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Екскурзија Скагваи Схоре: Јукон псеће санкање и обилазак знаменитости

Возите се са неким од врхунских аљаских тркаћих хаскија, едукативном презентацијом питања и одговора о мушингу од стране наших стручњака за муширање и посетом БЕСПЛАТНОМ кампу за штене. Осетите узбуђење вожње са искусним возачем псећих саоница по усеченим стазама кроз дивљину Јукона!<бр><бр>Ова 6-сатна тура која полази из продавнице кокица у Иукон Хеатх-у у 9:00. Ова тура има заустављање на мосту капетана Мура и Тутсхију. Следећа посета Царибоу Цроссинг Идитарод кампу за обуку у трајању од приближно 1 сат. Ово вам даје времена за ручак, музеј дивљих животиња, фарму за кућне љубимце и штенце! Обилазак ће вас такође одвести до Смарагдног језера, знака Јукон, знака Добродошли на Аљаску, а постоји могућност уочавања дивљих животиња укључујући медведе, овце, карибуе, лосове, рисове, лисице, орлове и лосове. Превоз је обезбеђен у аутобусу за 24 путника, а у пратњи сте возача/водича.
Цити: Скагваи
Wed 06 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $195.00
Wed 06 Nov
Са почетком у $195.00
Шта је укључено
Професионални возач/водич
Музеј дивљих животиња
Коментар уживо на броду
Петтинг Фарм
Ручак - два избора ручка, пилетина или вегетаријански. Укључује кафу, чај или воду.
Аутобуси могу да приме до 32 особе, са разгласом за лакше слушање
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Имајте на уму: А важећи пасош или пасошка картица је ПОТРЕБАН на СВИМ турама! Ако немате ниједно од њих, обратите се канадској царини за додатне информације о другој документацији која се може користити.<ли>Обиласци полазе из Иукон Хеатх'с Попцорн Емпориум, који се налази на адреси 5тх & Броадваи. Планирајте да стигнете најмање 30 минута пре поласка вашег обиласка. Молимо вас да НЕ заборавите своје пасоше! Ако имате било каквих питања, позовите нас <ли>Вегетаријанска опција је доступна, ваш туристички водич/професионални возач ће се распитати о вашем избору пре поласка на излет<ли>Склопива неелектрична инвалидска колица/шетаче могу бити смештени под условом да је путник у пратњи некога ко може да им помогне да се укрцају и искрцају<ли>Држављани САД и Канаде: Морају да понесу личну карту са фотографијом коју је издала влада и доказ о држављанству (извод из матичне књиге рођених у САД или уверење о натурализацији) или пасош за поновни улазак у Сједињене Државе. За децу до 18 година потребан је само извод из матичне књиге рођених.<ли>Ван САД Грађани: За поновни улазак у Сједињене Државе потребна је или пасош, И-94, виза за више улазака или резидентна карта за странце<ли>Свака тура функционише у свим временским условима – наше време може веома да варира, тако да ми препоручујемо да се облачите вишеслојно.<ли>Одређена заустављања обиласка могу да се мењају на основу услова на путу и ​​временских прилика.
Шта да очекујете
Соутхеаст Тоурс
• 6-часовни обилазак који полази из Иукон Хеатх'с Попцорн Емпориум у 480 Броадваи у Скагваиу у 9 ујутро. Обилазак се враћа у Скагвеј у 16:30 (потврдите да ваш брод полази најмање 1 сат након повратка обиласка) • Садржи све што ћете видети уз наш Иукон Дисцовери Тоур ПЛУС, а затим 15-минутну авантуру са псима! • Мали туристички аутобуси који примају до 32 особе • Молимо да дођете најмање 30 минута пре времена поласка • НЕМОЈТЕ заборавити своје пасоше! Заустави укључују: • Висећи мост капетана Мура, са задивљујућим погледом на фјорд испод. • Тутсхи (изговара се ТОО СХИ) Високо • Царибоу Цроссинг Царибоу Цроссинг Идитарод тренинг камп, отприлике 1 сат, дајући вам времена за ручак, музеј дивљих животиња, фарму за кућне љубимце и ШТЕНЦЕ! • Смарагдно језеро - једно од најфотографисанијих језера у Јукону • Иукон знак - зауставите се да бисте се сликали док улазите на територију канадског Јукона • Знак „Добродошли на Аљаску“ – налази се на врху Белог пролаза који гледа на границу између САД и Канаде. • Могуће уочавање дивљих животиња; укључујући медведе, овце, карибуе, лосове, рисове, лисице, орлове и лосове.
С.С. Тутсхи
Тутсхи (изговара се ТОО СХИ) Високо
Царибоу Цроссинг Традинг Пост
Царибоу Цроссинг Царибоу Цроссинг Идитарод тренинг камп, отприлике 1 сат, дајући вам времена за ручак, музеј дивљих животиња, фарму за љубимце и ШТЕНЦЕ!
