promoters "why were we waiting in line" and got a response three hours later!! We waited in line at Flux as there was no organizer around and the club bouncers had no idea about it so they made is get in the normal line. Do not recommend this at all! There have to be better club crawls!!

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