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Обилазак хране на обали Скотсдејла

Пробајте свој пут кроз овај модерни, живахни западни град. Ово је пешачка тура, али такође можемо да се возимо колицима Скотсдејла и то је наша најпопуларнија тура са храном! Овај укусни трочасовни обилазак хране укључује довољно хране и 3 узорка коктела на пет јединствених станица на којима нећете морати да вечерате, добићете неке забавне историјске чињенице о најзападнијем граду на Западу и провозати се чувеним климатизованим Староградска колица. Чак ће бити прилике за куповину укусних посластица за касније. Ова тура је савршена за викенде за девојке/момке, путовања поводом годишњице и гурмане који посећују Скотсдејл који су преплављени свим одличним опцијама за храну.
Цити: Сцоттсдале
Sun 20 Oct
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Са почетком у $95.00
Sun 20 Oct
Са почетком у $95.00
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за сви нивои физичке кондиције<ли>Минимална старост за конзумирање алкохола је 21 годину<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, обуците се прикладно<ли>Доступност за обиласке се не може проверити без резервације . Кредитне картице ће се наплаћивати само након потврде о доступности турнеје.<ли>Деца морају имати 18 година или старија (без колица без беба)<ли>Имамо опцију за вегетаријанце ако се захтева, али не можемо да примимо за Без млечних производа, веганска исхрана, без глутена или друга ограничења у храни<ли>Узорци коктела неће бити замењени<ли>Не препоручује се путницима који имају потешкоћа у ходању
Шта да очекујете
Мексичка храна Баррио Куеен – ресторан приказује мексичке уличне такосе са свеже направљеним тортиљама и преко 400 текила, а Травел + Леисуре га је прогласио најбољим гуацамолеом.
Размена зачина и чаја Скотсдејла
ТеаТиме Сцоттсдале је најстарија, независна продавница чаја у Старом граду Скотсдејлу, која нуди преко 80 укуса и класа чаја. Такође ћете имати прилику да пробате чувени макарон из куће колача Руже упарен са вашим узорком чаја.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (89)
Oct 2017
My husband and I (both locals) had the opportunity to go on the Taste It Tours Old Town Trolley Tour with Jessica as our guide. We had the BEST time!! We thought we knew the history of Old Town, were we ever wrong!! We go to eat in Old Town on a weekly basis yet, on this tour, we went to restaurants we had never heard of, had food we never would have tried otherwise, and LOVED EVERYTHING!! We fully intend on revisiting EACH one :) Jessica, our guide, has an engaging personality, great sense of humor, and a passion for providing historical knowledge in easy to digest tidbits throughout the tour. She told us fascinating facts about historical sites throughout our Old Town Scottsdale tour, beginning at our starting point at the Valley Ho (lots of fun, retro celebrity facts there!!) to the origins of Cornish Pasty Co. to Australian confections to Rusty Spur Saloon. I have lived here and never been on my trolley, it was so fun!! Jessica had a personable demeanor, it was made evident in her getting to know each attendee (there were 8 of us total). Throughout the tour she got to know each person throughout the tour, often referencing something one of us had said later on. The walking portion is great considering each stop provides DELICIOUS food to snack on ("snacks" range from a macaroon to two street tacos) from local, farm fresh, made from scratch restaurants and cocktails that are just as delectable!! Taste It Tours has gone to great lengths to truly get to know the restaurants and entrepreneurs they work with. One of the restaurants believes so strongly in fresh ingredients that they don't even have a freezer on property!!!! In sum, I cannot say enough great things about Taste It Tours, Jessica, and our experience. The food was great, the history was interesting, the drinks were refreshing, and the company of the other attendees was engaging. We can't wait to try Taste It Tours' Gilbert food tour and Phoenix food tour!! I can now say that whether going with a friend, a bachelorette party, or as a team building event this tour should not be missed!! Happy tasting!!
Feb 2017
My best friend and I celebrated her birthday with the Scottsdale trolley food tour and it was fantastic. Our tour guide, Andy, was super informative and so much fun. We had a great group of people and a fabulous mix of food and drinks to devour. I would do this again and again. In fact, I already booked the Phoenix tour for next month! My only recommendation for Taste It Tours in Scottsdale: skip the Tea stop!!! Such a bore! Our entire group was puzzled as to why this was on it at all.
Nov 2016
I booked a Taste It Tour Scottsdale Trolley Food Tour for myself, my husband, his cousin and her husband. We knew we were really going to enjoy ourselves, because we always have fun together, but our tour guide Joe (and the owner who joined us for part of the tour) really made this an over-the-top tour. The instructions on where to park and meet were perfect and we had no problem getting there. The tour itself was a good mix of food, drink, and history. Both Joe and the owner are long time natives of the area and really shared their firsthand knowledge of both the restaurants and Scottsdale. It was nice having other food establishments pointed out that weren't even included on the tour. At the end, Joe asked us if we had any comments on what could be done to improve the tour (there's always a little something, you know) and seemed to genuinely take our suggestions seriously. I knew he would relay them to the owner, so it was nice to think we could help her improve the tour for others. By the way, the suggestion I made was for one of the restaurants to offer another of their products that they said was an important part of their menu, rather than 2 samples of basically the same item. I am looking forward to taking another tour offered by Taste It Tours, as this one was so good.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2017
Thanks for including a food tour in your Scottsdale visit and bringing along the family. We're glad that Joe made you feel right at home and everything came together so well. Hopefully you found some new favorite restaurants for future dining out in Scottsdale. Thank you for the feedback on tour improvements; we definitely want to show off the signature items at restaurants and hopefully you enjoyed the food you tasted.

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