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Обилазак гробља у колонијалном парку у Савани, Год'с Ацре

Ово је била оригинална турнеја Сханнон Сцотт из 1990-их која је све започела! Гробље Цолониал Парк служи као највеће гробље прича у целом историјском округу! То је најстарији део градског земљишта који се може посетити и где ћете видети материјале далеко старије од околног Викторијанског града. У колонијалним часовима Саване, овде се одржавао сваки градски састанак, пикник, венчање, дуел и јавно погубљење! На крају ће то бити последње почивалиште генерала Натанаела Грина, двојице потписника Декларације независности, трговаца, свештеника, сиромаха, војника и скоро свих ликова који су дали крв, зној и сузе раној колонији и каснијој нацији. Мање да заборавимо како је Жута грозница све то претворила у масовну гробницу што је резултирало трајним затварањем 1853. Дискусије се такође протежу на ритуализам културе Роот Доцтор, затвор у старом граду, родно место Конрада Ејкена, терен за дуеле и све заједно са визуелним сликама за побољшање Искуство.
Цити: Савана
Mon 24 Feb
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Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $25.65
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Гробље колонијалног парка
Наши приповедачи ће вас обићи најстарије постојеће гробље у Савани причајући о животима ликова и другим догађајима у близини, као што су Стари градски затвор, место рођења Конрада Ејкена, гробље црнаца, ватрогасна служба Хенрија Форда и још много тога.
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Коментара (3)
Sep 2021
Would give this ten stars if possible. Loved this tour and Chase (Lazarus). I was the only person on the tour and it turned out to be a stroke of luck. You can tell that Chase enjoys the tour, and we spent the entire time in conversation about the cemetery, the people buried, and history. I so enjoyed the time I spent on the tour and would not hesitate to take it again. It was that good. I was fortunate to do the tour after having been to the Savannah history museum where I learned a great deal about the battle of Savannah. That greatly added to my enjoyment of the Colonial Park tour as I had a frame of reference. Chase was happy to answer questions and to explore some of the graves that may not have been part of the official tour. I only wish that we had more time together. If you are at all interested in cemeteries, history, or a little Savannah scandal, then definitely sign up for this tour.
Aug 2021
After such a great experience touring with this company before, my friends and I jumped on the chance to explore Colonial Park Cemetery when we saw the tour come up with Shannon Scott. We got a second treat to find our guide, Lazarus Boone, had also been our guide for a ghost tour previously, and what can I say except that he is phenomenal! Lazarus does not merely tour you through the cemetery - it's a full blown performance that keeps your attention the whole way through. He's a bit mysterious as well which adds another layer to the tour because it seems like he stepped right out of the past. The tour itself was chock full of historical facts and amazing stories, set in the oldest cemetery in Savannah. Colonial Park is beautiful and has so much history in it. We've visited this cemetery many times before, but Lazarus Boone made it a completely new experience, and we were thankful to have such a knowledgeable and inspiring guide.
Alissa Lee N
Feb 2020
Nestled in the heart of Historic Downtown Savannah, this cemetery offers a peek into the lives of Savannah’s earliest residents and those who helped build our country. It was the city’s main cemetery from 1750 to 1853, until it became overcrowded, and today, it is a perfectly picturesque park and sacred, quiet space for reflection. If you set out on a walk through historic downtown, be sure to pass through this little, 6 acre time capsule, brimming with history. It’s so peaceful. And if you can, make time to book a tour with Shannon Scott Tours. No tour company in Savannah (or elsewhere) knows cemeteries better, and no other sites in Savannah offer quite as rich, layered and fascinating stories as cemeteries. Shannon is the real, local expert and master storyteller, and he trains his guides to be the best. You will be spoiled with an invaluable and memorable experience.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2020
Thank you so much for the review and we enjoyed providing our Colonial Park Cemetery tour to you and your guests!

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