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Сан Францисцо Супер Савер: Муир Воодс & Вине Цоунтри са опционим гурманским ручком

Будите двоструко одушевљени овом награђиваном комбинованом турнејом кроз јутарњу шетњу кроз древну шуму секвоје и поподне ексклузивних искустава винарије у калифорнијским долинама Напа и Сонома. Опустите се и уживајте у живахном образовању и демонстрацијама винара. То је једина турнеја Воодс & Вине која укључује све накнаде за дегустацију вина. Гарантовани одласци 365 дана у години. <бр><бр>Обилазак нуди могућност да своје искуство Вине Цоунтри анд Редвоодс Тоур подигнете на виши ниво препуштајући се ексклузивном искуству хране од три јела на историјском тргу Сонома.
Цити: Сан Франциско
Mon 18 Nov
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Са почетком у $169.00
Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $169.00
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Тачне дестинације и итинерар могу да се разликују у зависности од времена, услова на путу и ​​дискреције водича. <ли>За преузимање хотела, ако ваш хотел није на листи, изаберите Хилтон Унион Скуаре у улици О'Фарел 333 (места састанка је испред улаза у Мејсон улицу).<ли>Било који. Госту који не обезбеди сигурносно седиште за своје дете у време обиласка и не обавести унапред организатора путовања, можда неће бити дозвољено да се укрца на турнеју и неће бити подложан повраћају новца.<ли>Оброци нису доступни. укључено (осим ручка ако је опција додата при одласку).<ли>Аудио водичи су доступни на шпанском, португалском, италијанском, француском, немачком, корејском, мандаринском и јапанском. Наведите језик у тренутку резервације под посебним захтевима.<ли>За међународне госте, имајте на уму да је законска старосна граница за конзумирање алкохола у Сједињеним Државама 21 година.<ли>За ретке случајеве када је реч о томе комерцијални паркинг није доступан у Муир Воодс-у, задржавамо право да организујемо алтернативну дестинацију за уживање у џиновским обалним секвојама током вашег обиласка Муир Воодс анд Вине Цоунтри Тоур.<ли>Увек погледајте потврду добављача за тачан избор. време рада и локација јер се ово може разликовати од вашег хотела.<ли>Ако изаберете надоградњу за ручак, ваша група ће седети заједно за презентацију локалних вина поред стола упарене са сваким стручно припремљеним курсом калифорнијске кухиње.<ли>За опцију приватног обиласка, величина возила ће зависити од величине ваше забаве<ли>НАПОМЕНА: Дегустације се обично одржавају у винарији Киеу Хоанг, подрумима Мусцардини и породичној винарији Маио, али локације су подложно променама, у зависности од расположивости.<ли>Надоградња опције ручка де: након што их дочекају сиреви из долине Сонома и пенушаво вино, гости могу да изаберу јело као што је супа од минестроне са пасуљем и поврћем, тестенина са сосом од говедине и свињетине или песто сосом од руколе и бадема или лососа на жару са сезонским поврћем и балзамиком смањење.
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Коментара (1000)
Stephan P
Dec 2019
The tour started and ended on time. Two of the wineries were relative unknowns. Cline was the star of the three. I would rate Travis as an excellent bus driver, but did very little narrating compared to dozens of other tours I have done with Viator.. We enjoyed our day, but having much knowledge of Napa/Sonoma, the tour was a mere shadow of it's potential.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2019
We were glad to hear that you enjoyed Cline Family Winery in Sonoma. We will mention your comment about the amount of commentary to Travis so that he (and we) can get better every day. Thanks for the review.
Dec 2019
It was fairly average. Almost all of the things they show in the pictures are not included -- you have to pay extra (e.g., entry to Muir Woods, cheese boards, wine bottles, etc.). The amount of wine given for each tasting is maybe two tablespoons -- adding up all of the wine you get (across the 5 hours) is equivalent to just less than one full glass (if that helps). The tour is exceptionally long (11-12 hours), so plan to burn an entire day. The experience is still cool to get to see Muir Woods and Wine Country. It was fairly expensive for what you got out of it, though (I feel like you'd be better off booking separate tours). The tour guide we had was great though (really energetic and insightful; made the full day tour bus ride manageable). The tour bus will also stop at your hotel to pick you up, which is cool (though it's at 7:00am in the morning). There was no WiFi on the bus (even though it was advertised on the website as well as on stickers all over the bus). Considering all the extra fees/expenses (e.g., entry fees, lunch, etc.), this comes up to be a $200+ experience. Tried to be transparent as possible with the pros/cons. Hope this helps. :)
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2019
Thanks for your review. They help us to get better every day. I would, however, like to respond to a few details for guests considering this combo tour to Muir Woods and the wine country. First, expect to get about 2 oz. each of three wines at all three wineries. That adds up to far more than two glasses of wine so be careful. The Muir Woods entry fee is $15 and you can pay to us when you book or pay at the gate -- its the same cost. The lunch upgrade (which everyone enjoys) is $46.00 and includes a wine pairing with your food but is entirely optional. Yes, the tour will take an entire day but its the only way to fit in these two great locations while allowing our guests to relax and enjoy.
Dec 2019
We booked this whole day tour way in advance and thank goodness that we did. We let them know where we were staying and they gave a pickup point that was just across the street. We were picked up by a young man named Dustin. If you are able to, request this gentleman to guide you. He was so informed and spoke so well. We started at Muir Woods National Park to see the coastal redwood trees and meander about for a little over an hour. The smell of the forest was so amazing and the walk was so great. Be sure to dress in layers because it does not get much sun through the trees and it is around 9:30 am when you arrive. Just relax and breathe. Then we headed for Sonoma for two wine tastings. The first was Cline Wines. We were taken to a place in the back to a tasting area and enjoyed tasting about six different wines. We then moved to the estate house and sample more. You have pay here. The outside tastings were included with the tour at all three wineries. Nest it was off to Sonoma Square where we had an hour to grab lunch or have the gourmet lunch, if you wanted it included. We chose to explore and stopped at a sandwich sop called Basque Boulangerie Café. Really good food at fair prices and of course wine by the glass.We then all met at the Lake Sonoma Winery, where we tasted five different wines. This tasting was very good but was not as good as the previous stop at Cline. We all got back on the bus and headed for Napa to visit KIEU HOANG WINERY. Okay, yes, I had to copy and paste this name. This place was incredible. The tasting took place in the actual vineyard. We were there on November 2 and so the harvest had just finished. There were still tiny globes of Pinot Noir grapes on the vines and we were encouraged to pick them and taste them. The wines we tasted were the best ones of the day. I wish we could have spent more time here but we only had time for one more flight. The wines were superior to all the others of the day. We then headed back to the city where we were dropped off at the same spot as were were picked up at. Please be sure to ask for Dustin and please make sure to leave a gratuity.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2019
So, kind of you to leave a details review of our Redwoods and wine country tour. Dustin was thrilled that you had a good time with him. Travel well.

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