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Цити: Сан Диего
Thu 26 Sep
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Са почетком у $65.00
Thu 26 Sep
Са почетком у $65.00
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Морски биолози су на микрофону и објашњавају шта тачно можете очекивати.
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Коментара (820)
Feb 2015
Both my SO and I agreed afterwards that our expectations were probably unrealistic, based on awesome videos we had seen before of whale watches in the past. Naturally, if they were good enough to be seen by wide audiences, they were the more spectacular experiences. Ours was not. Sadly it was rainy and cold when we went, nothing could be done about that.The boat was rather large. I think capacity was about 140, and there were 80 customers on this trip. Even with a low crowd, when there were sightings of whales or dolphins, everyone crowded to that particular side of the boat, making viewing difficult. The naturist said our group saw 13 whales. I would say, HE might have (he had the best view, in the top-front of the boat), but the group didn't necessarily. Also, while the boat are regulated to stay at least 100 yards from the whales, ours stayed no less than 1/4-1/3 miles away. Our sightings were very distant, nothing remotely up close. If we did this experience again, I would try and find a smaller boat (less crowd) to go out in. I would go again if offered the chance (I like boating), but I would definitely set my expectations much lower, and hopefully would be pleasantly surprised. Oh, if you go, use a GroupOn and save about 50%.
Feb 2015
We took a 3 hour tour and were lucky enough to see 9 whales and about 1000 dolphins. I am not kidding you...I think the guide (a Marine Biologist) called it gaggle. She kept telling us how lucky we were and that she had never seen anything like it. They were everywhere...i kept going side-to-side on the boat as I was trying to take it all in. They also serve sandwhiches, pop, beer, water, candy bars, soup. Way worth the money - glad we did it.
Feb 2015
We were on a 3-hour tour. The reason we did this activity was to see whales. Of course, the crew have no control over the sea life and you're not guaranteed to see any whales (though they do guarantee you'll see a whale or a dolphin or you can do it again for free). But we did see whales…we saw one within the first 15 minutes of the boat ride. Then as we kept searching, we came upon a pod of dolphins and it was an amazing time with them. There were about 300+ dolphins in this pod and the captain took us right up to them and they started racing the boat and swimming all around it…a spectacular show! A little later we came upon another smaller pod of dolphin and they did the same thing. Just before we were heading back, the captain spotted a pod of 7 whales and we were able to watch them a bit before we had to travel back. Both on the way in and out of the harbor, we saw sea lions and a variety of birds. There's not really a great place to get the best view of the sea life, if you're a passenger. The 'crew only' areas have the best views. I'm sure there are safety reasons, or visibility reasons for the Captain, that limit passengers to certain areas. But it was kind of tough to see the whales when the captain positioned the front of the boat towards the sea life. Only a small number of passengers compared to the number on the boat could stand at the front to see. And if you tried to stand on the benches to see above those in front, they made you get down…quite frustrating when you knew there was something to see but you couldn't see it through all the people. If you were on the second level, you had the whole crew room and area in the front 1/3 of the boat so you could only see on the sides. The crew photographer took and posted pictures on their Facebook page. Their pictures are amazing because they have an unobstructed view of the sea life (unlike the passengers) and they have a great zoom lens on their camera. Anyone looking at the pictures on their page would assume they are much closer to the sea life than they actually are. All in all, though, it was very exciting. Two things could have made this an excellent trip…1) getting closer to the whales and positioning the vessel so the sides and back of the boat could view better. Even though we could see them, we weren't very close and still had to use binoculars to get a nice view of them. I imagine there is protocol for how close they can/should get to the whales. But, I feel we weren't close enough if we had to use binoculars to really see detail on them. 2) The boat (The Privateer) is a bare bones boat. So if you want a more comfortable, luxurious ride, this is not the boat to choose. I have no idea what the bathroom was like as I didn't need it, nor did I even see it (so I'm not sure where it was). I walked all around the boat in the places passengers where allowed. My 2 tips: 1) Don't pay full price. Find a groupon or some other discount to give you half off. Perhaps even go to the dock and ask someone coming off the boat for their half off coupon if they don't need it. They gave everyone disembarking a half off coupon to come back. Perhaps they do that every ride. 2) Get there early and be first on the boat. Then go straight to the front and stand at the rail in your spot…that's the only way you will have the best view. No matter what, pick a nice day to go out. Even if you don't see any sea life, it's a beautiful view of the coast and the ocean breeze is relaxing.

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