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Обилазак Националног парка Севард и Кенаи Фјордс уз ручак

Ово је одличан начин да видите Сјуард и Национални парк Кенаи фјордс. Посетите све најбоље атракције прелепог града Севарда у обиласку са водичем са укљученим превозом. Погледајте Екит Глациер и „Миле 0“ стазе Идитарод и доживите вожњу псећим санкама. Погледајте дивље животиње које лутају обронцима планине и уживајте у укљученом комплетном менију за ручак са 13 опција које можете изабрати.
Цити: Севард
Mon 24 Feb
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Са почетком у $210.83
Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $210.83
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Одлазак у хотел/луку
Пун мени за ручак - 13 опција
Обилазак са псећим санкама
Дугогодишњи водич са Аљаске
Ради са распоредом возова
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Носите ципеле за ходање са равним ђоном и обуците се да бисте били напољу до сат и по у тренутно време
Шта да очекујете
Сеавеи'с ИдидаРиде туре са псима
Изгњечите псе који су победили у трци Идитарод на вожњи и турнеји са псећим санкама породице Сеавеи Вилдернесс
Беар Цреек Веир
Погледајте лососа који се мрести док се пробија узводно до језера Беар
Екит Глациер
Шетња са водичем стазом Оверлоок на глечеру Екит у Националном парку Кенаи фјордс
Обилазак Севарда у вожњи као водич истиче локалне знаменитости
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Коментара (84)
Jul 2011
I took a day trip to Seward from Anchorage on the Alaska Railroad Coastal Classic, which is stunning. With about 8 hours in Seward, there are a number of tour options and I chose the "Real Alaska Tour" when I booked by rail tickets. Part of this tour included the Ididaride Sled Dog Tours. A "Real Alaska Tour" bus picked me up from the Seward Railway Station and took my to the locations on the tour. There are 85 hounding, barking dogs, all excited and wanting to be chosen as one of the 16 for the sled (there were three sleds when I was there). When I say a sled, it is a tourist oriented buggy being pulled by the dogs, but that doesn't take away from the experience. The dogs pull you around a forest course and the accompanying guide explains about all things related to mushing which was very interesting. Following the sled ride you have the opportunity to hold husky puppies and there is also a brief session on the equipment used and the strategies taken in the Iditarod sled race which was very interesting. The tour takes an hour or so and make sure you bring your camera.
Jul 2011
Our family (2 parents, 3 kids) spent a day on Seavey's "Real Alaska Tour," which starts with a pick-up at the Alaska Railroad depot in Seward (timed to meet the 11:05 train from Anchorage). We drove our own car and parked in the depot's parking lot. The van held around 20 people, and it was almost full. We were taken first to Seavey's location outside Seward for a sled dog ride and a lot of discussion about the dogs. This was a fantastic experience, with very knowledgeable guides/mushers. Having already attended Seavey's rodeo in Anchorage (see my separate review), we were able to compare the two and to see the Seward operation as being first-rate (with the Anchorage operation being about third-rate). Following a good sit-down lunch at a local restaurant, our tour guide then took us to Exit Glacier, where we hiked for about 1/2 mile uphill to examine the glacier up close (caution: although not hazardous, the hike is somewhat demanding and does demand one's full attention to avoid slipping, etc.). Our guide explained quite a bit about the glacier's formation, movement, and so on. One huge and vivid takeaway: global climate change is real, and you can see it as you track the changes in the glacier's placement over the last few years. The afternoon continued with a visit to a salmon run and a short tour through downtown Seward. Although the town is very small, there is a lot of interesting history, much of it associated with the 1964 earthquake. Overall, this was a superb tour - well organized and professional from top to bottom.
May 2011
The 6-hour Real Alaska tour with Seavey Iditarod kennels include an hour and a half with the dogs and puppies, learning and experiencing dog sledding. It include a swift ride through the woods. We were escorted by 14 dogs...some were experienced veterans and some in training. Then we had a wonderful salmon lunch at Resurrection Roadhouse just up the road. AFter that we walked it off with a several mile hike to Exit Glacier. Finally we went on a short Seward tour that included the historic Mile 0 of the original Iditarod trail on Resurrection Bay. Sarah and Joe were amazing, informative and personable guides.

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