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Путовање на гробље Савана Бонавентуре

Бонавентуру не треба само обилазити, о њој треба причати! Док вас Шенон Скот или његов надарени протоге шетају сањивим музејом уметности, живота и смрти на отвореном са спектакуларним природним сјајем, бићете запањени не само дубином прича, већ и скривеним значењима уметности и симболике која красе гробове и како то много тога се повезује не само са Саваном, већ и са ширим светом! Нема обиласка Саване без Бонавентуре, а ми смо екипа приче која је највише посвећена доказивању те добро познате локалне истине!
Цити: Савана
Sat 19 Oct
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Са почетком у $25.65
Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $25.65
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Проверите упутства за паркирање и састанке.<ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица, али постоје неравне површине за које може бити потребан помоћник<ли>Ради у свим временским условима , обуците се прикладно
Шта да очекујете
Гробље Бонавентуре
Домаћин Шенон Скот или његов високо оцењени штићеник прошетаће вас најпожељнијим историјским деловима гробља Бонавентура са детаљним заустављањима која покривају приче о славним мртвима, статуама, симболиком, обредима сахране, биљним светом и још много тога. Места гробова углавном укључују Џонија Мерсера, Конрада Ејкена, Литл Грејси и локације које се посебно односе на Поноћ у башти добра и зла.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (703)
May 2012
We booked our tour a week before traveling from Alabama to Savannah and , gave Shannon Scott our credit card number and was told the Chatham cab company would pick us up at 1:30 at the Pirate House. At 1:45, we were finally able to get the Chatham Cab Company and was told that Shannon Scott hadn't told him about a 2pm tour, but he came and took us out to Bonaventure Cemetery. We had to pay him $30. We were lucky that a different tour company was just starting a tour and allowed us join them, at another cost of $25 each. Shannon Scott could NOT be reached by phone and the Chatham cab company was to come back out when our tour was over. When we called the cab he informed us he would have to find someone to come pick us up, as he couldn't. The Cemetery closes at 5pm and we were two senior citizen ladies stranded at the Cemetery. No bus or trolley run this area, so the Tour guide,from "Bonaventure Cemetery Tours", Donna, gave us a lift in her car back to the Visitors Center. DO NOT book with Shannon Scott Tours!! He may or may NOT show up! DONNA gave us a very informative tour , full of history and stories, we are thankful to her for saving our one day available for this adventure. Call Donna at Bonaventure Cemetery Tours for your tour of the cemetery.
Одговор домаћина
May 2012
What can I say, but off day? I had one, I admit it. Usually there is a morning tour or an afternoon one, and my ticket vendor kicks me an automated email showing me the day's itinerary. I received the email but saw no tours for the day. So this situation very much miffed me. So much so that I scrambled to call this purchaser to personally apologize for the let down and she accepted my apology. Even if a customer or client has a grievance, I stand by them as my customer and the belief that I owe it to them to take care of them. Her money was refunded naturally and I extended the offer that if she should return to Savannah, I will take them personally on a private tour to make up for it. I truly love my customers so when they feel hurt, I feel it too. It is my aim to satisfy everyone of them and to blow them away with a cemetery called Bonaventure and so when there is error, I take it very personally for all of those reasons and more. Next time we'll nail it I promise!
Apr 2012
We took the tour with Shannon Scott; he had fascinating stories of some of the cemetery's permanent residents. I took many pictures of the cemetery and plan to print some to hang in my home; many of the statues that adorn the grave sites are beautiful works of art. I highly recommend taking the Bonaventure Tour to really appreciate the history of this beautiful place.
Apr 2012
I admit to having some doubt about this tour. When I called Shannon Scott to schedule he said to call back another day, He did not know, he said, if he would give the tour. The following day I called and he gave me a time, but not the time the tours are advertised. He said it was because a group had requested a different time. Luckily it did fit into my agenda, but no thanks to the published information which I thought could be counted upon. The day of the event I arrived early, not wanting to miss the tour's start time, but Shannon Scott arrived 15 minutes late. A party of 5 or 6 in addition to myself and my companion had begun to discuss whether the tour had been called off. When Shannon Scott arrived wearing a wrinkled white shirt and matching wrinkled white shorts he seemed totally non plussed about his rather late arrival and started discussing the tour. As thankful as we all were that we had not wasted our mornings, no one drew attention to the discrepency between Scott's appearance and the time he had scheduled for our arrival. The tour began, but not without another 10-15 minute delay. Four people who should have been present had not yet arrived. So Scott entertained us with some information about Bonaventure while we stood in place. When the 4 malingerers finally joined the group, Scott picked up the pace and began to walk us along the cemetery pathways entertaining us with stories of the departed, their families, and the artists who had contributed their talents to the Victorian veneration of the dead. Shannon Scott is intelligent and has a repertoire of historical information which seems to have grown naturally from his personal passions. He has investigated old documents and scaled the fences around monuments in his quest for more information. He appears to have read extensively, not only historical documents, but also the novels of authors interred in the cemetery. He encourages his audience to also enjoy the talent of those authors of past years who contributed so much to modern literature. This tour was definitely worth the price, but be prepared for some unconventional scheduling and the possibility that you may have to try several times before you reach Shannon Scott to verify your tour.

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