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Шетајте, разговарајте и пробајте свој пут кроз историјски Чарлстон Јужна Каролина. Ова тура за мале групе од 2,5 сата ће вас уронити у историју и културу Ловцоунтри-а и омогућити вам да доживите изузетну кулинарску сцену у центру Чарлстона. Стајања на путу ће укључивати многе од водећих градских ресторана широм града. Типичне дегустације укључују: млевену гриз, јужне пралине, слатки чај, зеље, ниски роштиљ и пржени зелени парадајз.<бр><бр>***НАПОМЕНА: Ако у вашој забави има алергија на храну, морамо знати најмање 48 сати унапред или неки ресторани можда неће моћи да приме. Такође не можемо да гарантујемо да ће бити замене на свакој локацији због неких алергија.
Цити: Цхарлестон
Mon 30 Sep
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Mon 30 Sep
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Минимални узраст је 12 година.<ли>Дођите 15 минута пре почетка туре. <ли>Темпо наше пешачке туре је лаган.<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, обуците се прикладно <ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Водичи који су обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Куповином овог обиласка изјављујете да сте ви и ваша група здрави и да нисте показали никакве знаке или симптоме ЦОВИД-19 у последњих 14 дана. Ако се то промени, одмах обавестите Буллдог Тоурс.
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Буллдог Тоурс
Седиште најбоље туристичке компаније у Чарлстону, Буллдог Тоурс, која нуди разноврсне обиласке историје, хране, пабова и духова по дневном/ноћном распореду.
Чарлстон градска пијаца
Изграђена почетком 1800-их, ова историјска знаменитост од четири блока првобитно је била градска продавница прехрамбених производа. Данас је Градска пијаца дом разних локалних продаваца који продају своју уметност, занате и локалну робу.
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Коментара (693)
Oct 2021
Highly recommend going on Savor the Flavor Tour. Dena, our tour guide, was friendly, knowledgeable, and accommodating. We went to five different places and had more than enough food to sample! Very relaxing and fun! Nice way to see the area.
Oct 2021
Nancy was great tour guide and knowledgeable! Gave us history of foods and we got a diverse menu! Would highly recommend if you come visit Charleston
Oct 2021
I visited Charleston 2 years ago and took this same tour at that time with Franny; what a difference, not because of the tour guide, but because of the itinerary. The first tour I took 2 years ago, we started out tasting cheese grits at Another Broken Egg. Then we went to another restaurant (I can't remember the name) and had shrimp and hushpuppies. The third place was the spice shop (ugh). The fourth place was a bbq restaurant, where we had bbq and cornbread. Our last stop was at a candy shop where we had a choice of candy to sample. Our appetites were absolutely satisfied and we felt we truly had a "taste of Charleston." This time, Bulldog had 2 tours leaving at the same time; we were assigned to Dena's group; the other group went with Blake. I knew we were in trouble when we started heading away from the Market, up Anson Street; this was not the way to Another Broken Egg. We ended up stopping first at the Hot & Handy at about 10:30 A.M. This was the best stop of the day; we were given our choice of a biscuit with brie and peach or a buffalo chicken hand pie. In that we were all couples in the group, each couple got one of each offering, and it was substantial, along with a glass of iced tea. Dena gave a very informative talk while we munched on the biscuits and hand pies. The second stop made no sense whatsoever, in that it was now only 11 A.M. and it was a chocolatier establishment. We each got a chocolate macaron and a chocolate bon bon, along with a chocolate/coffee drink. This is how we should have ended the tour; I don't know who eats chocolate right after breakfast. Our next stop was at the Crab House - now we're talking! Charleston is known for shrimp and grits and she crab soup, so I thought for sure we would be offered a sampling of one of these, in that it is called the Crab House, but no. We were served two fried green tomato slices and red rice. Now this was an interesting tasting, but disappointing, in that some seafood should have been involved. The next stop was at TBonz. Now, again, from the name one would think we would be served a sample of some type of meat. Instead, we were served a cup of melted white cheese dip with baguette slices to put the dip on, along with flash fried brussels sprouts! The dip was forgettable (I think there was supposedly shrimp in it, but none could be found) and I do not even see it on their menu; the brussels sprouts were tasty, but again, vegetables served at a place called TBonz?! We ended the tour at the spice house; Bulldog should look into an alternative, because unless you are into cooking and spices (which I am), there is little else of interest here. Now, I read reviews before I left, and shame on me for not taking one of the reviewer's advice and calling Bulldog to ask where my tour would be going; that way I could change to the tour to one with a good itinerary, if necessary, rather than taking pot luck. I also saw that Bulldog responded to one of the reviewers complaints about the food by stating that they have no control over what is served; I think I'm calling bologna on this one. I assume Bulldog shares a portion of the fee charged with the restaurant/shop for accepting the tours; if you pay the restaurant to serve your patrons, you definitely should have a say in what they are served. Please know that although the food offerings were disappointing, our tour guide, Dena, was extremely knowledgeable of the history, both of Charleston and its food, and I would rate her "excellent." Dena also made certain that she circulated among us, giving some personal attention to each guest/couple. It is not Dena's fault that she got the tour with the worst itinerary and food. Again, if this was the first tour I took, I would never have come back.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2021
njvacationjunky, We are sorry to hear of the disappointment in the tour and that it did not meet the expectations of the first tour you took with us before. Full discretion will be given to you in this reply as well as to anyone else who would like insight to our culinary tours and how the food and stops get chosen. You are right that we do have a say in the food that gets chosen for the tours. Not sure where the response came from that says we do not. We work with our restaurant partners to discuss the best option for the tour and at a reasonable price. What we feature is always guided towards some aspect of Charleston's history, culinary traditions, and the culinary mecca that Charleston has become. The names of the restaurants have no bearing on the menu choices. Red rice was served on the tour because it is one of the three main components of a Low Country dish. It is also single-handedly the most important staple crop to come out of our state historically and accounts for the wealth that created the beautiful homes around the city. Brussel sprouts were on your tour because they were a crop brought here by the French who were escaping religious persecution in Europe. The result was the discovery of brussel sprouts pulling salt our the soil and in so doing decontaminating the fields for health rice production. As for the stops we feature, we also work with our restaurant partners to determine the best days and times that we can come in for the tour. You mentioned Another Broken Egg. We often (not always) go to Another Broken Egg in the morning, but they close at 2:00PM, so we never go there on an afternoon tour. Some restaurants prefer tours on weekdays versus weekends. Some like only one tour inside the restaurant at a time. Because of some restrictions that we like to honor, we try to feature similar stops and food between tours. For that reason we are never going to have a tour setup where it is simply grits for 3 out of 5 stops. Once we have the stops and menus, we create the itineraries for the tours. It is a very complex and complicated process to ensure quality and substance. Culinary tours have evolved into a unique way of visiting a city. They can be found in nearly any city, regardless of their reputation as a culinary destination or not. Many focus on simply the restaurants with a potluck of discombobulated food choices with no relevance to their city's history. Luckily, in Charleston we can feature great restaurants and food that is deeply tethered to our history. As you mentioned, anyone who signs up for the tour is welcomed to call our office to find out the itinerary and the food offerings prior to the tour to make sure it is something they will enjoy. We appreciate the kind words you had for Dena and are glad you enjoyed her narrative throughout the tour. Because the tour did not meet expectations, we are more than happy to issue you a refund. Please feel free to reach out to our Tour Guide Manager, Andrew Kuhn, at [email protected] to discuss further. Thanks for the feedback and for returning to visit Charleston!

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