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Једина подземна турнеја крофнама у Сијетлу

Одувек смо имали страст према крофнама, али тек недавно смо схватили колико и других. А када смо погледали около, нисмо видели ништа што би заиста славило крофне у свом сјају, па је тако настала Ундергроунд Тоур Донут Тоур. Ова тура је за свакога ко заиста ужива у крофнама. На свакој локацији ћете моћи да пробате одабрани узорак једне од најбољих крофни на тој локацији. Наши обиласци укључују омиљене крофне Топ Пот, Дахлиа Бакери и Даили Дозен Донутс на Пике Плаце Маркету. <бр><бр>Такође нудимо много више информација о рути, граду, стајалиштима и још много тога на нашој веб страници ввв.донуттоур.цом. Проверите то данас! <бр><бр>Надамо се да нам се можете придружити!
Цити: Сеаттле
Mon 11 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $54.00
Mon 11 Nov
Са почетком у $54.00
Шта је укључено
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивои физичке спремности
Шта да очекујете
Пике Плаце Маркет
Обилазак завршавамо на Пике Плаце Маркету тако што ћемо пробати неке крофне у Даили Дозен Доугхнутс-у.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (137)
Dec 2019
Just some feedback on the tour I took on December 27th. Our tour guide was GREAT!, very warm and enthusiastic and welcoming. However when we walked through the streets and she was trying to give us some Seattle history, because our group was so large it was impossible to hear her. I managed to scoot to the front of the group a couple of times but the rest of the times I totally missed the info she was sharing...NOT happy. We really needed microphones. Also I wasn't impressed with the flavours of the donuts we received...I was expecting flavours very different from those found in all donut shops...something to make me want to buy more and come back. We saw in the windows and display cabinets and menus flavours far more enticing than what we got to sample. I was super disappointed. I realize that it's up to the shop to decide but I think it did the tour and their businesses a disservice as I have no desire to go back again. So would I recommend the tour to others...sadly NO due to the reasons above. Our tour guide was lovely, energetic, warm, welcoming but the rest was not up to my expectations.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2020
Thank you so much for your feedback. We hope to host you in one of our other cities to give you a 5 star experience. We value our guests opinion very much. Thank you again.
Dec 2019
I took the 0900am tour and had a great time. The selection of donuts and stops was excellent. A lot of the information on the tour goes beyond donuts so it serves as a good tour of Seattle as well. I would recommend the tour to anyone visiting Seattle even if they are not a big fan of donuts. Note: I dragged a friend along who was not at all interested in the donut aspect of the tour however after the tour was over, he was very grateful for me making him go and ended up eating most of the donuts.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2020
Thank you for creating a new donut lover! We're so glad you took the time to review us. We hope to host you again, in Seattle or any of our other cities.
Dec 2019
My wife and I had an amazing time! Sonya was absolutely wonderful! She was lively, entertaining, knowledgeable and sweet (much like all the donuts we had!) Totally recommend!!!!
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2020
Thank you so much for taking the time to review us. So glad you enjoyed your time with Sonya. She's great, we agree. Please spread the word since donut and Sonya love is to be shared!!

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