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Уживајте у пешачкој тури са храном у укусима Чарлстона

Шетајте, разговарајте и пробајте свој пут кроз историјски Чарлстон Јужна Каролина. Ова тура за мале групе од 2,5 сата ће вас уронити у историју и културу Ловцоунтри-а и омогућити вам да доживите изузетну кулинарску сцену у центру Чарлстона. Стајања на путу ће укључивати многе од водећих градских ресторана широм града. Типичне дегустације укључују: млевену гриз, јужне пралине, слатки чај, зеље, ниски роштиљ и пржени зелени парадајз.<бр><бр>***НАПОМЕНА: Ако у вашој забави има алергија на храну, морамо знати најмање 48 сати унапред или неки ресторани можда неће моћи да приме. Такође не можемо да гарантујемо да ће бити замене на свакој локацији због неких алергија.
Цити: Цхарлестон
Thu 26 Sep
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Thu 26 Sep
Са почетком у $95.00
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Минимални узраст је 12 година.<ли>Дођите 15 минута пре почетка туре. <ли>Темпо наше пешачке туре је лаган.<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, обуците се прикладно <ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Водичи који су обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Куповином овог обиласка изјављујете да сте ви и ваша група здрави и да нисте показали никакве знаке или симптоме ЦОВИД-19 у последњих 14 дана. Ако се то промени, одмах обавестите Буллдог Тоурс.
Шта да очекујете
Буллдог Тоурс
Седиште најбоље туристичке компаније у Чарлстону, Буллдог Тоурс, која нуди разноврсне обиласке историје, хране, пабова и духова по дневном/ноћном распореду.
Чарлстон градска пијаца
Изграђена почетком 1800-их, ова историјска знаменитост од четири блока првобитно је била градска продавница прехрамбених производа. Данас је Градска пијаца дом разних локалних продаваца који продају своју уметност, занате и локалну робу.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
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Коментара (693)
Mar 2022
We did 2 tours with Bulldog, the walking tour and the savor the flavors culinary tour. The walking tour was probably 3 stars. The guide lacked enthusiasm but did have a deep knowledge base. Nothing in the tour brought Charleston to life or helped us connect with the city on a deeper level. It was informative but nothing more. The culinary tour was one of the worst we have experienced. The food was pretty tasty but they really missed the mark with the guide and the overall experience. The crux of the issue is that we didn't taste any of the foods that were quintessential to Charleston's history. We learned of the early days of Charleston, as Native Americans taught the settlers to grow corn, squash and beans. Yet we never tasted any of those ingredients, much less the iconic dish that combines them, succotash. Instead we ate a Florentine biscuit from a chef from North Carolina. Next we learned of the core crop that caused an early boom in Charleston's economy, rice. Yet we didn't taste any Carolina gold rice, a bowl of shrimp and grits, or anything related to rice. Instead we ate spinach dip and brussels sprouts in a sports bar. Later we learned about the Gullah Geechee culture and how the influence of west African spices and cooking techniques have integrated with and molded the cuisine in Charleston... As we sat and ate a fried chicken slider with a bowl of banana pudding. We have done dozens of walking tours and Bulldog doesn't seem to get the concept. I want to eat the things that make Charleston unique and special. I don't want to eat random food while learning about those foods that make Charleston special. On top of that, the guide had a very scripted approach. She often forgot where she was and repeated entire paragraphs. When we asked questions there was very little back and forth communication. This was the case with both tours. I would recommend you try a different company for either experience. I honestly don't know why this tour company has good reviews on trip advisor. Presumably, other guests have never been on a more holistic culinary tour?
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2022
Hello! We are very sorry to hear that neither tour met your expectations. We honestly were surprised to hear of this based on looking into who your guides were for the tours. As to the experience on the culinary tour, you are absolutely right that there are a number of foods that make Charleston unique and special. All of the food offerings on the tour has something to do with our history, even if it is not what is expected. For example, you brussell sprouts were grown around the rice fields to help draw salt from the soil because salt will destroy rice plants during cultivation. Storms and hurricanes would dump salt water on the fields so growing brussell sprouts, cabbage, collard greens, etc. were very common on many Low Country menus for that reason. Ultimately, the experience of any tour is not based on the content, but on the guide. Expectations differ greatly from guest to guest, and it is the responsibility of the guide to do everything in his or her ability to meet all of the those expectations. At times, the guide will miss meeting those expectations. It can be due to personality conflict, depth of knowledge, differing interests, etc. Clearly, the guides you had did not meet your expectations. We stand by our guides, but always want to do better. Perhaps by taking another tour with a different guide, you might have a different opinion. We believe in complete satisfaction or your money back, so we are more than happy to offer a refund. We also are willing to prove our reputation as the best in town with another tour when you return. Feel free to reach out to our Tour Guide Manager, Andrew Kuhn, at [email protected] to discuss further. Thanks for the feedback and for visiting with us in Charleston!
Mar 2022
Fun tour to experience local foods and learn some history. Great variety of foods and was more food than we expected based on past similar tours. Don’t eat beforehand! Faith Rose was excellent!
Mar 2022
Saw some interesting places I might not have ventured to on my own. Got some historical context for some of the spots we visited and foods we tried.

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