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Знаменитости Смоки Моунтаинс са укљученим ручком

Уживајте у целодневном 6-часовном аутобуском обиласку знаменитости уи око Тхе Греат Смоки Моунтаинс. Ова турнеја такође укључује ручак у Елвирином кафићу у Веарс Валлеи-у. Ова турнеја ће почети у Пигеон Форге-у, упутити се у Гетлинбург ради кратког обиласка града и његове историје, затим на планину до Рокфелеровог меморијала, затим назад доле у ​​Веарс Валлеи на ручак, затим у Товнсенд и Фоотхиллс пре него што се вратите према Пигеон Форге. Успут ћете чути невероватне приче о локалној историји, куповати на неким од најјединственијих места, упознати се са неким од најбољих локалних ресторана, видети неке од најбољих и најмање познатих знаменитости и открити неке од најневероватнијих погледа у Димним планинама. Водиће вас рођени и одрасли мештанин који зна све о томе шта ова подручја могу да понуде. Урадите више од само да видите планине, доживите их као никада раније.
Цити: Пигеон Форге
Tue 19 Nov
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Са почетком у $130.00
Tue 19 Nov
Са почетком у $130.00
Шта је укључено
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Локални водич
Укључује ручак у одличном локалном ресторану
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивои физичке кондиције<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, обуците се прикладно
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Национални парк Греат Смоки Моунтаинс
Провешћемо око 3 сата унутар парка у различитим областима као што су Невфоунд Гап, Елкмонт, Метцалф Боттомс, итд. Постоје неке области са стајалиштима и неке области кроз које само пролазимо.
Музеј железнице и дрвне компаније Литтле Ривер
Посетићемо Артистиц Беан за кафу после бранча, музеј Литтле Ривер Раилроад & Лумбар Цомпани и продавнице Аппле Валлеи.
Елкмонт Гхост Товн
Возићемо се кроз старо летовалиште звано Даиси Товн, град духова у Елкмонту. Не заустављамо се овде, али пружамо информације о историјском подручју.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (33)
Apr 2018
Our tour driver is also the owner . This young man Dustin was born and raised here and his family goes back many generations. His knowledge of the area is overwhelming. We would highly recommend this tour of the Smokey Mt area to all who come here to visit.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2018
I wish you all could ride around with me everyday. I have fun with all my groups but some of folks are just super amazing. I really love my job but folks make it so great its not even work, its like riding around with friends all day. Thank you so much for the kind words and for spending the day with me. It was a true honor to meet you all, please come back and see me again soon.
Melodie W
Nov 2017

Absolutely great tour. Fascinating info about the Smokies and people of the Smokies. We want to come back for more tours.
Thanks for the good lunch and great day.

Brenda M
Oct 2017

The driver was 15-minutes late. He said he had been waiting in line for gas.
Our first stop was for lunch around 10:45 AM at a restaurant out on some highway. It had only been a couple of hours since my husband and I had finished breakfast so he and I sat on the porch waiting another 45-minutes or so to take the tour.
From the restaurant we were taken to a coffee shop. This took another half-hour for everyone to get off, order a drink, and then return to the van.
Then we left for a tour of an old train depot that wasnt even open on that day so we were only allowed to walk around the grounds and look at what was outside.
Then we went to an old part of town to a shopping area and wasted a lot more time. When we finally got on the tour it consisted of him pointing sites out and telling us a little about them and then informing us it would be worth coming back to visit if we had a vehicle And, most of the time in the van was spent listening to his stories about growing up in those parts. He was a very nice man, but I was interested in learning about the area and seeing sites I might ordinarily miss on my own but that did not happen.
This was the worse tour I had ever been on and it cost 100 for each of the two of us. We both felt like we were taken advantage of.

Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
Getting fuel is important, we don't want to run out while on tour. Everyday consists of a safety check, walk around, refueling, and cleaning. Sometimes there can be slight delays but that is very very rare. More often than not I am waiting on passengers who are running late but I never complain because I understand things happen. We didn't just stop at "some restaurant on some highway" we stopped at Elvira's, one of the best reviewed local restaurants in the Smoky Mountains. People can wait upwards of 45 minutes just to get a seat to dine there but our passengers rarely have to wait more than a couple minutes when we visit. Lunch is included on the tour and if you opted to miss out and sit on the porch there's little I can do about that. We generally stop for lunch at 12 noon though, the route won't even allow us to be there at 10:30. We go from Pigeon Forge through Gatlinburg up to the top of the mountain and back down past Elkmont through Metcalf bottoms into Wears Valley. That takes about 4 hours if you include the 30 min stop at the top of the mountain. The stories I tell on my tours are those passed down to me from 7 generations of family who have lived in the Smoky Mountains, im sorry if they were not to your liking. If you just came to see sights and didn't want to learn about the history then I recommend putting that money into gas for your own vehicle and doing a self guided tour. The park is the park, it doesn't change very fast, there are no hidden areas that I know that aren't listed for you to see on your own. What I add is knowledge about that area and the people who lived there. Having lived in this area my entire life and having family who's been here since 1803 I know more than most about the history of the area before and after the park was established. We drive over 200 miles on this tour and you only pointed out the bathroom stops and the lunch you refused. This is a bus tour, we do not stop at every area we pass because it would be a 2-3 day tour rather than a 6 hour tour. Most people already think 6 hours is a long time to be on a tour as it is. I'm sorry you were disappointed but I'll keep telling my stories and enjoying lunch at Elvira's.

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