Емералд Лаке
Смарагдно језеро - једно од најфотографисанијих језера у Јукону
Show 1 више заустављања
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (49)
Aug 2018
WOW! The previous reviews were correct. When you get a warm greeting from Heath the Operator in the Popcorn Shop ask for Bryon. He gives a great local/not local perspective of Skagway and the Yukon Territory. Great community with an awesome last frontier history. The scenery and wild life on the Canadian side is awesome. Be grateful you didn't take the train. Even though heat conditions were dangerous for the sled dogs to run in the Puppies were great. Heath told us up front we were going to be refunded for the sled experience because of the Red Flag conditions. Meeting a 5 time Iditirod Finisher who is only 7 was awesome. The food is good and home cooked. Take some time to talk to the staff at the kennel, incredible knowledge on the dog sled sport. We told Bryon at the end of the trip that the reviews were right and we couldn't wait to share our praise of his service.
Mary H
Aug 2018
Scenery was fantastic, weather was HOT (in the mid 80's) and I felt we really got our money's worth. The disappointing part of the trip was we didn't get to have a dog sled ride as it was too hot for the dogs to be out pulling us around. They would have preferred to have it 100 degrees lower. This was not anyone's fault and we were glad that the dogs were not being punished by the heat but being cared for. Didn't really get to interact with the puppies as they were under tables in the shade and also kind of knocked out by the heat. Our guide was a riot and kept up an interesting monologue about the area, formation of the glaciers and funny personal stories that were truly entertaining. Would love to take this again and have the temperature be about 30 or 40 degrees lower. Thanks Bryon for a great day!
Jul 2018
I reserved 24 seats on the Yukon Discovery Tour And Dog Sled ride three months before our 7/26/2019 trip. I confirmed our booking a few times over the phone. I specifically asked about seatbelts on the bus for a car seat. I was reassured that there would be a seat for the 8 month old’s carseat. I called 5 days before our trip to confirm what time to arrive and what to expect. When we arrived at 10:10 for our 10:30 tour we were told to wait. There were no onsite bathrooms for our large group that included people from age 6 to 82. We were lead to our bus to meet our driver/guide, Maria. When I asked about seatbelts, she said the bus didn’t have them. I asked if they were required, after all it was in the USA, Alaska, she just said the bus didn’t have them. We got seated on the bus with the car seat wedged between two seats. Maria then went into a 15 minute speech about herself and how she left home and has not called her mother for three years. This did not sit well with the 4 generations of my family on board the bus. We started out in the precarious roads, the bus noise was loud and the ride uncomfortable. Maria narrated the tour with various misinformation about Alaska and Yukon. A few minutes into the ride she announced we would not be able to ride the dog sleds because it was too hot. At this point we were already on the tour. When I asked questions about the cancellation she stated she didn’t know anything about it because she was just a contract employee. Each stop we made, she rushed us off and on telling us to hop like bunnies because we were on a schedule. We were the only people on this bus, so why was she rushing us? We made it to the sledding place to eat a great lunch and play with puppies. The owner of the Carcross stop was mortified that we were not informed about the dogsled situation. He gave us a nice tour of the little farm and a musher gave us a nice talk. He ended it with free ice cream. We paid $3400 for 24 people to go on an unsafe ride, receive false information, be rushed on an incomplete tour. I spoke to the office the next day and they told me the owner would call me today. He has not. I called Viator and explained. They refunded me $65 per person, the value of the dogsled. By the way, at carcross the dog sled ride is $45 Canadian dollars. My suggestion is rent a car and drive your group yourself, with seat belts! Save $2000 and enjoy a great tour at Carcross.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2018
As the owner, I would like to sincerely apologize for the negative experience you had on our tour. Customer satisfaction is our highest priority and when unexpected challenges arise, like what happened on your tour, we try to take quick action to address the situation. You stated in your review that the owner did not contact you. That was not the case. I personally called the number we had on file for your group multiple times that same evening and was not able to get through. When I couldn't reach you I called Viator and explained what happened and authorized your refund. I had planned to call you again in a few days once you were home from your cruise. In regards to your specific concerns, I want to address them on this response because some of your claims are inaccurate.. It is true the dog mushing camp sells a 15 minute dog cart ride for $45. That was not the tour you purchased. Your tour was scheduled for a 30 minute ride that is why the price was different. We don't sell the shorter rides because guest complain they don't get enough time with the dogs. You paid $3400.00 for your tour,and we refunded $1560.00. As to the seat belt complaint, we don';t have seat belts on any of our larger buses. They are not required in Alaska, and most, if not all, larger buses in Skagway do not have them installed. Because of this incident, we are notifying all travel agents that sell this tour with this update so this does not happen in the future. In regards to bathroom stops, there are multiple stops available including where you ate lunch. Our driver Maria is a seasoned driver with years of experience. I think she was telling you personal stories to give you some perspective on her life experience. We have instructed her to be more sensitive with her comments in the future. All the details of this tour have been discussed at length with our guides and we will make great efforts to make sure that other clients don't have the same experience. As stated above, customer satisfaction is our number one priority and we appreciate your feedback. Sincerely, Heath Goebel Owner Southeast Tours

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