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Обилазак кањона антилопе за мале групе и обилазак потковице из Флагстафа

Дођите и видите чудесни свет кањона Антелопе. Кањон је дугачак, уски кањон, дубок 120 стопа и исклесан до запањујућег савршенства током миленијума. То је заиста призор за посматрање. Није случајно што је овај кањон светски познат по својој лепоти и фотографским могућностима и једно је од чуда америчког југозапада које морате видети. Имајте на уму да је наша политика отказивања да нас обавестите 48 сати пре ваше турнеје како бисмо добили пуни повраћај новца.
Цити: Флагстафф
Sun 03 Nov
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Sun 03 Nov
Са почетком у $284.51
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Преузимање и одлазак у хотел (у границама града) Приближно 7:30 ујутро
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Локални порез на промет
Глен Цанион Брана/језеро Пауел
Хорсесхое Бенд
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници би требало да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Удобна одећа и обућа за путовање (патике су у реду)<ли>Слојеви се препоручују током јесењи, зимски и пролећни месеци<ли>Обилазак захтева способност ходања по неравном, неасфалтираном терену у трајању од 90 минута.<ли>Не заборавите камеру<ли>Ручак обезбеђен<ли>Гости морају бити у покрету<ли>ПОТРЕБНЕ ИНФОРМАЦИЈЕ О ХОТЕЛУ 72 САТА ПРЕ ДАТУМА ОБИЛАЗЕЊА<ли>Маске за лице су обавезне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице потребно за водиче у јавним просторима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употреба<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Провере температуре за путнике по доласку <ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака<ли>Плакати Безбедносног протокола су постављени у свим комбијима заједно са овим обавештењем Флаширана вода ће и даље бити обезбеђена нашим гостима у хладњаку на комбију који води водич (у рукавицама) ће дистрибуирати на захтев
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Коментара (48)
Feb 2020
We had a fantastic trip. Tim, our guide, taught us about the history and geography of each area as we traveled through. We had a good lunch in Page, and the stop at Horseshoe Bend was long enough to explore and enjoy the site. He gave excellent advice about photography in Antelope Canyon (let your guide take pictures for you). Antelope Canyon was beautiful and unique.
Jan 2020
We picked this particular tour because they picked you up at your Flagstaff hotel and had positive reviews with great photos. I am SO GLAD we picked this tour company and SO GLAD we were lucky enough to have Chris as our tour guide. Chris picked us up at the hotel lobby, got us signed in, gave us bottles of water and began the tour. He was well-spoken, well-traveled, very knowledgeable, very entertaining and obviously enjoys his job! He kept us all informed and entertained. The Horseshoe Bend portion was really cool. The walk in is about 2/3 miles and is mostly downhill. My 76 year old Mom had a little trouble with the walk out as it is a slow, upward walk. She did fine overall The jewel of this tour is Antelope Canyon. It exceeded our expectations in every way!! Since it is located on Navajo land, you must be escorted by a certified Navajo guide. Chris was well informed about the process, got us to the Navajo Tour office with time to spare, and got us registered and on the first tour van for the afternoon, a big plus so you can be in the first group entering the canyon. We were lucky enough to have Nate as our Navajo guide. He actually helped us program our iPhones to the correct settings to maximize photo quality in the canyon. He took mine and others’ and adjusted the settings. He escorted us into the canyon and we immediately began taking photos. Nate would tell us where to stand for the best photos, would actually take photos of us, and helped us take photos by ourselves. He ushered us through the canyon pointing out the unique characteristics of the canyon and how it formed. He was absolutely fantastic!!! We got amazing photos. This place is like no where on Earth!!! And believe it or not, the photos don’t really do it justice!! After the canyon tour, Chris took us to get souvenirs and drove us back to Flagstaff, continuing tour talk the whole way! We loved it!! He covered history, geography and geology of the whole area!!! Fascinating!!! Chris also made recommendations for dinner. We ate at Black Bart’s and it was phenomenal!! I can not recommend this tour company (Arizona Tour Travel) and this tour guide(Chris) enough!! What a fantastic day!!!
Jan 2020
We booked this tour after reading other reviews and seeing photos believing that if it is even close to as beautiful as the posted photos, we had to see it ourselves. We picked this particular tour because they pick you up at your Flagstaff hotel and had good reviews with cool photos. I am SO happy we chose this tour and this tour company. Chris picked us up at our hotel lobby at 0800. He is a phenomenal tour guide. He is well-informed, well-traveled, well-spoken, funny, and obviously loves his job. He was informative while also entertaining the group, a very impressive skill. He combined history, geography and geology, and all are very important to truly have the experience we got to have today. He also provided bottles of water for the ride up to the Page, AZ area. Horseshoe Bend is beautiful and definitely worth seeing. The walk from the parking lot to the canyon edge is about 3/4 miles. The walk back out was a little difficult for my 76 year old Mom because it is an uphill slope, but she took her time and did fine. You have to have someone from the Navajo Nation take you to tour Antelope Canyon. Nate was the guide Chris arranged for us. We were placed on the first bus in line, which meant we got there before other groups. This was nice because Nate made sure that we got good photos before other groups entered. Nate took each of our phones/ cameras and changed the settings to optimize photography in the canyon. He made sure we got in the canyon quickly and had lots of time to take photos without other groups/ people in our photos. Nate made sure we got THE BEST photos and also made sure we were in some of the photos. Antelope Canyon EXCEEDED ANY expectations we had!!! This is probably the MOST beautiful and majestic natural phenomena we’ve ever seen and can’t believe we got to actually experience it!! Photos were unbelievable, yet still DO NOT do it justice. On the ride home, Chris continued to tell us history of the area, including information about the Grand Canyon Railway in Williams, Sedona highlights, and history of the Navajo. He also made recommendations for supper, Black Bart’s Steakhouse. The 6 of us ate there and were very impressed with the food, the atmosphere and the entertainment. I cannot emphasize enough how much we appreciated and enjoyed Chris as our tour guide today. And Nate made our trip into Antelope Canyon even better than it would have been by helping us get phenomenal photos. We will be coming back and bringing our teenage kids and we will do THIS TOUR and will REQUEST Chris. Thank you for an OUTSTANDING day and experience!

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