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Шетајте, разговарајте и пробајте свој пут кроз историјски Чарлстон Јужна Каролина. Ова тура за мале групе од 2,5 сата ће вас уронити у историју и културу Ловцоунтри-а и омогућити вам да доживите изузетну кулинарску сцену у центру Чарлстона. Стајања на путу ће укључивати многе од водећих градских ресторана широм града. Типичне дегустације укључују: млевену гриз, јужне пралине, слатки чај, зеље, ниски роштиљ и пржени зелени парадајз.<бр><бр>***НАПОМЕНА: Ако у вашој забави има алергија на храну, морамо знати најмање 48 сати унапред или неки ресторани можда неће моћи да приме. Такође не можемо да гарантујемо да ће бити замене на свакој локацији због неких алергија.
Цити: Цхарлестон
Tue 01 Oct
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Са почетком у $95.00
Tue 01 Oct
Са почетком у $95.00
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Минимални узраст је 12 година.<ли>Дођите 15 минута пре почетка туре. <ли>Темпо наше пешачке туре је лаган.<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, обуците се прикладно <ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Водичи који су обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Куповином овог обиласка изјављујете да сте ви и ваша група здрави и да нисте показали никакве знаке или симптоме ЦОВИД-19 у последњих 14 дана. Ако се то промени, одмах обавестите Буллдог Тоурс.
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Буллдог Тоурс
Седиште најбоље туристичке компаније у Чарлстону, Буллдог Тоурс, која нуди разноврсне обиласке историје, хране, пабова и духова по дневном/ноћном распореду.
Чарлстон градска пијаца
Изграђена почетком 1800-их, ова историјска знаменитост од четири блока првобитно је била градска продавница прехрамбених производа. Данас је Градска пијаца дом разних локалних продаваца који продају своју уметност, занате и локалну робу.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
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Коментара (693)
Sep 2021
Deanna was very informative about Charleston. We went to 3 food tastes, 1 tea and spice taste, and 1 chocolate/dessert taste. It was all very good. Another Broken Egg Cafe was our grit favorite! Tour was a lot of fun highly recommend
Sep 2021
Our tour was on Sept 9, 2021. I booked this tour because of the reviews i read below. This tour was the biggest dissappointment to us. I work very hard for my money and saved up for this. When i read about all of this great food people said they got i thought we were getting a great deal for $150. WRONG!!!!!!! The food we got was not that great and it was very tiny portions. We expected large food portions if you go by what people said in these reviews. WRONG AGAIN !!!!! When i called and spoke with the lady at Bulldog tours and shared my dissapointment on the food, she said they have no control over that, the restaurants do that. DO YOUR HOMEWORK PEOPLE!! ASK QUESTIONS. FIND OUT WHICH RESTAURAMTS YOUR PARTICULAR TOUR WILL BE GOING TO. Cause, i guess they must be different tours seeing how others had a great tour with lots of food. ThAT sure was not the results we got with ours. WE HAD NO SHECRAB SOUP, NO BBQ FROM POOGANS. NO HANDY AND HOT RESTAURANT, NO PIMENTO CHEESE, NO FRIED GREEN TOMATOES. This is what we had: our first stop was a tiny bowl of a crab dip and bread that we had to share with others so you didnt get much at all, at AJ Shucks we had a teeny tiny tuna taco with a tiny cup of rice, at the candy shop we had a tiny piece of praline candy and 1 pecan, at the tea and spice store we had tiny samples in like a tiny pill cup of like popcorn, oysters crackers and 2 other tiny items and the last stop, which i think was called Barbardos, had this 1 piece of fried chicken on top of a few pieces of corn and butterbeans with a little sauce over the top. This is the biggest portion of food we received on the entire tour. It was not that great. Over 1/2 the people on our tour did not eat theirs. The outside of my chicken was burnt and not completely done on the inside. My husbands was the same way. It was dissappointing. If i had to do over, i would go with either the Upper King street food tour or do the one were this one chef cooks you a whole meal in front of you for you to eat so you would get atleast a full meal with that one. All i can say is be sure to thoroughly check where your food tour is going and see what you will be getting to eat. As you can see, our food tour was not worth $150. I would say more like $50 total for 2 adults. Hopefully my review will help others mot make the same mistake we did. The best part of the tour was our guide Blake. He was very knowlegeable on the history of Savannah.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2021
79starlam, We are very sorry you were disappointed with the tour with us. You are absolutely right that we have multiple restaurant partners and it varies from tour to tour which ones we go to. The reason, as our representative pointed out, is due to the restaurants. We have very good relationships with the places we go, but most of them only allow food tours in the restaurants at certain times. In addition, some are opened/closed outside of tour times. We have stops we only go to in the morning because they close before the afternoon tours begin, and we go to restaurants in the afternoon that do not open until after the morning tour concludes. Anyone is welcomed to call our office the day of the tour to determine what stops will be made along the way. Out tours are not just about the stops, but the history of the food along the way and the deep historical roots in the Low Country of South Carolina. We are going to share this with our Culinary Manager to determine what improvements can be made for the time of your tour. We never want anyone wanting for more after the tour, nor do we want anyone feeling like they wasted their money with us. Feel free to reach out to our Tour Guide Manager, Andrew Kuhn, at [email protected] to discuss a full refund. Thanks for the feedback and for visiting Charleston.
Sep 2021
We took this tour on our first full day in Charleston and we thought it was a great way to start our trip off! Our tour guide Deena was great, well spoken, knowledgeable and very nice. We enjoyed walking the streets and hearing all the information she had to offer about each place. The food at every stop was absolutely delicious! The group we had was really fun, my 9 year old nephew was the youngest on the tour and everyone made him feel included! Our favorite stop was Handy and Hot, we went back three times during our stay! It was fast, delicious and close to our hotel. A great little find. I would 100% recommend this tour!

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