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Купујте половну + винтаге моду у Њујорку

Experience 2.5 - 3 hrs of guided second-hand shopping in New York City with a personal shopper! New York is a fashion forward city, known for its stellar vintage shopping, but with so many great stores, it's easy to miss the city's best.

After a friendly meet-up, your guide leads you to to 4+ different second-hand shops, with time to try on, and sends you off with a store map so you can keep shopping like a local.

• Enjoy your guide's personal attention on this small-group tour, capped at 4 shoppers
• Shop unique vintage + resale fashion (size 0 - 10)
• 30 minutes at each location
• Receive 2 online mapped shopping guides: Second-Hand stores | New York Sample Sales
• Hassle free meet-up location in Manhattan
• This shopping tour is available as a private option with flexible dates + start times when booking all 4 spots, and bring 5 people!

For TEEN + YOUNG ADULT shopping, please see ZTrend's "Teen + Young Adult tour".
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Sun 30 Mar
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $98.00
Sun 30 Mar
Са почетком у $98.00
Шта је укључено
Добићете испис мог ексклузивног мапираног водича, који открива додатних 40+ мојих омиљених продавница широм Њујорка које можете сами да истражите – одличан ресурс за куповину. Моја мапа ће вам омогућити да наставите да откривате дивне половне продавнице током вашег боравка.
You will receive my exclusive online mapped guide, revealing an additional 120+ shops.
Customized shopping route based on the groups expectations.
Personal Shopping
You will receive my exclusive online mapped guide, revealing an additional 120+ shops.
Customized shopping route based on the groups expectations.
Personal Shopping
Додатне информације
  • Not recommended for travelers with spinal injuries
  • Not recommended for pregnant travelers
  • Not recommended for travelers with poor cardiovascular health
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
  • Minimum age is 20 years | no infants - teen tours are avaialble upon request.
  • All guests are able to stand and walk a distance without difficulty.
Шта да очекујете
Заједно ћемо посетити 5+ продавница забавне женске моде и додатака, а у једном тренутку ћемо или ускочити у аутобус преко града или можда чак отпутовати у Бруклин да посетимо још неке од мојих омиљених продавница. Молимо понесите своју НИЦ Метро картицу напуњену са две вожње - можемо користити само једну. Ваше искуство куповине ће трајати 3,5 - 4 сата (укључујући 30 минута у кафићу). Прошетаћемо отприлике 1,5 миљу и провести 20 минута на свакој локацији. Тоалети су доступни на локацији састанка, један између, а други на крају. - Носите удобну обућу и одећу да бисте се лако пресвукли - Једи пре - Понеси метро карту - Полуприватне групе обухватају до 6 купаца
Наше место састанка: култни Еатали у Њујорку. Живахна пијаца која садржи све италијанско! Дођите раније пре нашег обиласка на укусну италијанску кафу, оброк, десерт или чак пиће за одрасле!
Флатирон Буилдинг
Прођите поред зграде Флатирон изграђене 1902. године, коју је дизајнирао чикашки архитекта Данијел Бернам.
Флатирон Дистрицт
Прошетаћемо њујоршким округом Флатирон на путу до наше прве продавнице фантастичних налаза у Челсију.
Мадисон Скуаре Парк
Можемо прошетати прелепим њујоршким парком Медисон Сквер где је првобитни Медисон Сквер Гарден некада стајао 1879. на североисточном углу Источне 26. улице и Медисон Авеније на Менхетну.
Споменик Вилијаму Џенкинсу Ворту
Вортов споменик је дизајнирао Џејмс Гудвин Батерсон, који је основао компанију за осигурање путника, а такође је био укључен у пројектовање и изградњу Капитола Сједињених Држава и Конгресне библиотеке у Вашингтону, ДЦ, као и Капитола државе Њујорк у Албанију.
Вестерн Унион Буилдинг
1884 Вестерн Унион Буилдинг – Пета авенија 186 је једна од више од 130 локација филијала широм Њујорка: компанија Вестерн Унион Телеграпх је завршила прву трансконтиненталну телеграфску линију – жице произведене од гвожђа – 24. октобра 1861.   Два дана касније. Влада је престала са радом услуге Пони Екпресс
Лимени Пан Аллеи
Тин Пан Аллеи је била колекција музичких издавача и текстописаца у Њујорку која је доминирала популарном музиком Сједињених Држава крајем 19. и почетком 20. века. Првобитно се односио на одређено место: Западну 28. улицу између Пете и Шесте авеније где је Џорџ Гершвин започео своју каријеру као читач песама у њујоршкој Тин Пан Аллеи.
