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Сеа Драгон Аирбоат Адвентуре у Саинт Аугустине са водичем

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Wed 20 Nov
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Wed 20 Nov
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Коментара (416)
Aug 2016
This airboat ride was excellent! Hands down a blast and must do for locals as well as family and friends visiting the area. I live in Jacksonville and it was an easy 30 minute car ride to get to the tour site South of Jacksonville near St. Augustine. Captain Mike has a awesome new craft and we were all very comfortable. We traveled on and around the St. Johns River. The birds and river creatures all came out to welcome us including a beautiful Bald Eagle, heroines, egrets, manatees, gator and turtles, just to name a few. Fish were jumping and it was a great adventure. Skipper was filled with wonderful knowledge about the area and personalize the trip for us all. Thank you again Captain Mike for a great day!
Apr 2016
What can you do when traveling with a family - a couple, a teenage son, and a mother-in-law - that will make everyone happy? That's a challenge. This is the answer. We traveled in Sea Serpents excellent airboat up the creeks of the St John River, into the swamps and across the bay. Our guides were a wonderful family. It's just a great family business all around. Everything lived up to its promise and exceeded everyone's expectation. It's a strange mix of experience when mom can feel comfortable and safe, the teenager can feel like he's on the radical adventure of a lifetime and we could feel like we were on a romantic cruise. And we were all on the same 20ft airboat ! Holiday activities don't get any better than that for a family. Bonus: we learned A LOT. Swamps are amazing. I've never seen a more verdant, beautiful life-filled living place in my life. I know some time in the future I will have a dream. It will be about floating fast over the flat calm water of the river with these folks.
Apr 2016
This airboat ride is one of the best attractions to come to all of NE Florida and the St Augustine area! My wife and I are always looking for something different (check), exciting (check), new (check), adventerous (check) and thrilling (check)! I'm telling you it was AWESOME!!!! They offer many different tours in different locations and we chose the Sunset tour on the St Johns River. Let me tell you, whether you're a local (we're locals) or from out of town or even an avid experienced boater, you've never experience the St Johns River in all it's glory quite like this. We took off from the Trout Creek Marina about an hour and half before sunset, everyone put on a set of headphones and you listen to a narrated tour while Captain Mike takes you to some really cool places deep into some creeks to places I don't think you can even get to with a regular boat. We saw sunken boats, gators sunbathing on logs and fishing jumping in places nature is rarely disturbed. Then we got out on the river and Captain Mike had us flying across the water at full speed and listening to music, it was EXHILARATING!!! We saw all kinds of birds like bald eagles, huge white birds nesting in tree tops and flocks of birds running on the water as we flew by them (it was like something you'd see on Mutual of Omaha or National Geographic), Soooo Cool!!! Then to top it all off there was that big Orange ball sinking in the water, what a beautiful sunset. Definitely well worth the money and perfect for kids, families and romantic get aways and I will definitely do it again!!

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