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Обилазак хране и фотографија у Функ Зони Санта Барбаре

Једите свој пут кроз Функ зону – модерну Санта Барбару, нову хаубу – док учите о локалној култури и како да направите одличне фотографије хране.<бр><бр>Овај обилазак хране и фотографија почиње у доњој Стејт улици и провест ће вас кроз кварт Функ Зоне где ћете пробати оно по чему је Санта Барбара позната са залогајима свежих морских плодова, гастропаб креацијама, мексичком храном, занатским пивом и локалним винима на неколико различитих локација. Успут ћете се уронити у локалну културу и чути занимљиве приче о сваком месту које ћете посетити.<бр><бр>Такође ћете научити савете за фотографије које се лако снимити од професионалног водича и узети ваше вештине фотографисања хране на следећи ниво помоћу апликације за камеру вашег паметног телефона. До краја вашег тросатног обиласка, јести ћете као локални и пуцати као професионалац!<бр>(Имајте на уму: у овом тренутку не можемо прихватити алергије на шкољке, веганска или целијакија ограничења. Међутим, имамо само једно дегустација шкољки/морских плодова током обиласка.)
Цити: санта Барбара
Sun 20 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $135.00
Sun 20 Oct
Са почетком у $135.00
Шта је укључено
Локални водич
Дегустација вина
Дегустација хране
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Све површине и површине су за инвалидска колица приступачан<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Оброци за бебе нису укључени<ли>Минимална старост за конзумирање алкохола је 21 година<ли>Не препоручује се за веганска или целијакијска ограничења у исхрани. Алергије на шкољке се не могу решити, али ће само делимично пропустити једну дегустацију.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли> Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака<ли>И даље се придржавамо свих актуелних смерница за Деда Мраза Барбара Цоунти. Направите брзу онлајн претрагу за „маск мандат Санта Барбара Цоунти“ да бисте могли да останете у току свог путовања! Такође ћемо обавештавати све наше госте о свим променама смерница за ЦОВИД по потреби.
Шта да очекујете
Функ Зоне
Започните своју 3-часовну шетњу у Санта Барбари на централној локацији у зони Функ, која се налази у близини доње Стате Стреет. Овај регион у којем су се некада налазила складишта и ронилачке продавнице - сада ревитализована у ужурбани крај модерних ресторана, соба за дегустацију вина и уметничких студија - је место где ћете се састати са својим водичем за поподневну дегустацију хране и фото обилазак. Крените пешице умереним темпом док ваш водич дели увид у историју Санта Барбаре и растућу уметничку културу. Нека ваш паметни телефон буде спреман како бисте успут могли да вежбате корисне савете за фотографије које вам водич нуди. Имаћете много прилика да снимите фотографије хране и живописне портрете у живахној Функ зони. Успут, ваш водич стаје на дегустације хране и пића (све укључено) у ресторанима, винском бару/пекари и једној микропивари. Научите како да правилно позиционирате храну за најбоље фотографије док пробате локалну храну. Након обиласка можете сами да наставите да истражујете и снимате ово забавно и забавно насеље.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (93)
Jan 2021
Booking was easy and the information in the email we received was complete. We met up at a restaurant and was greeted by our tour guide, Jocelyn who was in training along with the coworker training her. With covid restrictions, our tour was basically a take-out food tour and we were the only two people in the tour which felt like a vip tour. We were given a goodie bag which contained a bottle of whiskey and popcorn from a restaurant. As we walked around, Jocelyn talked about the history of Santa Barbara and the funk zone such as on how it got its name. They helped us take pictures on each food stop and made sure we're comfortable throughout the tour. It was fun socializing with our tour guides while we eat. We got food from different restaurants which includes ceviche, taco, pizza, sourdough bread with jam, ice cream, and fresh chocolates! We were stuffed in the end of the tour and had a big bag full of food Togo. Overall, it's a great tour to those who wants to find out about some history and try different food specialties in that city. We got to try a variety of great and delicious restaurants within a few hours. I'd gladly try it again at a different city. Thank you for the amazing time!
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2021
Thank you so much for the wonderful review! SO glad you enjoyed the takeout edition of our regular seated food tour :) It means the world to us that you took the time to leave a glowing review! I hope the rest of your time in Santa Barbara was enjoyable and we hope to see you on our Solvang Food Tour soon!
Nov 2020
Oh what a day! Myself + 3 friends joined Kimmie on a Friday afternoon for a fast paced tour of the best eats & drinks in the Funk Zone. Did you know it's named the Funk Zone because it's where the fist market used to be and it smelled FuNkY? I didn't either but I know now! You can learn more fun facts like these while laughing and nibbling all the great eats. We had 2 non drinking guests, and a disabled dog in a stroller and all were happily accommodated. Food tours are THE BEST way to see a city and learn, 10/10 recommend this tour. Thank you for the fun!
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2020
Thank you for the kind review, Angee! So glad you enjoyed your time with Kimmie!
Oct 2020
Save your money. If you want a food tour, this isn’t it. It was 3 hours long. For a”funk zone” food tour, you would expect more food and more alcohol. We spent 45min at the first place “the project” where we each had one sweet potato taco. It was good, but we were there so long, and there was nothing interesting about the place. The second place was the Santa Barbara fish house. We had to wait for a table, we were seated separately and the tour guide didn’t even know that there was a shell fish allergy in my party, even though it was clearly stated when we made the reservation. 3rd place was the Figueroa mountain brewing company where we each had a shot glass of beer. In order to stop being so pissed at the experience, we ordered an additional 4 flights of beer to just cheer us up. Add another $20 to an already $220 experience. By this time, we were starving. We thought we were going to get to eat on this food tour. But instead, we went on a little history lesson to the train station and to visit a big tree. Cool stuff, but If I wanted a walking history tour, I would have signed up for one. I wanted to eat and drink. After that detour, we had pizza at the lucky penny, where we had to buy our own beer. That probably was the only place that made me feel like I was on a food tour. Next was two wine tastings, and two pieces of chocolate. For over $100pp, I feel totally gypped. The guide was not knowledgeable. She was disheveled and not well spoken. She didn’t explain anything while we walked through the city. I would expect that a food tour of the funk zone would have included more food and drink in the funk zone itself. Instead, we stopped at several places where she told us how amazing the food and drink was, but then we kept walking. I’m writing this review from a restaurant that we immediately went to, because we were starving after this so called “food tour.” I’m so confused by all of the great reviews. Personally, I would never recommend this tour to anyone. Look elsewhere for something to do when you are in SB.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2020
I am very sorry to hear your time with us was not enjoyable. We take all feedback very seriously and are always striving to be the best at what we do. While we have recently done additional training with our staff to make sure our tours are meeting all guest expectations during this crazy time it sounds like this may have fallen short for you. Our tour stops are not full meals, but rather tastings that should eventually add up to a full meal. Also, part of the tour is to recommend other places as we go. We visit a total of 7-8 places on each tour. And while we would like to visit more, there simply isn't time or in this case some of our favorite places just aren't staffed enough yet to have us back at this time. And I apologize that some of our restaurants required a little wait time. They are still getting their feet under them again since reopening. As for seating, we are still adhering to state guidelines about distancing and seating guests separately who did not travel together. Sorry if that was confusing to you, but we are simply trying to follow state guidelines so that we can keep our business open and also keep our guest's health and safety as a top priority. In any case, I hope the rest of your time in Santa Barbara was enjoyable and we hope that you will visit our city again.

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