У зависности од жеље групе, можемо се упустити у шармантни Вилијамсбург, Бруклин, где можемо да купимо неколико продавница за јединствене налазе.
Греенвицх Виллаге
Прошетаћемо Греенвицх Виллаге-ом познатим по битницима и уметницима шездесетих година прошлог века где ћемо посетити неколико продавница.
Еаст Виллаге
У зависности од жеље групе, можда ћемо се упустити у Еаст Виллаге, познат по панк рок сцени из 1980-их и алтернативној музици уживо из 1990-их.
Together we will visit 4+ shops for women's unique vintage + fun resale fashion, and accessories. Clothing sizes will range between 0 - 10 (small - medium) with fewer XS, L, XL sizes. Some shops will offer jewelry, handbags, shoes, belts, hats, and handbags. At some point we may hop a bus across town or even travel into Brooklyn to visit some more of my favorite shops. Your shopping experience will last 2.5 - 3 hours (including a short meet-up time to evaluate the group’s expectations). We’ll walk approximately 1.5 miles and spend 20 - 40 min at each location. Restrooms, food + beverages, and Wi-Fi are available at the meeting location. - Shop unique vintage + resale fashion (size 0 - 10) - Wear comfy shoes & clothes to easily change in + out of - Please eat before we begin - Bring your metro card or credit card to access subways + buses - Semi-private groups include up to 4 shoppers - Make this tour private when booking all 4 spots, and we’ll include a 5th spot free!
Our meeting spot: New York City’s iconic Eataly. A vibrant marketplace featuring everything Italian! Arrive early before our tour for delicious Italian coffee, meal, dessert or even an adult beverage!
Flatiron Building
Pass by the Flatiron Building built in 1902, designed by Chicago architect Daniel Burnham.
Flatiron District
We will walk through the Flatiron District of New York City on our way to our first shop of fabulous finds in Chelsea.
Madison Square Park
We may walk through New York’s beautiful Madison Square Park where the original Madison Square Garden once stood in 1879 at the northeast corner of East 26th Street and Madison Avenue in Manhattan.
William Jenkins Worth Monument
The Worth Monument was designed by James Goodwin Batterson, who founded Travelers Insurance Company, and was also involved in the design and construction of the United States Capitol and Library of Congress in Washington, D. C., as well as the New York State Capitol in Albany.
Western Union Building
1884 Western Union Building - 186 Fifth Avenue is one of more than 130 branch building locations throughout New York City: Western Union Telegraph Company completed the first transcontinental telegraph line--the wires fabricated in iron--on October 24, 1861.   Two days later the Government ceased operation of the Pony Express service
Tin Pan Alley
Tin Pan Alley was a collection of music publishers and songwriters in New York City which dominated the popular music of the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It originally referred to a specific place: West 28th Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues where George Gershwin began his career as a song plugger (sight reader) in New York’s Tin Pan Alley.
Depending upon the groups desire we may venture out to charming Williamsburg, Brooklyn where we can shop several stores for unique finds.
Greenwich Village
We will walk through the Greenwich Village known for the beatniks and artists in the 1960s where we will visit a couple of stores.
East Village
Depending upon the groups desire we may venture over to the East Village know for it's 1980s punk rock scene and alternative live music in the 1990s.
Together we will visit 4+ shops for women's unique vintage + fun resale fashion, and accessories. Clothing sizes will range between 0 - 10 (small - medium) with fewer XS, L, XL sizes. Some shops will offer jewelry, handbags, shoes, belts, hats, and handbags. At some point we may hop a bus across town or even travel into Brooklyn to visit some more of my favorite shops. Your shopping experience will last 2.5 - 3 hours (including a short meet-up time to evaluate the group’s expectations). We’ll walk approximately 1.5 miles and spend 20 - 40 min at each location. Restrooms, food + beverages, and Wi-Fi are available at the meeting location. - Shop unique vintage + resale fashion (size 0 - 10) - Wear comfy shoes & clothes to easily change in + out of - Please eat before we begin - Bring your metro card or credit card to access subways + buses - Semi-private groups include up to 4 shoppers - Make this tour private when booking all 4 spots, and we’ll include a 5th spot free!
Our meeting spot: New York City’s iconic Eataly. A vibrant marketplace featuring everything Italian! Arrive early before our tour for delicious Italian coffee, meal, dessert or even an adult beverage!
Flatiron Building
Pass by the Flatiron Building built in 1902, designed by Chicago architect Daniel Burnham.
