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Историја Салема из Сатанистичког храма! <бр><бр>Ко смо ми дођавола? Погледајте документарни филм "Живео Сатана?" на Хулу пре резервисања и добићете га! <бр><бр>Најуникатнија пешачка тура у Салему, без натприродних или сујеверних елемената. Ваш туристички водич је стручњак за окултизам, вештичарење и члан Сатанинског храма! <бр><бр>Изненађујуће веома погодан за породицу, али за чудне породице.
Цити: Салем
Tue 19 Nov
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Tue 19 Nov
Са почетком у $25.00
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Шта да очекујете
Салем Олд Товн Халл
Салемова историја из Сатанистичког храма!
Старо гробље Буриинг Поинт
Салемова историја из Сатанистичког храма!
Музеј вештица у Салему
Салемова историја из Сатанистичког храма!
Зачарана статуа Елизабет Монтгомери
Салемова историја из Сатанистичког храма!
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Коментара (893)
Aug 2021
I am a Salem resident, but I wanted to take one of the non-traditional witch tours around the city to learn some more about the folklore and legends of my area. We took a night tour with Tom, and it was amazing! He is so entertaining and has a great sense of humor, and he gives you a healthy mix of "witchy" history and "real" history. I have done a couple of other local tours, but Tom was the best! Also, please check out The Satanic Temple Headquarters on Bridge Street if you have a chance - the Baphomet and the art gallery are very impressive. Thank you, Tom!
Aug 2021
A witch, who was very knowledgeable about the history of Salem, witch trials, Satanism, and fun things to do around town, gave us a very thorough and enjoyable tour of the town. Then we checked out the art gallery at the Satanic temple & took great pics with the Bathemet staue, as seen on TV. It was a good time.
Aug 2021
Thomas was an excellent guide. An actual historian instead of a showman, he was extremely knowledgeable and was able to provide an alternate perspective of Salem's history. No ghost stories here! Despite being so factual, he is absolutely not boring, and the guests on his tour were continually cracking up at his jokes and quips. Totally down to earth, and a wonderful guide. Tour stops included the site of the torture chamber, the actual location where the trials were held, historical cemeteries, the witch house, the "best" museum, the memorial to the victims of the trials, the site of some Hocus Pocus filming, and the statue of Hawthorne. Definitely wear good walking shoes, as you'll be on cobblestones in the dark quite a bit. Thomas is also a member of The Satanic Temple, and can answer questions about the religion, or point you towards their art gallery. You get reduced admission to the gallery if you take his tour, and the gallery includes both modern artists and classics such as Degas and Dali. Definitely worth a visit. Overall, there's a reason this is the #1 tour of Salem!

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