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Једнодневни обилазак Великог кањона за мале групе из Флагстафа

Истражите једно од 7 светских чуда помоћу нашег најбоље оцењеног обиласка са водичем по Великом кањону—оценом бр. 1 обиласком Великог кањона из Флагстафа на ТрипАдвисору! Препустите логистику и вожњу нама и уживајте у обиласку који покрива скоро 25 миља дуж јужног руба Великог кањона.<бр><бр>Полазак ујутру из Флагстаффа, Аризона, уживајте у удобној вожњи кроз борове шуме Пондероса док се крећете до Великог кањона. Када стигнемо, наши водичи ће се побринути да не пропустите ништа са више заустављања дуж обода, укључујући све најбоље видиковце и историјска места. Истражите познате и историјске грађевине, као што су хотел Ел Товар, Десерт Виев Ватцхтовер и невероватне рушевине Тусаиан.<бр><бр>Киша или сунце, наши професионални водичи су од помоћи, са знањем и жељним да одговоре на сва ваша горућа питања о Великом кањону. На нашој турнеји, обавеза нам је да Вам пружимо јединствено искуство на једној од најлепших дестинација у земљи.
Цити: Флагстафф
Mon 18 Nov
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Са почетком у $194.00
Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $194.00
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Обилазак полази из канцеларије Гранд Цанион Адвентурес у Флагстаффу, АЗ. Доступан је бесплатан паркинг. <ли>Укључена је мала количина ходања, саветују се удобне ципеле за ходање.<ли>Минимална старост је 4 године. Овај обилазак није погодан за бебе и малу децу.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу
Шта да очекујете
Липан Поинт
Још један од наших омиљених погледа на јужни руб Националног парка Гранд Цанион.
Тусаиан рушевине и музеј
Изванредно историјско место које садржи рушевине старих староседелаца.
Моран Поинт
Још један од наших омиљених погледа на Соутх Рим
Геолошки музеј Иавапаи
Предиван геолошки музеј и изванредан видиковац на ободу Великог кањона
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Коментара (375)
Apr 2018
This is my second time visiting the Grand Canyon. The first time I came and relied on myself to see this massive spectacular wonder of the world. It did not compare to this trip! I decided to take my 75 year old mother to see the Grand Canyon. I researched many tour operations to find one that was with minimal hiking, informative but exciting. THIS WAS PERFECT. Now if you are wanting to hike the Grand Canyon... this is not your tour. But if you want to see the canyon, learn about the history, the geology, and little bits of history that you won’t find on the information boards if you take the tour yourself...this is your tour! We also were lucky enough to have MATT. He is just a wealth of information and had an answer for every question we threw at him. He really knew the area, the history and made the trip fun and exciting! He called us all by our names and was super personable!! The company picks you up at your hotel and drives you around the entire trip...going to multiple viewing areas and showing us things I never saw in my first trip. I see the difference in trips when I went without a guide and with a guide and will always recommend the guide! Pros: easy trip, good for those who do not want to hike, very informative about the Canyon and surrounding towns Cons: does not include a hike but they have another tour option for that!! So it’s not really a con.
Apr 2018
We signed up for this tour as an intro to the canyon never having been there before. What a great trip! Zoe was very informative throughout the trip and gave us time to experience the awesome wonder of the canyon. Parking was also fabulous because our minibus could go where the regular people could not. So glad we did this tour first. Now we have our bearings and are ready to go back on our own to tackle hikes.
Apr 2018
We were in Flagstaff for 2 days of canyon viewing in April 2018. Family of 4, 2 boys 11 & 15. We wanted to see the Grand Canyon & Antelope. I decided to book one day as a tour and one day on our own. You can definitely visit the GC for less than what we paid for the tour but I wanted us to learn on the ride back and forth (1.5 - 2 hours each way) and it worked out exactly as I hoped. GCA picked us up promptly at our hotel and our guide Ryan was great. He shared info with us the whole ride up, and not just about the canyon itself but about the people who lived and do live around it. It was history, it was environmental, it was social, it was political... He touched on so many categories of info. Not just the stats which we could research on our own. He brought us in by Desert View and we worked our way towards the Village. This plan results in less crowds at your first few stops and saves the biggest crowds for last stop. In all honesty, I could have bypassed the Village completely. The views were no more spectacular and we weren't there for souvenirs. I think most of our group would have agreed and if we'd known ahead of time I think Ryan would have adjusted and taken us to a different stop. He was completely open to customizing based on what we were enjoying and what we wanted to see. We took a different route back to Flagstaff; it was nice not to see the same route in reverse on the way back. AND the included lunch was good. We stopped at one of the quieter viewing locations and sat in the sun with sandwiches (which my kids now call GC turkey sandwiches) pasta salad, fruit, chips and drinks. A great way to view the GC for our first time and took a lot of the thinking and planning out of our hands.

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