Flatiron District
We will walk through the Flatiron District of New York City on our way to our first shop of fabulous finds in Chelsea.
Madison Square Park
We may walk through New York’s beautiful Madison Square Park where the original Madison Square Garden once stood in 1879 at the northeast corner of East 26th Street and Madison Avenue in Manhattan.
William Jenkins Worth Monument
The Worth Monument was designed by James Goodwin Batterson, who founded Travelers Insurance Company, and was also involved in the design and construction of the United States Capitol and Library of Congress in Washington, D. C., as well as the New York State Capitol in Albany.
Western Union Building
1884 Western Union Building - 186 Fifth Avenue is one of more than 130 branch building locations throughout New York City: Western Union Telegraph Company completed the first transcontinental telegraph line--the wires fabricated in iron--on October 24, 1861.   Two days later the Government ceased operation of the Pony Express service
Tin Pan Alley
Tin Pan Alley was a collection of music publishers and songwriters in New York City which dominated the popular music of the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It originally referred to a specific place: West 28th Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues where George Gershwin began his career as a song plugger (sight reader) in New York’s Tin Pan Alley.
Depending upon the groups desire we may venture out to charming Williamsburg, Brooklyn where we can shop several stores for unique finds.
Greenwich Village
We will walk through the Greenwich Village known for the beatniks and artists in the 1960s where we will visit a couple of stores.
East Village
Depending upon the groups desire we may venture over to the East Village know for it's 1980s punk rock scene and alternative live music in the 1990s.
Together we will visit 4+ shops for women's unique vintage + fun resale fashion, and accessories. Clothing sizes will range between 0 - 10 (small - medium) with fewer XS, L, XL sizes. Some shops will offer jewelry, handbags, shoes, belts, hats, and handbags. At some point we may hop a bus across town or even travel into Brooklyn to visit some more of my favorite shops. Your shopping experience will last 2.5 - 3 hours (including a short meet-up time to evaluate the group’s expectations). We’ll walk approximately 1.5 miles and spend 20 - 40 min at each location. Restrooms, food + beverages, and Wi-Fi are available at the meeting location. - Shop unique vintage + resale fashion (size 0 - 10) - Wear comfy shoes & clothes to easily change in + out of - Please eat before we begin - Bring your metro card or credit card to access subways + buses - Semi-private groups include up to 4 shoppers - Make this tour private when booking all 4 spots, and we’ll include a 5th spot free!
Our meeting spot: New York City’s iconic Eataly. A vibrant marketplace featuring everything Italian! Arrive early before our tour for delicious Italian coffee, meal, dessert or even an adult beverage!
Flatiron Building
Pass by the Flatiron Building built in 1902, designed by Chicago architect Daniel Burnham.
Flatiron District
We will walk through the Flatiron District of New York City on our way to our first shop of fabulous finds in Chelsea.
Madison Square Park
We may walk through New York’s beautiful Madison Square Park where the original Madison Square Garden once stood in 1879 at the northeast corner of East 26th Street and Madison Avenue in Manhattan.
William Jenkins Worth Monument
The Worth Monument was designed by James Goodwin Batterson, who founded Travelers Insurance Company, and was also involved in the design and construction of the United States Capitol and Library of Congress in Washington, D. C., as well as the New York State Capitol in Albany.
Western Union Building
1884 Western Union Building - 186 Fifth Avenue is one of more than 130 branch building locations throughout New York City: Western Union Telegraph Company completed the first transcontinental telegraph line--the wires fabricated in iron--on October 24, 1861.   Two days later the Government ceased operation of the Pony Express service
Tin Pan Alley
Tin Pan Alley was a collection of music publishers and songwriters in New York City which dominated the popular music of the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It originally referred to a specific place: West 28th Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues where George Gershwin began his career as a song plugger (sight reader) in New York’s Tin Pan Alley.
Depending upon the groups desire we may venture out to charming Williamsburg, Brooklyn where we can shop several stores for unique finds.
Greenwich Village
We will walk through the Greenwich Village known for the beatniks and artists in the 1960s where we will visit a couple of stores.
East Village
Depending upon the groups desire we may venture over to the East Village know for it's 1980s punk rock scene and alternative live music in the 1990s.
