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Путовање на гробље Савана Бонавентуре

Бонавентуру не треба само обилазити, о њој треба причати! Док вас Шенон Скот или његов надарени протоге шетају сањивим музејом уметности, живота и смрти на отвореном са спектакуларним природним сјајем, бићете запањени не само дубином прича, већ и скривеним значењима уметности и симболике која красе гробове и како то много тога се повезује не само са Саваном, већ и са ширим светом! Нема обиласка Саване без Бонавентуре, а ми смо екипа приче која је највише посвећена доказивању те добро познате локалне истине!
Цити: Савана
Tue 29 Oct
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Tue 29 Oct
Са почетком у $25.65
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Гробље Бонавентуре
Домаћин Шенон Скот или његов високо оцењени штићеник прошетаће вас најпожељнијим историјским деловима гробља Бонавентура са детаљним заустављањима која покривају приче о славним мртвима, статуама, симболиком, обредима сахране, биљним светом и још много тога. Места гробова углавном укључују Џонија Мерсера, Конрада Ејкена, Литл Грејси и локације које се посебно односе на Поноћ у башти добра и зла.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (703)
Aug 2019
Left us wishing for more. Went by so fast. Great knowledge Very entertaining. Would highly recommend
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
Good we have done our jobs! We want to keep you coming back for new surprises about this very old but never dull or disappointing land called Bonaventure!
Tom L
Aug 2019
Our family of 10 from Little Rock were honored to have Shannon Scott conduct a Private Tour of the Famous Bonaventure Cemetery and was undoubtedly the Best Tour we have ever had which has been many over the years. Shannon's Storytelling presentation with his very Passionate Enthusiasm & Style along with his Incredible Knowledge of those Interned within Bonaventure Cemetery of those he story shared with our family of their life's stories infused with his Immense Expertise within the History of Savannah was Impeccable. We were Mesmerized with the Intensity of Shannon's Storytelling and felt we knew these persons we were told of as to those famous here we knew of and those we had never heard their name before: It was spellbinding and felt as if they were among us now instead of where they now lay. The stories were not just limited to the most interesting persons interned presented to us by Shannon but featured the surrounding area and history of Bonaventure Cemetery as well as these persons here interned Monuments of Art honoring them by renowned Artist from all over the world and none of us knew the importance of past generations all day visits to the Cemetery for visits to their Kin & Families there as well as the important Social Savannah Event that it was now long Days Gone By. Shannon does not limit his Storytelling to those there interned within Bonaventure Cemetery as he also spoke of their Monuments we had never seen the likes of as to their Intricacy & Beauty as he detailed describe & history told as well as we were Story Told made aware of what was below the ground we would have never walk thru on our own been aware of which are stories into themselves of all there to the Pyramid above & Below the Ground that one must hear & see for themselves as Shannon so Profoundly & Reverently Story Told as to all. This Tour was just so amazingly & captively intriguing as we had never before heard of the Stories Told within any Cemetery to include Savannah City History we have visited or made aware of as could & can only be Shannon Scott Story Told as we listened intently not missing a word and the history shared with us this tour day. Not only was this the Best Storytelling & Tour of Historical Knowledge we have ever been on it was very reasonably priced and worth ever penny of it and on our return to Savannah, our favorite USA City for its Heritage,Cultural, Historic Homes & Business and best Food in the South if not as great as anywhere elsewhere with the extremely Courteous & Friendly people living here: "We will Tour with Shannon & his Staff Again". This is a Fantastic Tour of Wonderful Storytelling as you most likely will have never heard before within this very Beautiful & Immense Bonaventure Cemetery which is a Museum of History every step you take within it as you live it yourself with every Story Shannon Told as it was obvious only he can Story Tell as was told to our family. We were so enthralled we could have gone on a few hours more with Shannon - He was just over the Top Impressive, Friendly, very Charismatic & just a really Nice Down Home Great Guy (Person) and made you fell like he had know us forever & as a life long friend nor did he hesitate to answer any questions asked as he Story presented or not within the Bonaventure Cemetery or Historical Savannah. "Don't Miss Out on a Tour with Mr. Shannon Scott & or Staff it will be your Best Savannah Adventure & Story Telling Participatory Family or otherwise One of a Kind Event Chosen". If you are planning a Tour this is the one you must Book Up with Shannon or his able Staff - :"You Will Not be Sorry" & will remember it for years to come.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
I'm honored Tom and can't say that every tour I give was as special as this one but I always hope that they become as memorable and do my best to always do my part to make sure that they are! Really complimented here and spurs me on to keep up the good work! Take care of your wonderful family! They truly were all very attentive and engaging and asked great questions! We can see it runs in the family and obviously the apples didn't fall far from the the tree!
Aug 2019
Guide was very interesting and provided insights into the people and their lifestyles. Recommended as an excellent educational addition to our visit to Savannah.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
Thank you Deanne for letting us and others know about your experience with us! Means a lot! Hope you had a great rest of your Savannah stay!

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