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Цити: Таос
Sat 21 Sep
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Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $74.00
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Коментара (37)
Aug 2019
We had a really good time. Our group was a mixed one, little kids, one older child, younger parents and us--grandparents. Everyone was nice and friendly. Our guide, Evan, was friendly, experienced and accomodating. He had humor, but was all about safety. We have no complaints, just compliments.
Gavin P
Aug 2019
Firstly we had to change from our original booking day to suit them. Not a major problem, the major disappointment came when a half day rafting experience turned out to be about one and a half hours. The wildlife experience consisted of six ducks, about ten dragonflies and a couple of butterflies and No sign of a native village. Our guide was as surprised as we were when we were signaled to come in as he had just finished telling us about the next section where there was a chance of seeing bighorn sheep. The tour organizer made some excuse that the water level was too low to go further in spite of our guide telling us that the river was at a record high for this time of year.Very disappointing and they only get one star as we can’t give them less. Research the other companies before choosing.
Jul 2019
This was a very relaxing, scenic float down a six-mile stretch of the Rio Grande. Our guide, Sydney, was fantastic--professional, knowledgable, and friendly. However, there was another Far Flung guide, Issac, who encouraged the members of his boat to splash us with water and ram us with their boat. Imagine a bunch of people being really obnoxious while acting like it was all in good fun. Then Issac, the guide on the other boat, deliberately pulled our guide, Sydney, into the water. This was totally disrespectful and just a real jerk move. We were in rapids and it could have endangered everyone on the boat. We helped Sydney get back on the boat, but her sunglasses were lost in the commotion. Rather than being apologetic, Issac was defensive and aggressive. Sydney handled it like a pro, but I was so upset on her behalf that I complained to the owner of Far Flung. The owner was receptive to my message. He responded that he would talk to Issac because his behavior was "out of line"—"especially because Sydney lost her sunglasses." I appreciate the fact that the owner took the time to listen, but I think he missed the point. Issac undermined his colleague and endangered the people in his company's care. If you go on a ride with Far Flung, I would recommend seeking out Sydney--she is awesome--and avoiding getting in a boat with Issac.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
Hi there, Thank you again for your concern and taking the time to write us a review. We have spoken with Isek and Sydney about this situation and are handling things on our end in an appropriate manner. For one, before any further conversation took place behind the scenes Isek bought Sydney another pair of sunglasses without any prompting. We have also addressed it with him as far as professional behavior goes. As for the actions of your fellow rafters, It is hard when combining several rafts and large groups to manage expectations and provide all individual participants with their ideal experience. It sounds like one raft was made up of young kids and was a more rowdy bunch, another raft was looking for a quiet and relaxing trip. Crowd management is one of the hardest parts of our job, and the majority of the time we are able to pull it off. With that said we sincerely apologize for any displeasure or inconvenience caused by the other group of customers and for any worry caused by your guide being out of the raft. Luckily, the Scenic Float is a very calm stretch of river and, especially where I understand that the incident occurred, the short amount of time your guide was out of the raft would not result in a dangerous situation there. If you are able to come rafting with us again in 2019 we would be happy to offer you a discount on your trip and guarantee that our service and staff will be able to impress you in the future. Sincerely, Will Blackstock

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