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Прескочите ред: Генерална улазница за Вебб војни музеј

Овај музеј је све о војној историји на личном нивоу и представља колекцију војних артефаката које сам почео да сакупљам пре више од 40 година. Поседујемо многе предмете, али одабрани предмети које представљамо у овом музеју су они са причом за испричати. Када наши посетиоци изађу из музеја, надамо се да ће имати нову приврженост особама које су носиле униформе, капе и медаље.
Цити: Савана
Sat 19 Oct
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Sat 19 Oct
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Веб војни музеј
Смештен у историјском центру Саване, Веб војни музеј садржи војне артефакте од америчког грађанског рата до пустињске олује. Оригиналне униформе, покривала за главу и опрема су приказани у пролазном окружењу. Музеј одаје почаст нашим војницима из свих ратова и родова. Многи дисплеји садрже именоване групе војника који истичу њихове приче о служби. Посета Војном музеју Веб сигурно ће нам вратити љубав према историји и схватање колико дугујемо нашим мушкарцима и женама у униформама. АКТИВНА ВОЈНА ЈЕ БЕСПЛАТНА!
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Коментара (96)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Jan 2020
Been to a lot of military museums. But I will never forget, nay, I shall return to Webb military museum. The collection is incredibly interesting. Why? Because it is literally a private collection. The collector is there in the afternoons and at least half the items have a story with them. It is small as museums go, but in this case it works to it's benefit. If your into military history, check this out.
Jan 2020
Mr. Webb has the LARGEST collection that I have seen that is personal. He is an avid history person and most of his collection that is shown comes from his own family. He has collected a lot over the years and his collection is only second from the National Infantry Museum in Ft. Benning! Personally, I wouldn't miss this if you're a history person! Ask him for his Civil War Shrapenal pictures the size of a pin! Those to me were the BEST pictures! And if you're reading this Mr. Webb, thank you for showing your collection to the world! :)
Jan 2020
Walking into the Webb Military Museum, you are surprised at how much military hardware you can find in such a small space. Even inside the smallest military museum I’ve ever visited, Mr. Webb impressively managed to squeeze in the entire cockpit section of an East German MiG-21 fighter jet, which sits right in the middle of the room. However, sometimes the most impressive items at the museum are the smallest. Take, for instance, the signature of American flying ace Eddie Rickenbacker positioned right below his very own jacket, or the tiny newspaper snippet detailing the hilarious exploits of a 15-year-old who ran away from home to join the Navy. Another great feature of the museum is the privilege to get hands-on with historic items as a visitor: In one visit alone you may get the opportunity to try on battle-worn uniforms and helmets from several countries, explore the contents of a German Panzer crewman’s wallet (including, amusingly, a condom wrapper from the 1940’s), and even gaze into pieces of shrapnel from the Civil War that sport microscopically-tiny photographs of soldiers taken in the 1860’s hidden inside. What really sells the museum though is Mr. Webb himself. A talented artist with a knack for finding and preserving rare military memorabilia, if you are lucky enough to meet him in person he will gladly take you on a personal tour of his museum. In fact, during my visit he was not even present, but took the time to come to the museum just to introduce himself and show us around. From used ammunition crates, binders hidden on top of shelves, and drawers full of documents, Mr. Webb will show you photographs and papers that you might not even realize were there, and also tell you a special story regarding each artifact. As a man whose family members fought in both World Wars and more recent conflicts, Mr. Webb often has stories to tell that are close to his heart, and it shows in his passion for storytelling. For instance, you may spot the gas mask his mother wore in London during the Blitz, but there is something visceral and touching about hearing just how lucky she was to survive from Mr. Webb himself. In an already-quirky and amazing museum, the owner amplified the experience even further and made my visit an experience I will not soon forget. I don’t think there are many military museums where I could say the same thing for the same reasons.

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