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Сканк воз: Вуково дрво окретање од Виллитса

Ово повратно путовање од 2 сата одвешће вас од дна долине Виллитс до највише тачке на нашој железничкој линији. Током овог путовања проћи ћете кроз тунел бр. 2 и спустити се у кањон реке Нојо дебели од секвоје – невероватна еколошка земља чуда и одлична прилика да откријете моћне дивове који су прославили округ Мендоцино.<бр><бр>Воз ће зауставите се накратко у Кроулију док уживате у сјају једног од најстаријих и најпознатијих стабала дуж наше руте. Вуково дрво је тако названо по великом расту са једне стране - шумар је назвао ова вучја стабла јер гуше мања стабла и шибље. Путници могу да изађу из воза током нашег заустављања у Кроулију, како би боље уживали у погледу.<бр><бр>Путовање до Кроулија обавићете једним од наших историјских дизел-електричних мотора.
Цити: Мендоцино
Thu 02 Jan
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Thu 02 Jan
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Коментара (129)
Jul 2021
I wish I could say I recommend this experience. But I can’t. We went on the 2:00 excursion Yesterday rday. Made it to the half way point where they let us get off and explore; do trails. We were told to be back at a certain time and they would also do a 5 minute whistle. Ok cool. So, we did the trail- and was on the way back. 5 minute whistle went off- and we didn’t make it. I take TOTAL responsibility for not making it. We tried but obviously we were too slow. And by maybe a minute- we could see them backing up to return to Fort Bragg. Anyways ; I called the train station to inform them that we missed the train. Without much of ANY regard - they said they had no way of getting us and that we would have to walk back. We walked back. Very unhappily but what other choice did we have. My biggest complaint of this is their lack of accountability of their passengers. What if a person got hurt on the trail and was alone ? What if it was and elderly person that had no cell phone; a person that spoke limited English and couldn’t call the train station? We walked back in flip flops with a puppy (me and my 2 teen ish kids) and when we got back at 4 (they left us at 2:45 ish) the train station was closed. So there was no one to check on us; nothing. If I hadn’t called to inform them that I missed the train they would have had NO IDEA. THIS is what makes me not recommend it. Because so many things could put people in a position that they wouldn’t make it back. The skunk train should do a passenger count and maybe have workers that are around the trail to inform Passengers of the train leaving etc. also they should post how long the trail is; and maybe 1/2;3/4 markers so you can make the decision to turn back if your time is running short. I will be calling tomorrow to actually talk to the train station about this too.
Jul 2021
This was a nice experience, but overpriced ($200-$250 for 2 persons) for a 20 minute ride, one way—20 minutes back. You could only go that far because of the tunnel collapse. Then you get off, they turn the bikes around and you return back on the same track. No snacks included. I agree with some of the other reviewers, that the price should be more like $150. It is however, well run and enjoyable while it lasted. It will be nice when they reconstruct the tunnel, so that the train can again go to Willits and you can actually enjoy a more scenic ride. Just for comparison, the rail bikes near Reno (Carson Canyon Railbikes) are only $45 per person in a 4-person bike and you get a 70-90 minute ride—with snacks.
Jun 2021
I personally did not enjoy the trip and it was quite expensive. My dog did enjoy it though. We did the Wolf Tree Route which was pretty much just looking at bushes and homes along the sides of the tracks. There was a short stop in Crowley with a few benches in the shade, but otherwise no shade (it was 98 degrees that day). Then the trip back as just in reverse seeing the same things. I’ve been on other train trips through actual forested redwoods that are 1/2 the price of the Skunk Train.

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