Together we will visit 4+ shops for women's unique vintage + fun resale fashion, and accessories. Clothing sizes will range between 0 - 10 (small - medium) with fewer XS, L, XL sizes. Some shops will offer jewelry, handbags, shoes, belts, hats, and handbags. At some point we may hop a bus across town or even travel into Brooklyn to visit some more of my favorite shops. Your shopping experience will last 2.5 - 3 hours (including a short meet-up time to evaluate the group’s expectations). We’ll walk approximately 1.5 miles and spend 20 - 40 min at each location. Restrooms, food + beverages, and Wi-Fi are available at the meeting location. - Shop unique vintage + resale fashion (size 0 - 10) - Wear comfy shoes & clothes to easily change in + out of - Please eat before we begin - Bring your metro card or credit card to access subways + buses - Semi-private groups include up to 4 shoppers - Make this tour private when booking all 4 spots, and we’ll include a 5th spot free!
Our meeting spot: New York City’s iconic Eataly. A vibrant marketplace featuring everything Italian! Arrive early before our tour for delicious Italian coffee, meal, dessert or even an adult beverage!
Flatiron Building
Pass by the Flatiron Building built in 1902, designed by Chicago architect Daniel Burnham.
Flatiron District
We will walk through the Flatiron District of New York City on our way to our first shop of fabulous finds in Chelsea.
Madison Square Park
We may walk through New York’s beautiful Madison Square Park where the original Madison Square Garden once stood in 1879 at the northeast corner of East 26th Street and Madison Avenue in Manhattan.
William Jenkins Worth Monument
The Worth Monument was designed by James Goodwin Batterson, who founded Travelers Insurance Company, and was also involved in the design and construction of the United States Capitol and Library of Congress in Washington, D. C., as well as the New York State Capitol in Albany.
Western Union Building
1884 Western Union Building - 186 Fifth Avenue is one of more than 130 branch building locations throughout New York City: Western Union Telegraph Company completed the first transcontinental telegraph line--the wires fabricated in iron--on October 24, 1861.   Two days later the Government ceased operation of the Pony Express service
Tin Pan Alley
Tin Pan Alley was a collection of music publishers and songwriters in New York City which dominated the popular music of the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It originally referred to a specific place: West 28th Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues where George Gershwin began his career as a song plugger (sight reader) in New York’s Tin Pan Alley.
Depending upon the groups desire we may venture out to charming Williamsburg, Brooklyn where we can shop several stores for unique finds.
Greenwich Village
We will walk through the Greenwich Village known for the beatniks and artists in the 1960s where we will visit a couple of stores.
East Village
Depending upon the groups desire we may venture over to the East Village know for it's 1980s punk rock scene and alternative live music in the 1990s.
Together we will visit 4+ shops for women's unique vintage + fun resale fashion, and accessories. Clothing sizes will range between 0 - 10 (small - medium) with fewer XS, L, XL sizes. Some shops will offer jewelry, handbags, shoes, belts, hats, and handbags. At some point we may hop a bus across town or even travel into Brooklyn to visit some more of my favorite shops. Your shopping experience will last 2.5 - 3 hours (including a short meet-up time to evaluate the group’s expectations). We’ll walk approximately 1.5 miles and spend 20 - 40 min at each location. Restrooms, food + beverages, and Wi-Fi are available at the meeting location. - Shop unique vintage + resale fashion (size 0 - 10) - Wear comfy shoes & clothes to easily change in + out of - Please eat before we begin - Bring your metro card or credit card to access subways + buses - Semi-private groups include up to 4 shoppers - Make this tour private when booking all 4 spots, and we’ll include a 5th spot free!
Our meeting spot: New York City’s iconic Eataly. A vibrant marketplace featuring everything Italian! Arrive early before our tour for delicious Italian coffee, meal, dessert or even an adult beverage!
Flatiron Building
Pass by the Flatiron Building built in 1902, designed by Chicago architect Daniel Burnham.
Flatiron District
We will walk through the Flatiron District of New York City on our way to our first shop of fabulous finds in Chelsea.
Madison Square Park
We may walk through New York’s beautiful Madison Square Park where the original Madison Square Garden once stood in 1879 at the northeast corner of East 26th Street and Madison Avenue in Manhattan.
William Jenkins Worth Monument
The Worth Monument was designed by James Goodwin Batterson, who founded Travelers Insurance Company, and was also involved in the design and construction of the United States Capitol and Library of Congress in Washington, D. C., as well as the New York State Capitol in Albany.
Western Union Building
1884 Western Union Building - 186 Fifth Avenue is one of more than 130 branch building locations throughout New York City: Western Union Telegraph Company completed the first transcontinental telegraph line--the wires fabricated in iron--on October 24, 1861.   Two days later the Government ceased operation of the Pony Express service
Tin Pan Alley
Tin Pan Alley was a collection of music publishers and songwriters in New York City which dominated the popular music of the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It originally referred to a specific place: West 28th Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues where George Gershwin began his career as a song plugger (sight reader) in New York’s Tin Pan Alley.
