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Посебан обилазак – јужни обод Великог кањона са обиласком терена (ПЈКС)

Ова тура полази са аеродрома Деер Валлеи у Фениксу. Укључује спектакуларан поглед на Националну шуму Тонто, реку Верде, формације Црвене стене Седоне, врхове Сан Франциска, Осликану пустињу и резерват Индијанаца Навахо. Лет се наставља сликовитим прелетом Великог кањона на рути којом је дозвољено да лети само неколико компанија. <бр><бр>После прелета, турнеја слеће на аеродром Гранд Цанион, који се налази само неколико минута од улаза у Национални парк Гранд Цанион. Ваш обилазак терена обезбеђује професионални туристички водич који ће вас одвести до сликовитих погледа унутар Националног парка Гранд Цанион. Ваша последња станица биће у историјском селу Гранд Цаниона, где можете посетити разне ложе и друге продавнице и галерије, које се све налазе дуж обода, што олакшава сагледавање Великог кањона са много различитих тачака. Опциони ручак у кутији је доступан за куповину.
Цити: Пхоеник
Tue 19 Nov
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Са почетком у $799.00
Tue 19 Nov
Са почетком у $799.00
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Ваздушна тура
Обилазак Хамера са водичем
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Минимум од 3 путника по тури. 2 путника могу да резервишу, али могу бити предмет доплате од 275 УСД ако минимум није испуњен.*
Шта да очекујете
Национални парк Гранд Цанион
Сликовити, испричани лет изнад најширег и најдубљег дела Великог кањона.
Лет изнад црвених стена Седоне - могуће заустављање на аеродрому Седона ради преузимања путника.
Сан Францисцо Пеакс
Поглед из ваздуха на највишу тачку у Аризони, планину Хамфрис
Национална шума Цоцонино
Сликовит лет изнад висоравни Коконино
Гранд Цанион Соутх Рим
3 хр. Обилазак Хамера у национални парк заустављајући 3 различита погледа.
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Коментара (61)
Andy L
Nov 2017
great trip--the Grand Canyon is amazing and has to be seen--the view from the plane is excellent. don't be afraid of flying. use time at the Canyon to walk rather than sit in the jeep.
Rachel L
Oct 2017
I'm conflicted as to how to review Westwind as we had two different planes for our group of 16 family and friends (ages ranging from 25 - 60) who had completely different experiences on our flight over the Grand Canyon from Page Airport. My flight (which I'll refer to as plane 1), which was supposedly the NON-executive plane, had an awesome pilot named Mark, who communicated with us throughout the flight, pointing out where to look (and there's a lot you won't see/notice if you're not directed) and forewarning us of turbulence. His humor and constant, clear communication made a semi-scary extremely turbulent flight as comfortable as it could possibly be. A few of us threw up from the bumpiness, but we felt very safe in Mark's hands and were all happy with our experience. Our other plane of 8 people however (plane 2), had an entirely different experience. This plane we were told was the "executive plane" - nicer seats, etc. However, unlike plane 1 which had secure shoulder straps and individual seats for each person, this plane only had waist belts, the last row of the plane was a bench, and their seats were not in a fixed position and so were aggressively sliding back and forth throughout the flight. This constant movement, paired with turbulence, resulted in everyone slamming their heads into the ceiling multiple times (confirmed by every passenger) and 5 of the 8 passengers vomiting throughout the flight (so much vomit that my mom (the guest of honor) had to clean out the plane after they landed while the pilot stood by watching). One person got so sick they had to go to the hospital afterwards and 3 others were ill for the rest of the day and unable to participate in the activities we had planned. Of the 8 people on plane 2, only TWO people actually saw the Grand Canyon because the others were so sick, or scared that they couldn't look. To make matters worse, their captain, unlike ours, did not speak once throughout the entire flight. Not only did this mean they weren't getting told where to look (which you think would be a no-brainer for a tour like this), but it also made everyone incredibly nervous as they continued to hit worse and worse turbulence. Honestly, when I initially heard how terrible a time they had, I thought they were being dramatic, but when I heard THESE details (seats sliding around, heads slamming into the ceiling, and a captain who did not speak the entire 1.5 hour flight) and they were confirmed by every single passenger, I was furious. Upon landing, as the majority of our group was throwing up outside the airport, the captains told us that that was the worst conditions they've ever flown through and that they were cancelling the rest of the flights for that day. While I'm of course glad that I (and the lucky others on plane 1 were able to see the Grand Canyon, I'm also a little skeptical of Westwind's judgment to 1) fly us in such bad conditions and 2) fly half of our group on a plane that seems incredibly unsafe and with a pilot who apparently doesn't have basic communication skills. That's not just "bad conditions," that is bad judgement and completely unacceptable and infuriating when lifes are on the line. And finally, it's really disappointing that a once in a lifetime experience was turned into a harrowing, sickening flight from hell.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2018
Hey Rachel, First off thank you for leaving a review and feedback from your personal experience on our tour. It would be nice to say that I am glad you, in plane 1, at least had a great experience but I am unable to do so because any passenger who doesn't have a great experience, like those in plane 2, means that we have failed to fulfill our mission and duty. According to your review, it's apparent that we dropped the ball in multiple areas and as Westwind's General Manager I can assure you that we are extremely saddened to see this review. It is inconsistent with 99% of our passenger experiences and also runs against the grain of Our Mission which we are so passionately motivated to create and fulfill in every individual who walks through our doors. I sincerely apologize that you had this experience and should the opportunity ever prevent itself to make things right with another experience we would be honored and would do whatever it took to replace this negative experience with a positive one. Should it be possible, feel free to contact me personally in advance at [email protected].​ Sincerely, Nicholas Beaird General Manager
Michael B
Aug 2017

Truly outstanding. What a fantastic way to spend a day. After having this experience, I would never consider driving to Grand Canyon. The trip from Phoenix gave a great opportunity to see the interesting parts of northern AZ.

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