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Сан Диего Премиер Диннер Цруисе

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Цити: Сан Диего
Thu 24 Oct
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Са почетком у $154.71
Thu 24 Oct
Са почетком у $154.71
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Коментара (203)
Aimee S
Jul 2019
*Edit to add* looking at the description again, they say each couple gets “a bottle of champagne”. This is not the case. You each get a GLASS of champagne. Each additional is an extra cost. We opted for a glass of water and a glass of apple cider. Again, they charge extra for the extra glass of apple cider. I gave mine to my date. We did the “luxury dinner cruise”. Go ahead and ignore that dress code they list. While I was dressed up and my date was, a lot of people were wearing casual clothes. Sweatshirts, shorts, flip flops. The good: The captain seemed very friendly and the DJ was very nice. The gentleman at the bar was pleasant. The ride was smooth and the views were amazing. The bad: When we sat down to the table and after boarding was complete, Annie, our waitress came over and explained the menu. She made a note to let us know that we should order upgrades early to ensure they have the food available. When she came back for our dinner order she told us she’s only taking main course orders for now. We wanted to order an appetizer but we waited because she seemed in a rush. She asked us about drinks but neither of us were drinking alcohol. I requested more water. While waiting for water, I watched alcoholic drinks come to everyone who ordered it. I ended up getting up and getting my own water and water for my date. By now we are so hungry. We ate our salad and still waited for someone to take our order for dessert and appetizers. No one ever came so we finally flagged her down. I ordered the artichoke and spinach gratin that was described on the menu as coming with baguettes. Instead what came was cold spinach dip with crackers. I would not have paid an extra $9 had I known they had no more bread. I was pretty upset since we already paid over $200 for this. Dinner was decent. I had ordered the upgraded strawberries and cream dessert. This was described as strawberries and cream with Grand Marnier. What I got was a martini glass with a couple of strawberries, tons of raspberries and blueberries and a bit of whipped cream. I went back and read the menu and it certainly didn’t mention that the “strawberries and cream” was actually “mixed berries and cream”. No one let us know how to get our photos that were taken on our way in. We had to ask another guest. I wasn't going to cough up another $20 after the whole "water crackers with $9 luke warm app" thing.
Jun 2019
Went on this dinner cruise 06/26/19. I emailed Hornblower the next morning. No response. You'd think they'd respond but, no, they did not. Rudeness. This is my email. Dear San Diego Hornblower: I went on your dinner cruise last night. I would like you to know how it went and what I thought about it. The maitre d' was very welcoming and our servers (Kim and I forgot the other one's name. Blonde hair. She was Kim co-server last night) were ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! Attentive yet not intrusive to our evening. Just nice, nice girls. Even the server that helped them fill our water glasses was awesome. He was even very apologetic that the tea ran out and very accommodating as to refilling with another non-alcoholic beverage of our choice if we so wanted. Furthermore, my husband said he had never had a better steak in all his life. So tender that a butter knife cut it. His potatoes and shrimp were perfect. He even ate the broccoli rhab and LIKED it. He hates the stuff in general. Now he wants me to go buy some! :) The desserts were phenomenal, too. I truly appreciate the little birthday cake. It was sooooo goood! The ambiance and the place setting made me feel like a princess. Beautiful. Now to the part that I must regretfully pen. My food, the veggie dish, was cold. Well not so cold cold but room temperature. Not even a little bit of warmth. The spinach underneath was barely warm but the tampino... no bueno. I enjoyed the flavors but my guess is I would have LOVED it were it warmer than room temp. The next things that disappointed me were the fact that so many window panes were broken. I get one (1) but three (3)? The windows had smudges that weren't just a day or two old. It was gross. The passageways to the exterior was dirty. Even more dirty than a local McDonald's entrance/exit doors. Additionally, you could tell the ship is in need of a major overhaul by way of RUST and it was OLD rust on the steal throughout. There were old paint chips and weird debris just over the railing on the ledge on the aft part of the ship. The MOST important thing above all, the Captain said there were life vests on the vessel as per US Coast Guard regulation. It would not have done me any good because HE DID NOT SAY WHERE they were. Even on an airplane, the flight attendants tell you where the emergency gear is stowed. They even SHOW you. I realize that if she were sinking, there would be an announcement over the 1MC but what if he or any one other the crew members couldn't broadcast the info for whatever reasons. To say I was disappointed about those things is putting it mildly. While I realize that the Hornblower is not a US Navy ship (and I've been on all kinds) and subjected to the maintenance set forth by the Department of the Navy, I still believe that a dinner cruise that cost me $350 should be better maintained. I've eaten at several high end restaurants in San Diego for the same amount of money and the facilities and the food were above par. My husband even said that the two (2) different fishing vessels he boarded through Dana Point were better maintained than our vessel last night. That's pretty sad. On the way to the cruise last night I had expressed to my husband that we should buy six (6) $350 dinner cruises for Christmas presents but after my experience, that is not going to happen sadly. So, again, the staff, ambiance and place settings WONDERFUL. Everything else leaves room for LOTS of IMPROVEMENT. Thank you for reading. ~~~ You'd think they'd respond because it's good business practice and because they are losing $2100 in future sales. Now, I'm telling EVERYBODY I know and the world.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2019
Thank you so much for taking the time to share the details of your experience on your recent cruise. We truly appreciate that you took the time and effort to list down all the good aspects of the experience you enjoyed and at the same time, brought to light other aspects of the cruise that need improvement. We are constantly looking into ways to better our product based on our guest's comments so rest assured that everything you mentioned will be discussed with our internal teams. We also wanted to apologize for the delay in responding to your email. Our team is usually pretty quick to respond to emails so we wanted to double check where it was sent. May we know what email address you had sent it to? We would appreciate if you can forward over a copy of your email to [email protected] and we will make sure that it reaches our Senior Management team. Once again, we truly appreciate all this feedback and we hope you can give us another chance.
May 2019
My wife and I did the dinner cruise for our anniversary. We both had a great time, boat is very nice and big and the outside decks make for beautiful views. All staff were very nice and professional. Our server was Sal. He was very nice and did a great job! DJ was good and informative as he pointed out certain things throughout the ride. Only reason why I didn’t give it a full 5 star rating was because the salad that comes with the meal, states on the menu that it comes with vinaigrette. Which it did not, it came with blue cheese, which was an issue because my wife doesn’t like blue cheese so she chose not to eat the salad. Other than that it was a great time and highly recommended
Одговор домаћина
May 2019
Thank you for celebrating your anniversary on board with us! We are glad that you and your wife enjoyed your overall experience during the cruise. We have noted your comments regarding the salad and will definitely look into this. We always appreciate feedback like that as we know that there is always room for improvement. We hope to see you back on board soon and next time, we hope to make it a 5-star experience for you!

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