Depending upon the groups desire we may venture out to charming Williamsburg, Brooklyn where we can shop several stores for unique finds.
Greenwich Village
We will walk through the Greenwich Village known for the beatniks and artists in the 1960s where we will visit a couple of stores.
East Village
Depending upon the groups desire we may venture over to the East Village know for it's 1980s punk rock scene and alternative live music in the 1990s.
Together we will visit 4+ shops for women's unique vintage + fun resale fashion, and accessories. Clothing sizes will range between 0 - 10 (small - medium) with fewer XS, L, XL sizes. Some shops will offer jewelry, handbags, shoes, belts, hats, and handbags. At some point we may hop a bus across town or even travel into Brooklyn to visit some more of my favorite shops. Your shopping experience will last 2.5 - 3 hours (including a short meet-up time to evaluate the group’s expectations). We’ll walk approximately 1.5 miles and spend 20 - 40 min at each location. Restrooms, food + beverages, and Wi-Fi are available at the meeting location. - Shop unique vintage + resale fashion (size 0 - 10) - Wear comfy shoes & clothes to easily change in + out of - Please eat before we begin - Bring your metro card or credit card to access subways + buses - Semi-private groups include up to 4 shoppers - Make this tour private when booking all 4 spots, and we’ll include a 5th spot free!
Our meeting spot: New York City’s iconic Eataly. A vibrant marketplace featuring everything Italian! Arrive early before our tour for delicious Italian coffee, meal, dessert or even an adult beverage!
Flatiron Building
Pass by the Flatiron Building built in 1902, designed by Chicago architect Daniel Burnham.
Flatiron District
We will walk through the Flatiron District of New York City on our way to our first shop of fabulous finds in Chelsea.
Madison Square Park
We may walk through New York’s beautiful Madison Square Park where the original Madison Square Garden once stood in 1879 at the northeast corner of East 26th Street and Madison Avenue in Manhattan.
William Jenkins Worth Monument
The Worth Monument was designed by James Goodwin Batterson, who founded Travelers Insurance Company, and was also involved in the design and construction of the United States Capitol and Library of Congress in Washington, D. C., as well as the New York State Capitol in Albany.
Western Union Building
1884 Western Union Building - 186 Fifth Avenue is one of more than 130 branch building locations throughout New York City: Western Union Telegraph Company completed the first transcontinental telegraph line--the wires fabricated in iron--on October 24, 1861.   Two days later the Government ceased operation of the Pony Express service
Tin Pan Alley
Tin Pan Alley was a collection of music publishers and songwriters in New York City which dominated the popular music of the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It originally referred to a specific place: West 28th Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues where George Gershwin began his career as a song plugger (sight reader) in New York’s Tin Pan Alley.
Depending upon the groups desire we may venture out to charming Williamsburg, Brooklyn where we can shop several stores for unique finds.
Greenwich Village
We will walk through the Greenwich Village known for the beatniks and artists in the 1960s where we will visit a couple of stores.
East Village
Depending upon the groups desire we may venture over to the East Village know for it's 1980s punk rock scene and alternative live music in the 1990s.
Show 74 више заустављања
Политика отказивања
All sales are final. No refund is available for cancellations.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (111)
Jan 2019
I really had never ventured into vintage or second hand stores before. They always seemed overwhelming to me. Suzanne took us under her wing and I learned that it could be so much fun! Saw some great stores I would never had looked into. Can't wait to come back with my girlfriends and have Suzanne lead us to some great finds!
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2019
Hi Safari, I'm so happy you had a fun time shopping with me. I just love second-hand shopping. This week I treated myself to a few hours of shopping alone, as you must know I'm always shopping with others and I like to share, but when shopping alone - it's all mine :) I'll be looking forward to shopping with you and your friends!
Dec 2018
Had a great experience browsing through vintage jewelry and accessories with Suzanne. If you are looking for something specific, she will take to different stores that specialize in what you want. I had a great time!
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2019
It's always nice to know that you enjoyed our time shopping together. I hope to see you another time.
Reut H
Dec 2018
I had beautiful time with Suzzane! With such good vibes, chic and a pleasent presence - Suzzane guided us through some cool vintage and second hand shops. She was generous sharing her knowledege, tips and useful "inside" information. Thank you and hope to meet again :)

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New York City