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Саваннах Ланд & Сеа Цомбо: обилазак града колицима са крстарењем речним бродом

Након обиласка тролејбуса Историјске Саване, укрцајте се на речни брод Саваннах на 90-минутно крстарење реком Савана. Током 90-минутног крстарења, доживите реку која је била – и остала – жила куцавица Саване! Искористите сјајне могућности за фотографисање историјске обале реке и хоризонта Саване. Копнени део туре који је 90-минутна историјска тура колицима биће почетак туре. Након копненог дела обиласка, возач тролејбуса ће вас оставити на локацији поласка брода у улици Ривер са места одакле бисте се укрцали на брод. Када завршите део „Море“, позовите нашу диспечерску линију да вас вратимо у центар за посетиоце Саване, ваш хотел или било где у историјској Савани. Укупно време обиласка између копна и мора је отприлике 5 сати, рачунајући време између обиласка.
Цити: Савана
Wed 23 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $69.00
Wed 23 Oct
Са почетком у $69.00
Шта је укључено
Слушајте капетанове приче и чињенице о Саваниној луци и бродовима који посећују
Само превоз из хотела (само изаберите хотеле у Савани)
90-минутни обилазак историје колица по Савани
Искористите сјајне могућности за фотографисање историјске обале реке и хоризонта Саване
90-минутно крстарење речним бродом по Савани
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Од беба се тражи да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке способности<ли>Према државном закону, свако лице које уђе у просторије одриче се сваке грађанске одговорности за ово власника и руковаоца за све повреде узроковане инхерентним ризиком повезаним са заразом ЦОВИД-19 на јавним скуповима, осим грубог немара, намерног и безобзирног понашања, безобзирног наношења штете или намерног наношења штете од стране појединца или ентитета просторија.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Социјално дистанцирање се примењује током искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Пратимо ЦДЦ смернице.
Шта да очекујете
Катедрала Светог Јована Крститеља
Катедрална базилика Светог Јована Крститеља је римокатоличка катедрала и мала базилика на тргу Лафајет у улици Еаст Харрис 222, Савана, Џорџија, у Сједињеним Државама. То је матична црква римокатоличке бискупије Саване.
Историјска речна улица
Ривер Стреет је блистави, вишеструки драгуљ дуж широке реке Савана. Вековне зграде, некада складишта памука, претворене су у антикварнице, препознатљиве бутике, спектакуларне галерије, необичне пивнице, фантастичне ресторане, јединствене ноћне локале, елегантне гостионице и хотеле.
Олд Форт Јацксон
Током вашег крстарења, идите низ реку до Олд Форт Јацксон, дом једног од највећих и најстаријих оригиналних артиљеријских оруђа у земљи
Историјски округ Савана
Историјски кварт Саванне обухвата више од 20 градских тргова које је поставио генерал Џејмс Е. Оглеторп, оснивач британске колоније Џорџија 1733. године у карактеристичној мрежи.
Форситх Парк
Форситх Парк, усред историјског центра Саване, био је кључна градска знаменитост од средине 1800-их
Градска пијаца
Комерцијални и друштвени центар историјског центра Саване, Џорџија.
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Коментара (917)
Shelly W
Dec 2018
Have you ever had your trip spoiled by an airplane technical issue? Well, I almost did. We had two tickets on the land and sea tour bought through Trip Advisors. Our plane was delayed from LAX to DC, causing us to miss out a connection to Savanna. We were rebooked to later flight, but that caused us to miss the 10 AM EST land tour. I called Kelly Tours and told them our situation, expecting to be told, sorry you are out of luck – but instead – they offered to rebook us on a later tour and even split the land and sea tour across two days so we could make both. Talk about going above and beyond! We have since completed both the land and sea tour at this point, and I will say our tour guide for the land tour (Dennis) was funny, knowledgeable, and outstanding. He went above and beyond to make the tour memorable to everyone on the bus. The sea tour was good too; I will say, sit on the top floor as the second floor is hard to hear the tour guide over the PA. Overall, worth the cost and Kelly Tours is incredible. Thank you, Kelly Tours, for saving our weekend in Savannah!
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2018
Thank you for the kind words, Shelly! We're so happy that your visit to Savannah, and your tour with, went so smoothly after the difficult time you had getting here. Missed flights are no fun, but we're always happy to help however we can so you can enjoy your visit to Savannah. We really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with us, and we hope to see you again on your next visit!
Nov 2018
We had an amazing tour with Stephane on gray line tours. She was very knowledgeable and fun. She went over and above our expectations.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2018
We really appreciate you taking the time out to share your experience with us—and we agree, Stephanie is very knowledgeable and a lot of fun. Thanks for choosing Gray Line and we hope you had a great stay in Savannah!
Chuck B
Nov 2018
We had friends from Bolivia visiting and thought this would be an ideal way to show them our new home. Starting at the Visitor Center works well with the historic atmosphere of the old train station. The bus was very comfortable if a little small, but that made the tour more personal and easier to ask questions. Dennis, our guide was friendly and knowledgeable. He did not come across as scripted as other tours we have taken. He did a good job of responding to questions, with replies were thorough. The amount of information is kind of overwhelming for a 90 minute tour, but I would prefer that to the less information or skipping over important parts of Savannah's history. Dennis was also very good at helping us navigate getting to the boat for the second half of the tour. He also had advice on getting back to the Visitor Center from the boat which would have been a long walk. The Sea portion of the tour is mostly complementary to the Land tour, but there is some overlap. Lots of good information about the current port operations and the history of the Savannah River. It was a little cool, windy and wet. We should have dressed with more layers. There was indoor seating, but we would have missed the bald eagles soaring around the river and probably some other sights. You need to find a seat that is close to a speaker to hear as the tour guide well. The middle to the 4th deck is an ideal location but it filled up pretty quickly, leaving plenty of seats along the sides. Not many chose to stay indoors. Return to Visitor Center option - We went to Johnson Square to catch a DOT free bus to the Visitor Center. While we were waiting a pedicab came along and we got a couple of those to take us back. It was a great way to see again some of what we saw on the tour and probably quicker and more Savannah than taking the DOT bus. (Pay what you want for the pedicabs. I paid $10 for two of us. My wife paid $5 for the same ride). Negatives - No coffee on the boat - mostly alcohol, or non-alcohol variations of mixed drinks and all cold. Not appealing on a chilly day. Restaurant - Between the 10 am Land tour and the 1 pm Sea portion we tried to fit in lunch. We picked a casual place on Bay Street and sat down before noon. The restaurant service was disorganized and some of our party was not served until 12:30! Not the tour's problem, but you need to make sure the restaurant you choose is capable of serving you quickly. In any event you might be rushed with those two times.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2018
Chuck, thank you so much for the great review! We really appreciate you taking the time out to share your experience with us and provide so much insight on the tour and return travel options. Dennis loves to share his knowledge of Savannah, and we're glad you enjoyed your time with him. The Land & Sea tour is a great way to see a lot of Savannah in a short amount of time. We understand that there isn't a lot of time between the two tours to get lunch. On the bright side, both tours don't have to be taken on the same day, which may help some who are in town for more than a day. We hope your friends enjoyed their visit to Savannah!

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